News in 2010

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Participants of the Africa Task Force workshop in Mombasa.

The FIG Africa Task Force organised its first two-day workshop on Peri-Urban Settlements: Tools & Techniques for Surveyors to ensure Environmental and Social Resilience in Mombasa, Kenya, 11-12 November 2010. Each year the Task force will invite an African member association to co-host a workshop. The first workshop was held in Mombasa and it was hosted in co-operation with the Institution of Surveyors Kenya (ISK). Read more ...

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Presidents Stig Enemark and CheeHai Teo at the Handover Ceremony assisted by Robert W. Foster and Juha Talvitie.
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President Stig Enemark making the keynote address.

The formal Handover Ceremony between the current and incoming FIG Councils and Commission chairs took place in Copenhagen 26 November 2010. At the Handover Ceremony President Stig Enemark gave the President's Chain of Office to the incoming President CheeHai Teo from Malaysia. President Teo together with his Council, new Commission chairs and other officers will now take over the responsibility of FIG.
The Handover Ceremony was attended by about hundred representatives from all over the world to recognise the achievements of President Enemark and his team. The busy week included also number of meetings of the FIG Council, new Commission officers (ACCO) and with participating delegations focussing especially on the future FIG conferences. Read more...

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Participants in a group photo.

The Joint FIG Commission 3 and 7 Workshop and 2010 Annual Meeting of Commission 3 took place in Sofia, on the 15-17 of November. The Workshop was organized by FIG Commissions 3 and 7 and the Chamber of Graduated Surveyors of Bulgaria. The meeting was the 4th Workshop of FIG Commission 3 in the four-year term of office 2007-2010. Read more ...
Click picture for bigger format. The Consiglio Nazionale Geometri and Geometri Laureati in cooperation with Geoweb S.p.A., have promoted and organized the Second International Training Course of Territorial Survey. The course took place in Rome from the 20th of September to the 8th of October 2010. From FIG the incoming Vice President Chryssy Potsiou attended and gave an opening speech. Read more ...
  • Strong Commission 3 Participation to the International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructure 2010 - 15-17 September 2010, Skopje, Macedonia FYROM

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    Opening of the conference Aleknsandar Nikolovski, Rector of FON University; Mauro Salvemini, President of EUROGI; Bashkim Idrizi, President of Geo-SEE; Prof. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3.

    The 2010 International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures was successfully held at FON University in Skopje, FY Republic of Macedonia, from 15th to 17th September, 2010. The conference was organized by Geo-SEE (South-East Europe Research Association on Geo Sciences) and was supported by six co-organisers (FIG, EUROGI, Chamber of Authorized Surveyors of Macedonia, FON University, ITC, and Geography Department of SUT).
    A keynote speech was held on behalf of FIG by Prof. Chryssy Potsiou, current chair of FIG Commission 3, with the title “Spatial information management and the current rapid processes of urbanization”. Commission 3 was very well represented at the conference  Read more ...

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Abbas Rajabifard, President of GSDI and Stig Enemark, President of FIG

FIG and GSDI (Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association) signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the FIG Congress in Sydney outlining a framework for co-operation between the two organizations and identifying a range of activities for mutual benefits. The GSDI-12 World Conference was attended by about 600 participants from 65 countries throughout the world. It included a range of workshops, 5 plenary sessions and 35 technical sessions with about 150 presentations.

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FIG Vice President Matt Higgins at the IGC-5 meeting

The ICG has been formed as a result of recommendations of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS), as ratified by the General Assembly of the UN. The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN OOSA) acts as the secretariat for the ICG. IFIG has an MoU with UN OOSA and is an Associate Member of the ICG. At the end of each meeting, the ICG issues a Joint Statement outlining the highlights of the work of the ICG and any major developments. Read about the status of all of the major GNSS Sub-Systems as well as a summary of the meeting and its work groups.
  • Marc Vanderschueren represents FIG at the Seminar on Assessment of Training Opportunities and Needs for Surveyor and their Technicians in West Africa, Niamey, Niger, 14-15 October 2010

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    Opening ceremony. President François Mazuyer, FGF in the middle and FIG repre-sentative Marc Vander-schueren on the right.

    The seminar “Assessment of Training Opportunities and Needs for Surveyor and their Technicians in West Africa” was organised by the Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF) in Niamey, Niger, 14-15 October 2010. The seminar was co-sponsored by FIG. The successful event gathered about 80 participants from 13 countries from Sub-Saharan Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and of course from Niger). Read more...
  • INTERGEO 2010 – Geomatics industry in stable growth - Cologne, Germany, 5-7 October 2010

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    Henning Elmstroem, President of DdL, Karl-Friedrich Thöne, President of DVW and Stig Enemark, FIG President.

    INTERGEO 2010 was held in Cologne, Germany 5-7 October. The world biggest tradeshow in surveying and geomatics business gathered 17,500 visitors and the INTERGEO conference 1,500 delegates. The number of exhibitors exceed 500 companies representing 32 nations.
    The INTERGEO conference titled "Knowledge and Action for Planet Earth" attracted 1,500 participants. The new conference concept in partnership with other key players has proved to be a great success. In Cologne the European congress EnviroInfo 2010 was for the first time organised jointly with INTERGEO.  Each day of the three-day INTERGEO conference started with a plenary session introducing a high profile internationally recognised speaker.
    FIG President Stig Enemark provided one of the three keynote presentations. Read more...
  • Strengthening the Partnership with the World Bank - FIG President Stig Enemark and Incoming President CheeHai Teo visited the World Bank 13 September 2010

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    Stig Enemark, President of FIG; Juergen Voegele, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Department; and CheeHai Teo, Incoming President of FIG 2011-2014.

    FIG President Stig Enemark and Incoming President CheeHai Teo visited the World Bank 13 September 2010 to strengthen the partnership between FIG and the Land Group of the World Bank. The key purpose of the visit was to review and renew the current Memorandum of Understanding that was signed in February 2007.The presentation by the president and the incoming president also included a list of suggested issues for further cooperation over the coming four year term. The visit was kindly hosted by Keith Bell and also included a meeting with Juergen Voegele, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development Department as well as Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director of Department of Compact Implementation, Millennium Challenge Cooperation (MCC). Read more...
  • Building a Regional Structure for the Surveying Profession in Latin America - The XI International Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica, 17 – 19 September 2010

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    The formation of the new Asociacion Panamericana de Profesionales en Agrimensura (APPA) (Panamerican Association of Surveying Professionals)

    FIG President Stig Enemark and Incoming President CheeHai Teo attended the XI International Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica, 17 – 19 September 2010. The theme for the congress was "Geomatics: Current Trends in Geodesy, Topography and Cadastre" reflecting the current challenges and opportunities encountered by the profession not only in Costa Rica but also the region. The formation of APPA - the Asociacion Panamericana de Profesionales en Agrimensurawas was a highlight and also represented the culmination of efforts by FIG over about ten years to mobilise the surveying profession within Latin America. FIG has pledged to work with this latest regional structure to develop and advance the profession in the Americas. A major opportunity in this regard will be FIG Regional Conference that is likely to held in Montevideo, Uruguay, by the end of 2012. Read more...
  • FIG Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) Annual Meeting and International Open Symposium on "Digital Cadastral Map" -  5-11 September 2010, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

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    Current Chair András Osskó together with incoming Chair Daniel Roberge

    FIG Commission 7 in cooperation with the Czech Union of Surveyors and Cartographers organized its Annual Meeting between 5 and 11 September 2010 in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. Commission 7 has had a 20 year tradition organizing annual meetings each year, separately from major FIG events, based on the consensus of Commission 7 delegates.
    The Annual Meeting 2010 was the last of a four year period chaired by Mr. András Osskó, Hungary. There was a record number of participation in the Annual Meeting 2010 showing the importance of land administration matters world wide. 57 delegates attended this annual meeting from 32 countries representing all of the continents.  Read more...
  • FIG Commission 5 and 6 Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources” - Ust-Kamenogorsk, Eastern Kazakhstan, 3-7 September 2010

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    Participants at the Workshop in Kazakhstan

    FIG Commissions 5 (Positioning and Measurement) and 6 (Engineering Surveys) together with Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Land Resources Management, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University (EKSTU), Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA) and Regional Scientific and Technological Park “Altai” organised a Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources”. The Conference was attended by about 100 participants and contained almost 60 presentations. Read more...
  • FIG President Stig Enemark attends Farewell Symposium for Paul van der Molen - Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, 2 September 2010

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    Prof. Paul van der Molen has decided to retire after a longstanding carrier at the Dutch Kadaster and ITC. Paul is also well know and highly recognized for his contributions to FIG and the global surveying community as chair of FIG Commission 7 1998-2002, Director of OICRF, FIG-UN Liaison Ambassador, Honorary Member, and FIG Vice-President 2007-2008.  Read more...
  • FIG Council adopts the Sydney Declaration and new members at its meeting in July

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    FIG Council discussing the issues related to the FIG Congress in Sydney.

    The FIG Council had a Council meeting by email in July to follow up the outcome of the FIG Congress in Sydney. At this meeting the final version of the Sydney Declaration was endorsed. The Council also approved new members: the Ethiopian Surveying Professionals Association (ESPA) as a member association (to be endorsed by the General Assembly; China Land Surveying and Planning Institute as affiliate member; two new corporate members: FARO and Hi-Target Survey Instruments Company Ltd from China both at silver level; and Zonguldak Karaelmas University as a new academic member. In addition arrangements for the handover meeting 25-26 November 2010 were approved.
  • Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Incoming Chair of FIG Commission 3, represents FIG at the XVI Cadastral Week in Bogota, 6-10 September 2010

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    Yerach Doytsher at the XVI Cadastral Week

    The Faculty of Engineering through its Cadastral and Geodesy Engineering program at the Distrital University of Bogota, Colombia together with the Colombian Chapter of SELPER (The Society of Latin American Specialists in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems) organized the 16th Cadastral Week. The event hosted almost 250 participants from the Academia and the private and public sectors in Colombia as well as attendees from other Latin America countries. Read more...
  • Vice President CheeHai Teo attends “Smart Korea 2010” Korea NSDI Expo, Korea, 1 – 3 September 2010

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    The winning entry: Elementary School National Map Drawing Competition

    “Smart Korea 2010”, the third successive annual Korean NSDI Expo that also incorporates a series of themed symposiums, is the national specialized geospatial symposium and exhibition. This year, the organizers’ aim was the promotion of the convergence of geospatial science and smart technologies that should bring about a better future. Read more...
  • FIG Commission 2 Professional Education Workshop on the Trends in Surveying Education and Training, University of East London, 26-27 August 2010

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    Commission 2 on technical tour

    The Commission 2 Workshop focused on surveying education and in particular how educators around the world respond to changes in the survey profession and keep their courses relevant and stimulating for students. Also explored were the opportunities that exist to enhance surveying teaching and learning by sharing approaches and investigating the benefits of a variety of new technologies.  Read more...
  • Vice President CheeHai Teo attends seminar on Land Surveying Basis for Development - Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 2 August 2010

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    The Honourable Minister of Development, Negara Brunei Darussalam making his officiating address at the Seminar

    The Survey Department, Ministry of Development, Negara Brunei Darussalam, an affiliate member of FIG and the Brunei Institute of Geomatics, a member association of FIG, invited FIG to the Seminar “Land Surveying Basis for Development”. Vice President Teo held a keynote presentation during the official opening session. The one day seminar highlighted not just the latest developments in land surveying practices and technologies but also the significant role and contribution of surveyors towards development. Read more...
  • Incoming Chair of Commission 5, Mikael Lilje, attends IGS workshop and Vertical Rates Symposium, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 28 June – 2 July 2010

    Participants at the IGS workshop and Vertical Rates Symposium

    The Newcastle University Geodesy Group hosted approximately 200 participants in the International GNSS Service (IGS) Workshop 2010 and the COST Action ES0701 Vertical Rates Symposium. The Workshop focused on the application and status of current IGS operations and possibilities for future improvements. The final day of the meeting examined application of GNSS to tide gauge vertical land movement, glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA), subsidence and tectonic motion. Read more...
  • Vice President Teo attends the 14th Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors Congress and Board Meeting - Singapore, 25 July 2010

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    Chairman of PAQS TEOH WeiSin  and FIG Vice President TEO CheeHai during the 14th PAQS Board Meeting.

    FIG was invited to the 14th PAQS Congress and the Board Meeting of the Pacific Association of Quantity Surveyors by the current Chairman of the PAQS, Mr. TEOH WeiSin (from the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers), to address and interact with the PAQS Board over the proposed collaboration and MoU between FIG and PAQS. The meeting was held at the Resort World Convention Centre, Sentosa Island in Singapore on the 25th July 2010. Read more...
  • Vice President Teo attends the Expert Group Meeting on Transparency in Land Administration: A Human Capacity Building Agenda for South and South East Asia - Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 19-22 July 2010

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    Participants at the Expert Group Meeting in Yogyakarta.

    Transparency in land administration (TLA) is the first and foremost training program that the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has been implementing in cooperation with the Training and Capacity Building Branch (TCBB) of UN-HABITAT and the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), University of Twente. This joint activity for South and South East Asia was hosted by the Department of Geodetic Engineering, Gahjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. FIG was represented by Vice President TEO CheeHai. Read more...
  • FIG Commissions 5 and 6 Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources” - Blue Bay Recreation Centre, Zyryanovsky Region, Kazakhstan, 3-7 September 2010
    FIG Commission 5 and 6 Workshop on “Innovative Technologies for an Efficient Geospatial Management of Earth Resources” 3-7 September 2010 will be the first FIG event to be held in Kazakhstan. This workshop is organised by FIG, Agency of RK for Land Resources Management, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan State Technical University, and Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA). Read more about the workshop in the invitation brochure and on the workshop web site: 
  • FIG President Stig Enemark attends the ISPRS Centenary Celebrations - Vienna, Austria, 4 July 2010

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ISPRS President Orhan Altan and FIG President Stig Enemark.

The International Society for Photogrammetry ISP (now International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS) celebrated its 100 year anniversary at the Technical University of Vienna. President Stig Enemark represented FIG. As part of the celebrations the Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies JB GIS launched a new publication “Geoinformation for Disaster Risk Management” at the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UN-OOSA).  Read more....

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Aboriginal dance at the opening

The XXIV FIG Congress Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity held in Sydney Australia 11-16 April 2010 turned out to be the biggest FIG congress ever. With more than 2,200 participants from 100 countries it gathered the biggest attendance to an FIG event. The total number of presented papers exceeded 800. Read the full report and see the picture galleries. The congress proceedings including handouts of PowerPoint presentations are also available. Read also the report from the General Assembly and see the minutes.

Click picture for bigger format. FIG Annual Review 2009 is available on the web and as a hard copy. You can download it from here as a .pdf file (32 pages, 3.47 MB) from here.

Hard copies have been mailed to all members in May 2010. Further copies can be ordered from the FIG Office, email: [email protected].

  • Eight new FIG publications launched at the FIG Congress in Sydney
Eight new FIG publications were launched and circulated at the FIG Congress in Sydney in April 2010. FIG Office has sent a hard copy of all new publications to all FIG members in May 2010.

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The Parliament Palace - a perfect setting for the conference.

The conference entitled “The Cadastral surveyor – Paving the Way to the Future” was organized by the European Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) in cooperation with the Romanian Association of Private Surveyors, the Romanian Geodetic Union, and the Romanian Agency of Cadastre and Land Registration. The conference also included the launch of the adopted “Code of Conduct of the European Surveyors” that is an important and very useful document also in a global context as well as the adoption of the Bucharest Declaration stating some key principles of the role of the cadastral surveyors in serving society. Read more...

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The meeting was organized by United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in cooperation with the Cartographic Section of the Department of Field Services (DFS). Experts from 16 countries and 15 Regional and International Organizations attended the Meeting. The purpose to establish a global mechanism for discussion and coordination of critical issues in the field of geographic information management. Read more...

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Aboriginal dance at the opening ceremony.

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Tim Flannery making his key note address.

The XXIV FIG Congress Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity held in Sydney Australia 11-16 April 2010 turned out to be the biggest FIG congress ever. With more than 2,200 participants from 100 countries it gathered the biggest attendance to an FIG event. Among participants there were 120 students and 250 accompanying persons.
The technical programme with more than 1,000 offered papers out of which more than 700 were presented in Sydney was a big hit. In totally there were more than 150 technical and flash sessions, workshops and special seminars. The total number of presented papers exceeded 800. The participants packed both plenary halls and technical session rooms at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour in the heart of Sydney. Read the full report and see the picture galleries. The congress proceedings including handouts of PowerPoint presentations are also available

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Stig Enemark, FIG President 2007-2010 and Teo CheeHai, President Elect 2011-2014 after the election.

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Malaysian delegation making their presentation for the General Assembly.

The FIG General Assembly 2010 was held in conjunction to the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia. The General Assembly was attended by 67member associations and the total number of participants exceeded 300. The biggest interest in the agenda was election of the next FIG President and new Vice Presidents. Mr. Teo CheeHai from Malaysia was elected as the next FIG President in a very close race. He will be the first FIG President from Asia. The term of the new President is four years starting 1st January 2011.
Dr. Chryssy Potsiou from Greece and Prof. Rudolf Staiger from Germany were elected as new Vice Presidents for term of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2014 and Dr. Dalal S. Alnaggar from Egypt for term of office 1.1.2011-31.12.2012.
FIG Congress 2014 was given to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia after a very tight competition.
The General Assembly decided that a Sydney Declaration will be published as outcome of the Congress. Final version of the Sydney Declaration is now available.
The FIG Office has sent all members a hard copy of the minutes together with the FIG Annual Review and a set of latest publications.
Read full report from the General Assembly:

Click picture for .pdf version of the publication.
FIG pub no. 45. Land Governance in Support of The Millennium Development Goals.
Click picture for .pdf version of the publication.
FIG publication no. 51: Hanoi Declaration: Land Acquisition in Emerging Economies

Following eight new FIG publications were launched and circulated at the FIG Congress in Sydney in April 2010. FIG Office will send a hard copy of each publication to all FIG members in May together with the General Assembly minutes. You can read the publications already now as .pdf files.
FAO Land Tenure Group and FIG Commission 7 WG 7.3 have launched a publication “FLOSS in Cadastre and Land Registration - Opportunities and Risks”. Land administration and cadastral systems in the 21st century depend on the use of information technology (IT) tools. This publication explores the advantages, and disadvantages of open source solutions within the context of cadastre and land registration. It is the result of four years of cooperation between FAO and FIG WG 7.3.

Meeting with the traditional leaders of the Accra.

The Accra Conference of the Ghana Institution of Surveyors was organized jointly with CASLE and FIG Commission 8. The conference attracted about 1,000 surveyors mainly from Ghana but also many from Nigeria. The theme of the conference was “The Surveyor: Partner in National Development” that was very well reflected through the conference. FIG President Stig Enemark attended  as well as Dr. Diane Dumashie (Chair of FIG Commission 8) who organised one of the key features, the almost full day seminar focusing on “Peri-Urban development: The Role of Traditional Authorities and Land Professionals”. Read more...


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The World Bank has published a book on Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration, and Governance in the World Bank Studies series. The publication is an out come from the FIG/World Bank conference that was held in March 2009. The conference is also covered in the FIG publication no. 45: Land Governance in Support of The Millennium Development Goals - A New Agenda for Land Professionals.
Editors of the World Bank publication Innovations in Land Rights Recognition, Administration, and Governance are Klaus Deininger (World Bank), Clarissa Augustinus (UN-Habitat), Stig Enemark (FIG) and Paul Munro-Faure (FAO).
The publication is based on an on-going partnership between the World Bank, FIG, the Global Land Tool Network and FAO which provides tools that can help to address land governance in practice and at scale. The WB hopes that this publication will increase awareness of and support to the successful implementation of innovative approaches. The papers were all presented at the World Bank’s Annual Conference on Land Policy and Administration in 2009 that was organised jointly by the WB and FIG.
The book is available now in paperback e.g. from Amazon. To read more have a look at: or at the World Bank e-library at :
ISBN: 9780821385807. 380 pages

Whole Brunei is now available on 3-D map

The entire sultanate of Brunei Darussalam can now be seen in 3-D. The implementation of this project was revealed in December 2010 by the Ministry of Development that through the Brunei Survey Department has successfully completed one of the National Development Plan (2007-2012) projects that involves aerial surveys i.e. a 3-Dimensional Digital Terrain Model (DEM). Using the most accurate laser scanning technology known as LiDAR, the project began in 2009. Data measured on the ground is at every one-metre distance apart (exceeding six billion measurements for the whole country) with 15 cm accuracy (horizontal and vertical) in areas including forest areas, where tree heights can also be estimated by using the information of the top of the canopy and the ground elevation. This endeavour has made Brunei among the best mapped countries in the world by providing highly valuable, and positive impact on its natural resource management, flood mitigation, climate change, forest conservation programme and improved urban and rural development.
According to Haji Mohammed Jamil bin Haji Mohammed Ali, the Surveyor General, the Survey Department has plans to provide the data through the Web Geoportal. According to him, among the challenges would be marketing the product to stakeholders and interested local companies.

First Annual National Conference of Ethiopian Surveying Professionals Association (ESPA) held 18 September 2010

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The First Annual National Conference of Ethiopian Surveying Professionals Association (ESPA) was held at the Ethiopian Mapping Agency 18 September 2010. The conference attracted several hundred participants from all over the country. It was the most historic moment and important event in the ESPA’s activities and surveyors of Ethiopia as a whole. Participants represented national government and non-governmental organizations in surveying disciplines, representatives of stake holder organizations, and ESPA’s regional representatives.

The meet was organized by leaders of the association and active participation and support of members and sponsors such as the Ethiopian Mapping Agency. The agenda included the annual report and strategic plan. In addition that FIG Profile was presented. ESPA is very proud of being accepted as a member of FIG since the establishment of the association.

The meeting was chaired by the Vice President and the annual report by the Honorary Secretary because President Dr. Tilahun Irdino was unable to participate because of his illness.

The presentations and discussion were instrumental and informative. The meeting costs were raised from registration fees, supplemented by income from sponsor organizations. Contact [email protected]


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