FIG Commission 3

Minutes of the Annual Meeting in Budapest

Date of Meeting: Friday, April 28th, 2006; 17:00 - 18:25

Place of Meeting: Hotel Rubin - Restaurant


1. Welcome address; Opening

Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chair of Commission 3 and the Hungarian delegate of Commission 3 Szabolcz Mihaly welcome all the participants of the Annual Meeting 2006. Greeting addresses to all participants were sent by the following officers, delegates and correspondents of Commission 3, who could not attend the meeting: Paul Kelly, Rob Mahoney, Robin McLaren, Charles Paradzzayi and Jes Ryttersgaard.

2. Adoption of Agenda


3. Introduction of Participants

All 11 participants introduced themselves and gave a short report on their actual work and on ongoing projects in their countries on Commission 3 relevant issues. The activities are mostly driven by eGovernment initiatives and - in European Union countries - by the INSPIRE project. In the academic education in some of the countries new study programmes were implemented. Due to the Bologna Agreement - an initiative of the European Union to install a European area of higher education - many of the existing study programmes (diploma study programmes) had to be restructured and adapted (to a two cycle system: bachelor and master study courses)

4. Report of Commission Chair (Gerhard Muggenhuber)

Due to the limited time of the meeting and to save time for discussing the Working Plan 2006-2010 (Item 7) Gerhard reported very shortly about the following issues:

Activities within FIG:

Ongoing activities of the FIG-Council in discussing the Commission structure.

Personal changes in FIG-office: Per Wilhelm Pedersen appointed as FIG Office Manager

Activities of COMMISSION 3:

Commission 3 actively contributed to the International Summer School "GI in agricultural monitoring and land use planning" in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, August 2005. The report is on our website

Activities on Positional Accuracy Improvement resulted in a workshop at the FIG Congress in Munich in conjunction with EuroSDR initiated by Keith Murrey as chair of Working Goup 3.2 of Commission 3.

Commission 3 closely and systematically cooperates with international sister organizations like the UN-ECE-Working Party on Land Administration (WPLA), EUROSDR and many others. Actually UN-ECE reorganized, refocused and added LAND MANAGEMENT as additional topic. Chryssy Potsiou is member of WPLA-steering board.

Electronical Newsletter: Within the next months the Commission 3 Electronic Newsletter 2006 will be prepared. Gerhard Muggenhuber and Reinfried Mansberger intend to deliver the CD at the time of the FIG Congress to include FIG Commission 3 relevant papers on the CD. Please forward any other contents to be added until end of July 2006 to Gerhard ([email protected]) or Reinfried ([email protected]). Partners in our Commission 3 network would appreciate information in French or Spanish.

Reports on COM3 relevant conferences:

5. Activity Reports of FIG3 Commission Working-Group Chairs and Task Forces

WG3.1 (Chair: Kari Strande) “eGovernment for eCitizen”:

The intended publication of WG3.1 “Good Practice Guideline on eGovernment for eCitizen” is in preparation. In August 2006 a workshop is planned (in Denmark or Norway) to finalize the publication. All Commission delegates and correspondents, who are interested to give their contribution to this publication, should contact [email protected].

WG3.2 (Chair: Keith Murray) “SIM-Infrastructure” inclusive inter-Commission Cooperation on "Standards" .

The chair of WG3.2, Keith Murray, could not attend the Annual Meeting. On behalf of him Gerhard Muggenhuber reported that Martin Scheu (Vice-chair of WG) will organize a pre-conference workshop on the topic “” to the FIG Congress in Munich.

WG3.3 (Chair: Chryssy Potsiou) incl. WG on "Cost Effective Surveying ".

Chryssy, who is also the incoming chair of Commission 3 is concentrated in the preparation of the Workplan 2006-2010 (see item 7).

Joint WG2.4 (Chair: Bela Markus) „Knowledge Transfer in SIM“ :

The main activity of this Working Group was the preparation of the Workshop on “eGovernance, Knowledge Management, and eLearning”. Gerhard Muggenhuber thanks and congratulates for the perfect organisation of this conference.

Inter-COM-Activity Com7 + Com3 (COM 3 Representative: Yerach Doytsher) "3D-Cadastre"

Yerach reported on local activities on this topic. At FIG-level the initiative on 3D-Cadastre is not really pushed at the moment.

Joint Working Group with Commission 8, 4, 7 and 9 (COM 3 Representative: Kari Strande) "Spatial Land Planning Implications in Informal Settlements"

Kari did not have the opportunity to visit the Regional Conference in Ghana. Therefore she was not able to receive latest news about activities of the WG.

6. Incoming events
  • XXIV FIG Congress Munich, Germany, October 8-13, 2006
  • FIG Working Week 2007, Hong Kong SAR, China, May 12-17, 2007
  • FIG Working Week 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-19, 2008
  • FIG Working Week 2009, Israel, dates to be confirmed
7. Working Plan 2007-2010

As incoming chair of Commission 3 Chryssy Potsiou is coordinating the Working Plan for Commission 3 and she proposed a debate on possible topics within the Annual Meeting. The following items were suggested for being part of the Commission 3 Working Plan 2006 - 2010:
eGovernance for eCitizen (existing)

  • SIM-Infrastructure (existing)
  • State of the art of SDI (existing)
  • 3D-applications of SDI – 3D Cadastre (existing)
  • Spatial Land Planning Implications in Informal Settlements (existing)
  • Cultural Heritage Documentation Costal Zone Management Geodata Policy with a focus on Pricing Policies for NDSI
  • The value of NSDI for the environmental protection
  • Web Services and Metadata

Based on the outlined items Chryssy will prepare a draft Working Plan, in which Inter-Commission Cooperations should be strengthened and the broad spectrum of GDI-use (e.g. Emergency Planning) should be outlined.

Proposals concerning contents of the Working Plan 2006 - 2010 should be sent directly to Chryssy ([email protected]).

8. Any other business

Gerhard Muggenhuber thanks all the participants for their attendance and their contributions. On behalf of all participants he thanks Szalbolcz Mihaly for provision of drinks.


Yerach DOYTCHER (Israel), Efi DOMOPOULOS (Greece), Enikö KOVACS (Hungary), Reinfried MANSBERGER (Austria), Bela MARKUS (Hungary), Szalbolcz MIHALY (Hungary), Gerhard MUGGENHUBER (Austria), Hartmut MÜLLER (Germany), Chryssy POTSIOU (Greece), Miograd ROIC (Croatia), Kari STRANDE (Norway).

Budapest, April 2006; Reinfried MANSBERGER

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