FIG Commission 8 - Spatial planning and development


Webinar - 4 May 2PM CET

Register here

FIG Commission 8 Working Group 8.3 on Spatial Planning Instruments and Climate Change is organizing the webinar “Climate-smart land use planning - towards flood and drought resilience.” The webinar will take place via the FIG Zoom platform on 4th April 2024 at 2 pm CET.
During the webinar, the invited experts will share their knowledge of adaptive spatial planning tools that can help face climate change mitigation and adaptation challenges. The webinar provides space for knowledge sharing and discussing our challenges. We will be looking to answer the question: what could the surveyors' role be in these processes?
Invited experts:

  • Prof (em) Richard Sliuzas, University of Twente
    “Positioning spatial planning to increase flood and drought resilience”
  • Dr. Susa Eräranta, Aalto University
    “Towards planetary-sensitive planning: Planning for Regenerative Urban Futures”
  • Dr. Giulia Motta Zanin, Polytechnic University of Bari
    “The role of public participation in flood risk governance processes. Some insights from Mediterranean coastal areas”
  • Mr Lawrence Ofosu Gyinaye, ICEYE Oy
    “Using cutting-edge satellite technology to monitor and map floods in near real-time to help emergency services respond better to natural catastrophes globally”

The presentations will be followed by a Q&A with the moderators and the audience.
Join Us! Register here

Commission 8 Newsletter - February 2024


Digital Transformation and Integration of Land Administration and Land Use Planning / Land Management

March 2024

The joint FIG Working Group 7.6 / 8.4 of Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) and Commission 8 (Spatial Planning and Development) on Digital Transformation and Integration of Land Administration and Land Use Planning / Land Management. This survey aims to gather qualitative and quantitative insights into perceptions of digital technologies and digitally-enabled processes in your field of work. It will be of great value in informing the work of our working group and will only take 20 minutes to complete.

The survey will be open until 26 May 2024 and the results will be presented at upcoming FIG events and disseminated via the relevant newsletters.

You can access the survey by following this link: 

Commission 8 at FIG Working Week 2023

FIG Working Week 2023 took place 28 May - 1 june 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
Commission 8 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical programme and held its annual meeting during the conference days. At the General Assembly the Work plans of all commissions were presented

> Work plan
> Video presentation of work plan
> Proceedings/Technical programme
> Report from the conference

Commission 3 + 8 workshop Proceedings and report

13-14 December 2022 the joint Workshop of Commissions 3 + 8 took place in Athens, Greece.

Newsletter - FIG Commission 8 - December 2022

Commission 3 + 8 workshop, 13-14 December in Greece

October 2022

Please, join us an take part in the joint Workshop on the theme:
"Spatial Information and planning in a world facing multiple crises -  a surveyors' perspective"


The workshop will be the 1st edition of the "International Scientific Conferences of European Surveyors", organized by EGoS - European Group of Surveyors.
FIG Commission 3 (spatial information management) and 8 (spatial planning and development) together with EGOS cordially invite you to attend the conference.

Read more information here



Download the registration forms here:



Commision 8, Chair Elect

August 2021


The General Assembly elected Mr. Kwabena Asiama from Ghana, GhIS, as the Chair Elect of Commission 8, the elected Chair Elect term as the Chair of the Commission will be initiated at the FIG Congress 2022 for the period 2023-2026.


In the report from the General Assemble, you can also access the video presentation of the Candidate, Mr. Kwabena Asiama.

Commission 8 at FIG e-Working Week 2021

August 2021

The Working Week took place online 20-25 June 2021. Commission 8 held its annual meeting with outset in their prepared Report and Agenda.

Commission 8 was also involved in several sessions covering Commission 8 areas within the theme of Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management.

To read more about Working Week 2021, the full report FIG e-Working Week 2021 is available.

Workshop Joint Fig Commissions 3 and 8

A joint workshop from Commissions 3 and 8 was held on 20-21July 2021 in Prato, Italy

Click here for more information about the workshop

Click here for the proceedings of the workshop.

New FIG Publication on Water Governance Challenges in Africa

June 2021

"Good Practice for Resilience Planning to address Water Governance Challenges in Africa" is prepared by FIG Commission 8 and is no 77 in the series of FIG Publications.

FIG Commission’s 8 Working Group 8.5 about African water governance has delivered a report addressing the challenges of water governance in urbanised areas in Africa. Lack of water is impacting the ecology, agriculture, and the general economy of most African nations. In addition, poor water governance results in inequitable access to freshwater and unsustainable water usage in many parts of Africa.


 Read more

Publication 77: Good Practice for Resilience Planning to address Water Governance Challenges in Africa (pdf)


FIG Commission 8 Newsletter - May 2021

After having cancelled the FIG Working Week last year, we are now heading towards our first online FIG Working Week ever.With this newsletter we would like to update you on the activities of commission 8 and give a sneakpreview
of activities not to be missed during the FIG e-Working Week from 21-25th of June 2021. Enjoy the newsletter

Article: Key Global and Technology Drivers Impacting Surveying

February 2021

The article was published in GIM International. As the FIG commission chairs are near the halfway point in their terms, they reflect on the global and technological drivers influencing their work. This article describes the breadth of work across the FIG commissions as well as the common areas. The discussion is also informed by global reports such as the UN-GGIM’s Future Trends in Geospatial Information Management and the RICS Futures Report 2020. Enjoy the article

Successful webinar about Land Banking

December 2020

The FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia is finalizing a study on European good practices on land policy instruments particularly focusing on land banking. For this reason, FAO organised a well-attended webinar on Friday 11th of December about the application of land banking instruments in Europe and Central Asia.  

The first panel discussion focused on land banking practices in five different countries, respectively the Netherlands, France, Germany, Turkey and Montenegro. We heard about some interesting examples on how each country derived their own strategy and related land banking to agricultural policies and other instruments like land consolidation. Then based on these practices, the potential of land banking for countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia was discussed.

In between the two panel discussions, FAO presented the results of the study about “European Good Practices on Land Policy Instruments with focus on land banking”. The findings were discussed in the second panel from the perspective of different organisations and stakeholders. Also, participants posted several questions to the panellists. Representatives in this panel from FIG (International Federation of Surveyors), smallholder farms in Romania (European Coordination Via Campesina & Eco Ruralis) and FAO highlighted the importance of capacity building and the need to back up the instrument of land banking with policies and legislation, like a land policy and agricultural policy.

The topic of land policy instruments, and land banking is one of these, is also included in FIG’s work programme of commission 8 ‘spatial planning and development’. Working group 8.4 focuses on this topic and on its role for spatial development.

A recording of the webinar about land banking is available here:


August 2020

This year, unfortunately, we had to miss the opportunity to meet each other at the FIG Working Week in Amsterdam. Many commission 8 activities were scheduled during the FIG Working Week, including a fully booked tour about land and water management. To bridge the time to the next Working Week, we will reach out to you in various digital ways; by this newsletter but also by organizing digital activities. Enjoy the newsletter

Land Consolidation Legislation: FAO Legal Guide and its application at country level

June 2020

More than 550 people from across the world took the opportunity to learn about land consolidation, the legal framework, and its implementation at the country level. The successful webinar was jointly organised by FIG and FAO on 18 June. Originally, two sessions about land consolidation and the implementation at country level were planned for the FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam (May 2020). Since the FIG Working Week had to be cancelled, FAO and FIG jointly agreed to organise a webinar to replace the two sessions initially planned.

The webinar will serve to support the application and implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) and achieving SDG targets such as 1.4, 2.3 and 5.a.  The objective of this discussion is to promote good land consolidation practices and the practical application of the FAO Legal Guide with the examples from a range of European countries.

In this webinar, FAO introduce the new Legal Guide on Land Consolidation, prepared based on the outcomes of a study of good practices for land consolidation legislation in Europe. The Legal Guide has been prepared by FAO in close cooperation with technical networks such as LANDNET, FIG and UNECE WPLA. The Legal Guide weaves together legislative and technical guidance to make the process accessible to countries where land consolidation is initiated. It will be useful to a broad range of stakeholders: legislatures, legal drafters and land consolidation professionals, public and private entities and persons involved in the land consolidation process.  More information.

Were you not able to join live? You can watch the webinar now on Youtube

FIG Working (from home) Week 2020 - Proceedings

May 2020

During the conference days a range of articles highlighting the hot-topics, the ground breaking research, and the hidden gems in the proceedings was published.

Spatial planning – the focus of commission 8 – is logically much related to the subtheme ‘integrated land and water management’ of the FIG Working Week 2020.  Read the article

FIG Working Week 2020 has been cancelled

March 2020

It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the cancellation of this year’s FIG Working Week in Amsterdam due 10-14 May.

This is not a decision we have taken lightly and there are two overriding concerns that have caused us to make this decision at this time. 

First, the Dutch Government announced new measurements to control the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Netherlands all gatherings are prohibited until 1 June.

Second, our primary concern is always the wellbeing of you, and we would not take on the responsibility, during these times, to bring so many surveyors from all over the world together.

Report to the General Assembly

March 2020

FIG Commission 8 has prepared a written report to the General assembly.

The full agenda is available

The General Assembly has been cancelled and postponed to 2021.

FIG Working Week 2020 and FIG Commission 8

February 2020

The theme Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management is both relevant in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.

Commission 8 is planning the following sessions:

FIG Working Week 2020: A comprehensive tour on Dutch land- and water management – 14th May 2020

The Dutch have an excellent reputation when it comes to water management and successful living with water. Some even say that contemporary spatial planning and development originates from attempts to keep the water out in order to optimise land use.

There is so much to see and so little time... Therefore, we combine the best the Dutch have to offer in a one day event during the FIG Working Week 2020!

For more information and to register, please visit the conference website


Commission 8 at FIG Working Week 2019

The Working Week took place in Hanoi, Vietnam 22-26 April 2019. Commission 8 held its yearly meeting and was involved in several sessions covering the commission 8 areas and also in cooperation with among others FAO.

Commisson 8 at the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June

Commission 8 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki, Finland 29 May - 2 June 2017

Commission chairs 2015-2018 at their meeting during the FIG Working Week, 29 May-2 June in Helsinki, Finland: Remy Boudon(comm. 6) Volker Schwieger (comm. 5), See Lian ONG (comm. 10), Angela Etuonovbe (comm. 4), Steven Nystrom (comm. 9), Kwame Tenadu (comm. 8), Enrico Rispoli (comm. 3), Gerda Schennach (comm. 7), Fahria Masum(comm. 2), Brian J. Coutts (comm. 1)

Commissin 8 at the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand 2-6 May

Commission 8 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016

Commission chairs 2015-2018 at their meeting during the FIG Working Week, 2-6 May 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand: Brian J. Coutts (comm. 1), E.M.C. (Liza) Groenendijk (comm. 2), Enrico Rispoli (comm. 3), Angela Etuonovbe (comm. 4), Volker Schwieger (comm. 5), Diane Dumashie (Vice president), Ivo Milev (comm. 6)., Gerda Schennach (comm. 7), Steven Nystrom (comm. 9), See Lian ONG (comm. 10) and Eva-Maria Unger (YSN)

Symposium on Land Consolidation and Readjustment for Sustainable Development - Designing Resilient Landscapes and Empowering Communities.

The symposium will be co-organised by FIG, FAO, Dutch Kadaster and LANDNET. The symposium provides a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences with fellow scientists and practitioners working on land consolidation and land readjustment from all over the world. There is an attractive programme with a mixture of keynotes, technical sessions, field trips and social activities. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st of July 2016.

The symposium will be held in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, 9 – 11 November 2016.

Web site:

Commission 8 at the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015

Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Chair of commission 8 making his report to the General Assembly
Commission 8 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria, 17-21 May 2015.


Commission 8 at the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria 6-10 May 2013

Wafula Nabutola, Chair of Commission 8 making his report to the General Assembly.

Commission 8 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2013 in Abuja, Nigeria, 6-10 May 2013.  Commission 8 report

Commission 8 at the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012

Kwame Tenadu

Commission 8 had its annual meeting during the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy, 6-10 May 2012. The General Assembly elected Mr. Kwame Tenadu from Ghana as the Chair Elect of Commission 8 for 2013-2014.

ATF Workshop 2011 - 30 November - 2 December 2011

The 2011 ATF Workshop will be held in Cape Town, South Africa hosted by FIG Partners:

- The South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors (PLATO) and
- Geomatics department of the University of Cape Town.

Registration by 18th September to: Soraya Shaffie [email protected]  or Diane Dumashie [email protected]

Young Surveyors Network encourages Young Surveyors to attend the Workshop

Commission 8 at the FIG Working Week, May 2011 Marrakech Morocco

Final Newsletter from Commission Chair Diane Dumashie 2007-2010

Click picture for bigger format
Commission 8 delegates at the Commission 8 meeting in Sydney in connection with the FIG Congres 2010

African Task Force Workshop 11-12 November, Mombassa, Kenya
FIG African Task Force is proud to announce that agreement has been reached with the Institute of Surveyors in Kenya (ISK) to hold the first Africa Task Force Workshop in Mombassa. ISK have demonstrably proved active in Kenya, having been instrumental in taking on the role of advocates with the community in the recent government activity in Land reform on Kenya. Their skills as acting as change agents in Africa will lend itself to the objectives of the Task force in debating and proposing tools for individual land professional members in sub - Saharan Africa.

Chair of Commission 8, Diane Dumashie, visited the 2010 international conference: Property RIghts, Economic Instruments and Biodiversity, Aix-en-Provence, France, 17-19 June 2010

Commission 8 at the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

Click picture for bigger format.
Wafula Nabutola

Commission 8 had its meeting during the FIG Congress 2010 in Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010. The General Assembly appointed Mr. Wafula Nabutola from Kenya as the Chair of Commission 8 for 2011-2014.

GhIS/CASLE/FIG Conference in Accra Ghana, 22-28 February 2010

The Ghana Institution of Surveyors, CASLE and FIG Commission 8 jointly organised an international conference "The Surveyor: Partner In National Development - Towards the Millennium Development Goals - Taking Stock of Progress" in Accra Ghana 22-28 February 2010.

FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, June 2008 - Commission 8 Chairman?s Overview Report by Dr. Diane Dumashie, FRICS

FIG/CIREA/HKIS Seminar on Appraisal and Property Protection - 18-19 October, Beijing, China P. R. - in co-operation with Commission 8
Cklick picture for bigger format.

Click picture for bigger format.

The Joint Seminar on Appraisal and Property Protection was organised in Beijing, China P. R. 18-19 October 2008 by the China Institute of Real Estate Appraisers and Agents (CIREA), The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and the International Federation of Surveyors, FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate in co-operation with FIG Commission 8 - Spatial Planning and Development.

The major goal of this seminar was to intensify the discussion between valuers, surveyors, real estate experts, investors, financiers, urban planners, researchers, teachers and decision makers and develop common ideas for shaping the future.

Web site.

Report of the seminar is available.

FIG Publication no. 42 - Informal Settlements: The Road towards More Sustainable Places

FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden, 14-19 June 2008

Commission 8 Annual Meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden during the FIG Working Week 2008, 14-19 June 2008, web site:
Technical sessions and proceedings. Dr. Diane Dumashie was appointed as Chair of Commission 8 for 2007-2010.
Commission 8 Annual Report for the General Assembly as a .pdf-file.
FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, June 2008 - Commission 8 Chairman?s Overview Report by Dr. Diane Dumashie, FRICS.

Land Professionals Workshop on Gendering Land Tools organised by UN-HABITAT in Co-operation with FIG Commission 8 - Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 10-11 March 2008

FIG Publication # 38 - The Contribution of the Surveying Profession to Disaster Risk Management
FIG established a working group to highlight the current and future need for research and action in the field of disaster risk management in the year 2003. After three years of research in the form of expert meetings as well as papers and posters presented at the FIG conferences, FIG publication presents application-oriented concepts, methods and instruments for an effective disaster risk management. The publication is result of the work of FIG Working Group 8.4 on Risk and Disaster Management. ISBN-10: 87-90907-58-2

Commission 8 Newsletter - September 2005

Promoting Sustainable Land Management (Bagamoyo) & Promoting Land Administration and Good Governance (Accra), March 2006 - Presentation of Dr. Diane Dumashie

FIG Congress in Munich, Germany, 8-13 October 2006

Working Group 8.4 on Risk Management has got its web site:

FIG Working Week in Cairo, Egypt, 16-21 April 2005

Simon Adcock from Australia elected as new Commission 8 Chair Elect

The FIG General Assembly appointed Mr. Simon Adcock from Australia as the new Chair Elect of Commission 8 after Dr. Spike Boydell resigned for personal reasons some weeks before the Working Week in Cairo. Simon will be the Chair Elect in 2005-2006 and then automatically follow Dr. Diane Dumashie as the Chair of Commission 8 in 2006-2010. You can read more about Simon Adcock in his CV.

Commission 8 attends the Regional Conference in Jakarta, 3-7 October 2004 - Read Report from the Chair

FIG Working Week in Athens, 22-27 May 2004

Diane Dumashie was appointed to Commission 8 Chair for 2004-2006. Diane is a private surveyor running her own company Dumashie Associates 


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