GENERAL INFORMATION FOR PRESENTERSWe are delighted to have received your contributions and your support to the technical programme, which will result in a successful conference. Below you will find some useful information. SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTSThe submission has closed! GUIDELINE FOR WRITING PAPERSPlease use this template when writing your paper:
SUBMISSION OF FULL PAPERS - INSTRUCTIONSWhen preparing the paper, please follow this template:
Full papers shall be submitted to FIG in electronic format to: [email protected]. If you have problems with email the paper can be submitted (in electronic format) by mailing it to: International Federation of Surveyors Please include at the end of your paper all your contact details, including name, address, phone and fax numbers and email address. When submitting a paper the author(s) agree that FIG has the right to publish the paper in the conference proceedings (at the conference and on the FIG web site); in the FIG Surveyors Reference Library; and in the FIG online journal (if selected for this purpose) without any other agreement or compensation. The copyright of the paper remains by the author(s). Receipt of your paper will be acknowledged electronically according to the time schedules. PEER REVIEW PAPERSIntroductionThe aim of the Peer Review is to
General Procedure
In the conference programme a paper that has been accepted by the peer review process will be marked “This is a peer reviewed paper”. Papers that are not accepted by the peer review process can be offered to the conference as non peer reviewed papers. If you want to present a peer review paper at the FIG Working Week 2015 you shall submit your full paper by 20 October 2014. When preparing the paper, please follow the guidelines prepared for papers. Please feel free to submit a paper on any topic related to the specific topics of FIG 2014. Deadlines for different steps can be seen below under important dates. Important: In addition to submitting the full
paper, you shall also submit an abstract of your paper online to FIG
database on the following web site: Please mark “This abstract is
submitted for peer review”. SPEAKERS PREPARATION ROOMLocation: To be announced All Speakers are requested to visit the Speakers’ preparation room at least 24 hours prior to the start of your session. There will be technicians waiting to assist you. You are required to have your presentation on an USB Memory Stick, CD-Rom, or External Portable Hard Drive, and the technician will download your presentation to the central system. You will help the technicians by having the session number of your presentation ready so that we can make sure that your presentation will be sent to the correct session room. Please notice that there are no computers available for elaboration on your presentation. Please notice that you are required to bring your presentation to the speakers preparation room, you can not bring it directly to the session room. If you do not have any visual aids or requirements you must still check in at the Speakers’ preparation room to inform the technicians that you are present. It is important that your presentation is named correctly so that it
can be showed in the session. Please name your presentation in the
following way: e.g. Presentations must be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint and saved onto a CD-Rom, USB Memory Stick or External Portable Hard Drive. Floppy Disks, 35mm Slides and Over Head Transparencies are not accepted. No own laptops are allowed. Your presentation must be shown through the computer in the room with your session. Presenters who wish to use their own laptop due to special software requirements are requested to check this at the Speakers’ preparation room. Again, please check in at the Speakers’ preparation Booth 24 hours prior to your presentation. IN THE SESSIONIn the technical session there will be a chair and a rapporteur. The chair will introduce you to the audience based on the information that you have included in your paper. The chair will be responsible that all speakers in the session will have same time to make their presentation. He/she will also reserve some time for questions/discussion either after each presentation or at the end of the session. Number of papers per session varies, so please follow the instructions of the chair in your session. There may be some last minute changes (e.g. drop outs) that may impact the time schedule. The role of the rapporteur is to evaluate the session. IMPORTANT DATES