News in 2022
FIG and Stand for Her Land Campaign - S4HL - have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and agree to work together to:
S4HL is administered by the Rural Development Institute doing business as Landesa
for Her Land drives lasting change on the ground through collective
action and advocacy at grassroots, national, and global leve.
When a woman holds secure rights to her land, power dynamics shift. Her dignity, household decision-making, and economic freedom increase. As a global community, we move closer to gender equality.
Strong land rights help women break the cycle of poverty and improve not only their own lives, but those of their families and whole communities. The benefits of women’s land rights multiply in crucial ways both at home - when women have secure rights to land, spending on children's education and household nutrition goes up - and worldwide - women’s land rights are key to addressing the deeply gendered issues of climate change, food security, and global health.
Recognizing their cross-cutting importance, leaders across the globe have made formal commitments to ensure women have secure land rights. Yet in many countries, these commitments lack incorporation into legal and policy frameworks – and even when laws are equitable, deeply entrenched patriarchal social norms often result in weak implementation.
The Stand for Her Land campaign aims to close this gap between global commitments and local practice, to build a future where all women and men have a secure place to call home.
FIG is looking forward to the cooperation and to help with and to promote the S4HL agenda.
Louise Friis-Hansen
31 January 2022