figlogo.gif (1705 bytes)   FIG 22nd General Assembly
  31 May and 4 June 1999
  Sun City, South Africa

Appendix to item 10: Reports from Chairs of Commissions et al.
Appendix 3: Commission 3


Commission 3: Spatial Information Management

Report to the 22nd General Assembly

Sun City 30 May - 4 June 1999


1. General

Firstly we have worked on having contact to the commission delegates and the commission network. At the moment we know about approximately 50 delegates. We have circulated information on the results of the Brighton events together with the commission work plan.

In December the chairman was invited to participate in the MOLA Workshop on Land Market in Budapest, Hungary. The chairman had a presentation on the topic: "Spatial Information Management - an emerging discipline".

Until now a number of people from the network have shown interest in participating in Sun City. At the end of February about 10 had responded positively on the call for papers. Now the question is, how many will show up in South Africa. The commission will sponsor the participation fee for one African colleague.

At the moment Hungarian colleagues are planning the annual meeting in Budapest October 1999.

2. Work plan (up-dates)

There are no changes to the work plan available on the FIG-homepage.

3. Annual Meeting

As mentioned above there will be a annual meeting in Hungary in October this year including a seminar on - Spatial Data Infrastructure

4. Working Groups

In Brighton three working groups where established. They are making some progress. The following status is the reports made up by the WG chairs.

WG 3.1: Spatial information management: technical approaches

The activity of WG 3.1 has focused on the ATHENS-2000 Workshop on Spatial Information Management (SIM).

We are trying to activate all the relevant local scientists working in the field to participate in an open-meeting, one month from today, in order to discuss the main topics of our WG, according to the purposes of the ATHENS- 2000 Workshop.

The main purposes of this meeting might well be:

  1. to promote developments in the scientific-profession and applications of the field of SIM
  2. to enable international experts and responsible agencies to exchange experiences and ideas, and to present their work in the SIM field. Various technical issues such as: spatial data infrastructure, accessibility to the information, visualisation of spatial data, interoperability, quality control standards and regulations, filtering techniques etc, will be discussed
  3. to give the chance to all local responsible agencies and experts in Greece to focus on the technical issues of the SIM, learn the optimal use of new technology and present their own work and thoughts.

WG 3.2: Spatial data infrastructure

The commission chairs has set up a draft version of a conceptual approach:

A comparative paper or framework for SDI will then be resulting out of the findings of the different case studies.

WG 3.3: Facilitating spatial information and knowledge management for decision support: through appropriate organisational, political, business structure.

The aim is to have conducted out initial analysis of the case studies by the Commission 3 meeting in Budapest in the fall 1999.

5. Forthcoming events

Annual meetings in 1999, 2000 and 2001 in Hungary, Greece and Austria

6. Information

An issue of the Commission 3 and 7 Newsletter was published in the very beginning of 1999. It is distributed to more than 500 addresses round the world, as well as it is available on the Internet.

The Commission 3 homepage became a reality 1998. The address is: http:\\

7. Other matters

The chairman was present at the opening ceremony of the permanent office in Copenhagen.

Jes Ryttersgaard


Jes Ryttersgaard
National Survey & Cadastre
Rentemestervej 8
DK-2400 Copenhagen

Tel: + 45 35 87 50 22
Fax: + 45 35 87 50 51
Email: [email protected]

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