New member associations |

President Holger Magel gives the membership certificate to
Merab Nadaraia, President of SPLIT from Georgia.

Mr. Mannars Chan, Honorary President of HKInstES from Hong Kong
SAR, China receives the membership certificate of FIG as the second
member association from Hong Kong. |

Mr. Mannars Chan, HKInstES addressing the General Assembly.

Prof. LIAO Junping (Patrick), Vice President of the China
Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (CIREA) introducing CIREA
to FIG members. |

President Magel and the representatives of CIREA. |


President Magel and Prof. Jose Sergio Pahor from the new member
association FENEA from Brazil. |
New Affiliate members |

Paul Harcombe received the membership certificate on behalf of
ANZLIC from Australia and New Zealand.

Mr. Ljupco Georgievski, General Director of State Authority for
Geodetic Works, together with President Magel after Macedonia FYROM
joins FIG as an affiliate member. |

Prof. Sharai Batsukh from Administration of Land Affairs, Geodesy
and Cartography from Mongolia together with President Magel. |

Tryggvi Már Ingvarsson represented the Land Registry of Iceland
at the Congress where Iceland also became an affiliate member of FIG. |
New Corporate members |

President Magel together with the representative of Grontmij that joined
FIG as a corporate member in 2005.

Dr. Mohd. A. M. Kheir Shanan, General Manager of SEDIC - Sudan
Engineering and Digital Information Center, which joined FIG as a
corporate member in Munich becoming at the same time the first FIG
member from Sudan. |
New potential members |

President Magel together with representatives of GTZ and delegates from
Montenegro discussing the membership of Montenegro in FIG. |