FIG Commission 7 - Cadastre and Land Management


20-22 October 2020 - ONLINE

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Commission 7 of the International Federation of Surveyors conducted its annual meeting in an online format between the 20th and 22nd of October 2020.

The theme of the conference was:

Building community resilience: Urban-rural land linkages and strategies to deal with COVID-19

During the annual meeting, commission delegates, working group chairs and special invitees presented their views on how to enhance synergies between rural and urban land tenure projects.

Key questions to be answered as part of the annual meeting were:

  • What are key principles all land projects should follow to ensure synergies independently if they are urban or rural?
  • What is the role of new instruments such as PPPs to ensure rural-urban land integration?
  • What is the role of new trends in education in the surveying profession to support community resilience?
  • What are key strategies to ensure urban-rural integration in the context of community resilience?
  • What lessons have been learnt around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic related to the need for urban-rural land linkage?



Monday 19 October 2020

Session Title Language

1: Opening Asia-Pacific - Land Administration 2020

This session provides an overview of key global land administration developments in 2020, for both urban/rural areas - including developments at the World Bank; the adoption of UN-GGIM FELA; impacts of Covid19; and other thought-leader viewpoints


Dr. Keith Bell, Senior Technical Specialist, World Bank
Land Administration 2020: A Global Perspective
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Dr. Eva-Maria Unger and Mr. Kees de Zeeuw, UN-GGIM/Kadaster International
Framework for Effective Land Administration Adopted
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Professor Michael Barry, University of Calgary
Hybrid Governance, and Evolutionary Land Tenure Records Development (Monwabisi Park Informal Settlement)
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Dr. Kate Rickersey, Land Equity International
State-of-Play and Future Directions in the Land Sector
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]


Dr. Rohan Bennett, the Netherlands


Dr. Kwabena Asiama, FIG Young Surveyors Network




Tuesday 20 October 2020

Session Title Language

Session 2: Blended learning: lessons from our responses to COVID:19 - in cooperation with FIG Commission 2  - Education

During 2020, there have been significant developments in surveying professional education due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Many surveying academic institutions rapidly adapted by moving learning and teaching completely online. This session aims to focus on the lessons from these experiences for future blended learning.


Chethna Ben
, University of South Pacific:
University of South Pacific experience in online learning for students across many islands.
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

David Mitchell
, RMIT University
How are students learning and studying during COVID-19: Preliminary results of student questionnaire
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Dimo Todorovksi
, University of Twente
Blended learning: lessons from our experience regard response to Covid19; Faculty ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Kelly Lickley, RICS
Online and Blended learning in RICS professional development
[abstract] [bio] [presentation]

Followed by a discussion

Associate Prof. David Mitchell, RMIT University, Chair FIG Commission 2

Chethna Ben
, FIG Young Surveyors Network



Session 3: Opening (Europe) and Consultation of the GLTN Urban-rural land linkage framework (with GLTN Professional Cluster)


In an increasingly globalised world, solutions to global problems require both local and global solutions. In this session presenters will discuss current challenges faced around the world with the COVID-19 pandemic and opportunities for better integration between urban and rural projects.


Dr. Prof. Rudolf Staiger, President FIG

Mr. Daniel Paez, Chair FIG Commission 7

Mr. Danilo Antonio, GLTN Program Management Officer
[bio]  [presentation]

Dr.-Ing. Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Researcher & Doctoral Program Coordinator  Technical University of Munich

Daniel Paez, Chair, FIG Commission 7

Jean Pierre Habiyaremye, FIG Young Surveyors Network



Session 4: Ouverture - Opportunités et défis de l'interrelation urbainet rurale


Daniel Roberge, International Consultant
La sécurisation foncière en Afrique : Fragile équilibre entre sécurité alimentaire et  urbanisation

Claire Galpin
, Senior Land Administration Specialist The World Bank
Changement des usages fonciers en périurbanité ou comment créer des terrains à bâtir dans les villes du Sud 
[bio] [presentation]

Rafic Khouri
, Association of Surveyors Arab States
Le Monde Rural dans les Pays Arabes

Jean-Philippe Lestang

Daniel Roberge, International Consultant

Michel Morneau



Session 5: Apertura - Oportunidades y retos de la interrelación urbana y rural

La necesidad de resolver los problemas de la tenencia de tierras obliga a los países a buscar innovación y proyectos a largo plazo. 

En este sesión los presentadores discutirán los retos y oportunidades para la resiliencia comunitaria que ha traído COVID-19 para el sector de las tierras.


Ivonne Moreno, The World Bank

Juan Daniel Oviedo, Director DANE Colombia (National Statistics Department)

Mike Mora
, Organization of American States

Malcolm Childress
, Global Land Alliance

Stephane Palicot
, International Expert from IGNFI

Ivonne Moreno
, The World Bank

Daniel Paez, Chair, FIG Commission 7





Wednesday 21 October 2020

Session Title Language

Session 6: 城乡联系


Prof. Dong Jiang

Prof.Changgen Zhan, Wuhan University

Prof. Liang Huang, Chinese Land Survey and Planning Institute

Senior engineer Huanle He, Chinese Land Survey and Planning Institute

UngYong (Barry) Park,
Korea LX


Prof. Huayi Wu, Wuhan University (China)

Yue Ying, FIG Young Surveyors Network


Mandarin (普通话)

Session 7: Building Community resilience in the land administration sector

Experiences around the world have demonstrated that new challenges in community resilience could be tackled by cooperation, innovation and better understanding of complex problems. In this session, practitioners from around the world will present their experiences and proposals for better land tenure using tools and policies based on innovation and technologies.


Rafael Tuts, Director, Global Solutions Division Nairobi, Kenya | United Nations Gigiri Campus
Addressing Urbanization Challenges in the Urban-Rural Continuum [bio]

Dr. Kim Taikjin and Dr. Simon Jeon, Korean LX

James Kavanagh, RICS

Ms Gerda Schennach BEV - Bundesamt für Eich- und Vermessungswesen Federal, Office of Metrology and Surveying

Vladimir Evtimov,
Land Tenure Officer FAO


Chryssy Potsiou, Professor of Cadastre and Land Management, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Mohsen Kalantari Soltanieh
, Australia

Sylion Muramira, FIG Young Surveyors Network



Session 8: Land PPPs and the role of the private sector during the recovery (with WPLA)

FIG, in cooperation with UNECE Working Party in Land Administration (WPLA) is currently reviewing overall principles for the use of public-private partnerships as a mechanism to improve land administration services and infrastructure. This workshop will discuss results from a survey to UNECE country members and explore areas where new principles should be considered.


Peter Creuzer, Director of the Agency State Survey and Geospatial Basic Information in the Authority for Geoinformation and State Survey of Lower Saxony (LGLN)

Mr. Della R. Abdullah, Expert Staff of the Minister of Land Affairs and Spatial Planning on Information Technology

Mr. Daniel Paez, Chair FIG Commission 7


Kirsikka Riekkinen




Session 9: Land Administration and the SDGs

A look into land administration initiatives responding to the UN SDGs including developments relating to ISO 19152 LADM Edition II, STDM, and initiatives relating to FFP-LA.


Prof. Christiaan Lemmen with Eftychia Kalogianni, ISO and OGC LADM II in support of the SDGs
[abstract] [bio]

Frank Pichel &
Amy Coughenour, Cadasta
Cadasta and the SDGs
[abstract] [bio]

Paula Dijkstra, FIG Working Group on FFPLA and Kadaster International
[abstract] [bio]

Simon Ulvund
, Meridia
Meridia and the SDGs
[Abstract] [Bio]


Dr. Mila Koeva


Dr. Rohan Bennett, the Netherlands


Session 10: Cadastral Modernization -  3D, Twins, and Automation

This session explores technical advances in cadastres and land registries including 3D cadastres, digital twins, automation, and AI.


Prof. Peter van Oosterom, TU-Delft
3D and LADM II

Dr. Mila Koeva, University of Twente
AI and VR in LA

Mr. Brent Jones, esri
Geospatial Infrastructure Enabling Land Administration Systems Modern Technology for Modern Cadastral and Valuation Systems
[abstract] [bio]

Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, The University of Melbourne
Digital Twin and Advancement in 3D Urban Land Administration

Prof. Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands

Charles Atakora, FIG Young Surveyors Network



Thursday 22 October 2020

Session Title Language

Session 11: Countries and Working Groups reports (Commission 7 delegates only)


Country representatives and Working Group Chairs

  • Australia - Ian Harper
  • Russian Federation  - Maria Kislova
  • Netherlands - Sanne Hekman [handouts]
  • Indonesia -  Dony Erwan Brillianto
  • Croatia - Miodrag Roić [handouts]
  • Japan - Masaru Kaidzu
  • Turkey - Orhan Ercan
  • Portugal - Virgínia Manta

‘Wrap-Up, Summary, and Looking Ahead’

Daniel Paez, Chair Commission 7

Dr. Rohan Bennett, the Netherlands



Key note speaker

Rafael Tuts is Director of the Global Solutions Division of UN-Habitat, based at its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. He is overseeing the development and application of UN-Habitat’s normative guidelines through global programmes.

He is currently also leading an agency-wide effort to analyze the State of the World’s Cities in the fight against COVID-19, focusing on multi-level governance, inequality, spatial structure and urban economy.

From 2016 to 2019 he was Director of the Programme Division of UN-Habitat, overseeing its seven thematic branches and four regional offices. From 2012 to 2016 he was Coordinator of the Urban Planning and Design Branch of UN-Habitat, promoting compact, integrated and connected cities that are inclusive and resilient to climate change. Earlier leading assignments at UN-Habitat included the Localising Agenda 21 Programme, the Training and Capacity Branch and the Cities and Climate Change Initiative.

Following the Rio+20 Conference, he coordinated UN-Habitat’s engagement in formulating the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG-11 on ‘making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’.
He authored and co-edited several publications on a wide range of sustainable urban development topics, including ‘Urban Trialogues’, a book reflecting on urban space as a resource for sustainable development, based on work in Morocco, Kenya, Vietnam and Cuba.

Together with colleagues from the World Bank, UNEP and Cities Alliance, he received the World Bank Vice-President Team Award in 2011 for global partnership building on Cities and Climate Change. He also received ISOCARP’s 50th Anniversary Award in 2015, in recognition of UN-Habitat’s urban planning work.

Before joining UN-Habitat in 1995, he worked for the Department of Architecture, Urbanism, and Planning of the University of Leuven in Belgium and the Housing Research and Development Unit of the University of Nairobi. In 1985, he obtained a Masters of Science degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Leuven. In December 2016, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor from the same university.


Daniel Paez
Chair, FIG Commission 7
email: [email protected]


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