FIG Commission 3

Work Plan 2003-2006

Original work plan in .pdf-format.


Spatial Information Management

  Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chairperson of Commission 3

Terms of reference

  • Management of spatial information on land, property and hydrographical facts (including related processes, procedures and resources);
  • Spatial data infrastructure – data models, standards, availability and legal aspects;
  • Management and transfer of knowledge and skills needed for SIM;
  • Impacts on organizational structure, business models, professional practice and administration;
  • Management of spatial information supporting environment protection, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

Mission Statement

  • Bringing awareness to successful SIM approaches in the “Information Age” by showing good practice like reliable spatial information for better decision making. Decision makers on all levels expect reliable spatial information and not only maps.
  • Supporting the use of SIM-tools for decision makers and citizens to support the goals of participatory democracy
  • Share good practice on managerial processes and infrastructure needed for handling data, using information and distributing knowledge.
  • Encouraging decision-makers for a more extensive use of spatial information also within good e-government and e-commerce.
  • Criterion of success: to initiate and provide activities so interesting that colleagues will regard the commission as one base on their professional lives.
  • Progress activities mainly through working groups (WGs) and Joint-WGs, which will participate in the planning of workshops and short seminars held during and outside FIG working weeks; submit progress reports about these events.
  • Present the final outcomes of Commission work as reports, statements and/or publications accessible also through the web.


Commission 3 –Working Groups (WG) focuses on contribution of spatial information for sustainable development. The elements for achieving this goal are on national as well as international level with contributions to “e-Government and SIM”; clarification on needed “SIM infrastructure” for GSDI; sharing experience best practice with „State of the art of SIM“. The WG on “Knowledge in SIM” provides the overarching principle for sharing and transferring knowledge achieved.

Working Group 3.1: e-Government and e-Citizen

Interactive Information Flow between providers, partners and customers (PPP).

Policy Issues

SIM is a facilitator for IT based services for administration as well as for citizens. By thus SIMS will have even the role of an integrator of components for a Spatial Information Infrastructure within an Information society.

  • Services and workflows for decision makers and citizens in participatory democracy
  • Government – business – customers: relations and activities
  • Integration and cooperation in a distributed environment
  • Individual vs. business in SIM
  • Mobile society
  • SIM and LBS in an e-Government context


Kari Strande
E-mail: kari.strande[at] 

Co-Chair: Peter Laarakker (the Netherlands), e-mail: peter.laarakker[at] 

Specific projects and outputs

Based on cooperation with other WG and other Commissions this WG will:

  • Report on good practice of Spatial Information within e-Government supporting citizens in participatory democracy
  • Facilitate experience exchange
  • Show consequences for administration and citizens of SIM and LBS accessible on the web
  • Provide recommendations to the way we go within SIM and LBS
  • Provide links to information and minutes of workshops
  • Work out a Web-demo, if supported by OGC, ESRI or other sponsors

A detailed work plan with milestones will be published on the website of Commission 3.


  • Workshop on Mobile Society and Location Based Services in an e-Government context


Surveyors and citizens accessing and contributing to e-Government on a national as well as on a local level. Contributing to better access to general users of spatial data.

Working Group 3.2 - SIM infrastructure

Harmonization of data, information, tools (LBS) and workflows as components of GSDI.

Policy Issues

  • NSDI / GSDI: Spatial Data + Information Infrastructure
  • modelling, geo-visualisation
  • Legal aspects in SIM
  • Standards Network on international (ISO/TC 211, OpenGIS Consortium, etc.) and on regional level.
  • SIM and LBS as tools:
    • Making geo-database suitable for mobile phones
    • Improve basic references (geo-referencing, transport-internet)
    • Role of surveyors in LBS
    • Share current experiences and technical visions of the future.
    • Gain knowledge from industry.
    • Inform future decisions and implementations.
    • Inform the big picture on drivers, trends and technologies.


Keith Murray
United Kingdom
E-mail: Keith.Murray[at] 

Co-chair: Martin Scheu (Germany), e-mail: scheu[at] 

Specific projects and outputs

Based on cooperation with other WG and other Commissions this WG will:

  • Contribute to the Inter-Commission activity (COM3, 5 leaded by COM3) on
    "Mobile society and Location based services"
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Keith Murray (UK), e-mail: KMurray[at] 
  • Contribute to the Inter-Commission-cooperation on "Standardization"
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Martin Scheu (Germany), e-mail: scheu[at] 

A detailed work plan with milestones will be put on the web site of Commission 3.


  • Joint COM3/5-Workshop on Mobile Society and Location Based Services


  • Surveyors, associations engaged with spatial data and users of spatial data and spatial information.

Working Group 3.3 - State of the art of SIM

Development and State of the Art of SIM (analysis of the nation-wide activity in SIM among participating countries, and world-wide picture and best practice of institutional structures, as well as contents of data bases) and establishment of a FIG - metadata base about SDI.

Policy Issues

  • To increase cooperation between different jurisdictions, disciplines, professional groups, Public-Public and Public-Private-Partnerships
  • To positively influence organizing and business models as well as procedures on different layers of administration
  • To raise awareness and encourage participation regarding:
    • Institutional structures and Spatial Information Infrastructure
    • Data availability and Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • To work towards capacity building and transfer of experience within a detailed work plan with milestones will be published on the web site of Commission 3.
    • Com3
    • To facilitate the development of NSDIs


Chryssy Potsiou
E-mail: chryssyp[at]

Co-Chair: Uzo Okafor (Namibia), e-mail: uzookaf[at]

Specific projects and outputs

Based on cooperation with other WG and other Commissions this WG will:

  • Create a metadata base with information about the state of the art of SIM at national level and maintain an up to date web site WEB-Inventory of best practice in regarding “State of the art of SIM”
  • Show good practice on the managerial processes
  • Share and provide experiences in SIM and NSDI
  • Contribute to the Inter-Commission activities
  • Contribute to the Inter-Commission activity (COM3, 5, 7, leaded by COM5) on
    Low Cost Surveying Technology and Techniques for Developing Countries”.
    Co-Chair of Commission 3: Chryssy Potsiou (Greece), e-mail: chryssyp[at]  

A detailed work plan with milestones will be published on the web site of Commission 3.


  • Joint Workshop: UN/ECE-WPLA, FIG Com3 and Com7 on "Spatial Information Management for Sustainable Real Estate Market - Best Practice Guidelines in nation-wide Land Administration“ will be held in Athens, Greece, 4-7 June 2003


Surveyors, associations engaged with spatial data and users of spatial data and spatial information.

Working Group 3.4 - Knowledge Transfer in SIM (education, training)
A Joint Working Group with Commission 2

Policy Issues

Integration of resources of FIG Com.2 and 3 using the experiences in knowledge transfer on one hand and the know-how of spatial information management on the other hand.

  • Where to get knowledge, training etc.
  • Not only data are needed and information is not yet knowledge. Infrastructure is changing quite fastly, but also methods of training have to be adopted because the “half-life-time” of knowledge becomes shorter.
  • How to bridge tangible information with intangible knowledge.
  • Cooperation between sister organizations, optimizing regional structures


Prof. Bela Markus
E-mail: mb[at]
(appointed by Commission 2)

Co-Chair: Mohammed Timoulali (Morocco), e-mail: timoulali[at] (appointed by Commission 3)

Specific projects and outputs

Based on cooperation with other WG and other Commissions this WG will :

  • Develop methods and share experience on education, training in SIM
  • Develop a position paper on a regional approach for a NSDI.


  • Joint COM2/3-Workshop on "Education and Training in SIM"


Teachers and students within any education, learning and training environment.

Integration of COM2 and COM3 resources using the experiences of professionals in knowledge transfer from one side and the know-how of spatial information management (SIM) from the other side.

Co-operation with Sister Associations

Cooperation on Spatial Information Management for Sustainable Real Estate Market with UN-ECE-WPLA

Commission 3 contributes to the joint UN/ECE-WPLA and FIG Workshop in Athens, 4-7 June 2003.

Cooperation on GSDI with GDSI and EUROGI

Commission 3 contributes to 6th GSDI Conference in Budapest, 16-19 September 2002

Cooperation on international standards on spatial data with ISO and OPENGIS

Especially promoting implementation of ISO TC211.

Contacts and cooperation with sister organizations

Inter-Commission Activities

  • Joint WG of Commissions 2 (lead) and 3 on:
    • "Knowledge in SIM"
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Mohammed Timoulali (Morocco), e-mail: timoulali[at] 
  • Contribution to the Inter-Commission activity (Commissions 3 and 5 leaded by Commission 3) on:
    • "Mobile society and Location based services"
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Keith Murray (United Kingdom), e-mail: KMurray[at] 
  • Contribution to the Inter-Commission-cooperation on
    • "Standardization"
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Martin Scheu (Germany), e-mail: scheu[at] 
  • Contribution to the Inter-Commission activity (Commissions 3, 5 and 7, leaded by Commission 5 on
  • Contribution to the Inter-Commission activity (Commissions 3 and 7, leaded by Commission 7) on
    • "3D-Cadastre"
    • Achieving a common understanding of the terms and issues involved in a 3D-Cadastre.
    • Integrating advanced Spatial Information Management with legal and organizational settings needed for a 3D-Cadastre.
    • Developing the frame and strategy for an ongoing improvement process of existing spatial information considering additional dimensions of geodata (3rd dimension, temporal data, etc.).
    • Co-Chair of Commission 3: Yerahmiel Doytsher (Israel), e-mail: doytsher[at] 

Co-operation with the United Nations Agencies

Other Activities

Active involvement of regions

Commission 3 will actively involve underrepresented regions like Africa, Latin America, Middle East, and Asia by exchanging information. Commission will try to reduce conference fees in order to enable or to encourage regional participation and try to raise money for funding participation of groups like students. Commission will also encourage participation by using e-mail and web.

Respect cultural and linguistic issues

Commission 3 endorses the underlying concept that respect for Cultural and Linguistic issues is very important and that the Commission will be sensitive to these issues in the way it works. This will be implemented by encouraging multilingual abstracts and presentations in general meetings and through the use of an appropriate regional language during regional meetings.

Information delivery

Commission 3 has an ambitious approach on management of information and communication. This includes an active Commission 3 home page, linkages to other relevant information and events in order to keep commission delegates and all FIG members informed about the work of the Commission (including former activities of secretary): Commission 3 Vice-Chair for Administration and Information: Reinfried Mansberger (e-mail: [email protected]).

Commission 3 Vice-Chair for Administration and Information
Reinfried Mansberger
E-mail: mansberger[at]

Calendar of Events

  • 13-17 April 2003 FIG Working Week, Paris, France
  • 4-7 June 2003 UN/ECE and FIG joint Workshop, Athens (FIG Com3, Com7)
  • Dec. 2003 Commission 3 Annual Meeting (Morocco)
  • May 2004 FIG Working Week, Athens, Greece
  • Sept.-Dec. 2004 Commission 3 Annual Meeting (TBD, preference for Asia)
  • May 2005 FIG Working Week, Cairo, Egypt
  • Sept.-Dec. 2005 Commission 3 Annual Meeting (TBD, preference for Latin / South America)
  • August-September 2006 FIG Congress, Munich, Germany

Commission Officers

Commission Chair
Gerhard Muggenhuber
Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying (BEV) International Affairs
Schiffamtsgasse 1-3
A-1025 Vienna
Tel. + 43 676 7354300
Fax + 43 1 211 76 4701
Mobile phone + 43 676 8210 4700
E-mail: geomugg[at]
Chair Elect 2004-2006 and Chair 2006-2010
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou Str.
GR-15780 Zografos
E-mail: chryssyp[at] 
Vice-Chair on Administration and Information
Dr. Reinfried Mansberger, Commission 3 Information Manager
Institute of Surveying, Remote Sensing and Land Information
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Peter-Jordan-Strasse 82
A-1190 Vienna
Tel. + 43 1 47654 5115
Fax + 43 1 47654 5142
E-mail: mansberger[at] 
Chair Working Group 3.1 - e-Government and e-Citizen
Kari Strande
Statens Kartverk
Advicer International affairs
Servicebox 15
N-3504 Hønefoss
E-mail: kari.strande[at] 
Chair Working Group 3.2 - SIM infrastructure
Keith Murray
Head of Geographic Information Strategy
Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road
Southampton SO16 4GU
E-mail: Keith.Murray[at] 
Chair Working Group 3.3 - State of the art of SIM
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou Str.
GR-15780 Zografos
E-mail: chryssyp[at] 
Chair Joint Working Group 2.4 - Knowledge in Spatial Information Management
Prof. Bela Markus
College of Geoinformatics
University of West Hungary
P.O.Box 52
H-8000 Szekesfehervar
Tel. + 36 22 516 522
E-mail: mb[at] 

28 November 2002