President Dr. Diane DumashieThe FIG General Assembly elected at its meeting in Warsaw, Poland in September 2022 Dr. Diane Dumashie as FIG VPresident for a four-year term of office 1.1.2023-31.12.2026
FIG celebrated this transition on 20 October 2022 at a session held in conjunction with Intergeo in Essen, Germany. The event was hosted by the German association DVW. Read more
Curriculum Vitae
Diane Dumashie has been Vice President of FIG for the terms 2015-18 and 2019-2022 Board Responsibilities
Qualifications and professional affiliations
ProfileDiane is widely acknowledged as a creative and strategic business thinker with a proven ability to lead and manage change, to energise and resolve complex issues and deliver successful outcomes for all stakeholders. This has led her into the field of knowledge transfer including designing and facilitating workshops for National and Local government to adapt to organisational change, helping Professionals and grassroots organisations to accommodate global drivers and leading study visits for Business and Ministry senior teams to assess in country context and strategic next steps. Diane is passionate in her commitment to sub Saharan African , assisting in programs to alleviate poverty and/ or facilitate gender equality in land and property. Her focus on Africa, is through applied land economics and enjoys providing leadership to stimulate global collaboration, to build key stakeholder relationships at both global donor agencies and multi national corporation levels. Deriving strength from a broad commercial background Diane has a proven track record of success in initiating, managing and delivering urban and rural based economic and regeneration projects within the UK and Africa ensuring that knowledge is transferred to client teams. Diane has led many large and complex development projects in the public, private commercial and NGO sectors. Such projects have seen me assume the responsibility as a trusted Senior Advisor to Corporate Boards and SME’s alike, giving me an in-depth and diverse knowledge across a wide range of commercial businesses and in particular the coastal industry and housing. Her Board level experience extends across professional member organisations and Trusts. Summary of FIG involvement
ArticlesArticle in GIM Magazine, 15 September 2022 Diane Dumashie Elected as new Persident of FIG Earlier in 2022 GIM Magazine brought an article with the three president cadidates. In this article Diane shone her light on the future of the surveying profession, the rol FIG should play within the geospatial community and how our sector worldwide can be encouraged to become actively involved in solving the societal challenges with our knowledge and innovation. Read the article In the April 2015 issue of the Civil Engineering Surveyor Magazine, published by ICES, Diane Dumashie talks about working across two continents and her new challenge as vice president of FIG. Read the interview... Presentations
ContactsDr Diane Dumashie |