News in 2016

Participate in survey on
 ‘Exploring the VGGT in Practice’

For many years Land Governance has been one of the main themes within FIG. A major tool to achieve good land governance are The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT). FIG works closely together with FAO to support the implementation of the VGGT.

During the FIG Working Week in Christchurch, New Zealand May 2016, the Academic Members Forum established a working group ‘Exploring the VGGT in Practice’. The aim of this working group is to identify and strengthen the role of the surveying professional in the implementation of the VGGT. As such, the group is currently conducting two research initiatives on

  1. the impact of the VGGT on the surveying profession and
  2. the way in which the VGGT are represented in surveying curricula around the world.

As part of the first research initiative a consultative survey has been developed. The aim of the consultation is to make an inventory of the awareness and recognition of the VGGT in the survey profession.

You are all kindly invited to complete this survey. The results will be presented and discussed during the upcoming FIG working week 2017 in Helsinki.

If you are not able to enter or complete the survey online, you are very welcome to fill in your survey in one of the below formats (pdf or word) and send your reply to [email protected]


27 October 2016

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