News in 2020
As part of the UN-Habitat/GLobal Land Tool Network FIG, together with the International Professional Bodies Cluster, works on a manual for the valuation of unregistered land. The operational manual is designed to put into practice the previous UN GLTN policy guide ‘valuation of unregistered land’, in combination with and influenced by global valuation standards (IVSC).
This cluster initiative was initially developed and led by FIG Commission 9 (valuation), RICS and IVSC. After an initial scoping exercise and online masterclass/debate with international agency, government agency, private practice, academia, NGOs (non-governmental organisations) and professional institutions experts from valuation, social and economic geography, anthropology, social justice, economics, land management, surveying, taxation, law – an expert editorial group was formed by FIG Commission 9 (Valuation), RICS and IVSC (International Valuation Standards Council).
The manual is split into two sections, the first outlines valuation recommendations for valuing unregistered land and the second adds more detail on issues to consider when working in this complex environment. Appendices provide a template for valuing unregistered land, case studies, references and definitions.
The manual is designed to be globally applicable, particularly in developing nations where access to market data may be poor and where there may be a lack of trained valuers.
We have launched the open consultation for the Valuation of Unregistered Land Manual @
The consultation is open until Friday 11 December 2020.
The consultation draft can be found here for your comment and distribution to other interested parties:
The expert editorial group would like to thanks all of you who took part in the masterclasses and online workshops - and a recording is also available @
Many at the October masterclass suggested changes on format, case studies and firming up on practical recommendations many of these changes have been integrated into this current draft. We believe that the draft manual is looking robust and useful, and fulfils its scope requirements (see below). As always, we are very keen to engage with the wider global land professional and valuation community on this very important subject so please do feel free to send all additional thoughts, comments and possible additions/edits/deletions to [email protected]
The core group intends to review all commentary during the week of 14th December 2020 and deliver the final document to UN Habitat GLTN on Mon 21 December.
This manual has been prepared on behalf on UN Habitat – GLTN as part of the GLTN Professional Cluster initiative. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) is dynamic and multisectoral alliance of international partners committed to increasing access to land and tenure security for all, with a particular focus on the poor, women and youth. The Network’s partners include international rural and urban civil society organizations, research and training institutions, bilateral and multilateral organizations, and international professional bodies.
The Professional cluster has been involved in two different activities within the GLTN agenda; Urban Rural Land Linkages and the Valuation of Unregistered Land. The GLTN strategic plan 2018 – 2030 (phase 3 2018 – 2023)
James Kavanagh
27 November 2020