FIG General Assembly
25th FIG General Assembly25th General Assembly
Sunday |
09:00 - 12.00 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Monday |
09:00 - 10:30 |
FIG Commission Meetings |
Friday |
09.00 - 10.30 |
President’s meeting with Presidents of member associations (or their representatives), by invitation only |
Friday 26 May Marriott Ballroom 3 |
10.30 - 13.30 | General Assembly, Second Session |
Friday 26 May Marriott Ballroom 3 |
13:30 - 14:00 | Closing Ceremony |
Friday |
14:00 - 16:00 |
FIG 2006 Welcome Party |
for the meetings to be held at the Marriott Wardman Park
Hotel, Washington, DC. , USA
Marriott Ballroom
21 and 26 April 2002
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To download the agenda in Acrobat format please click here:
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The appendices in Acrobat format can be downloaded below under each item.
Appendices received after the Agenda has been distributed to members:
Memorandum of Understanding between FIG and UN-HABITAT, 16 April 2002
Memorandum of Understanding between FIG and ISPRS, 15 April 2002
Membership Application of the Association of Authorised Land Surveyors Malaysia, 15 April 2002
Commission 8 Report of Activities 1998-2002, 15 April 2002
Report of the FIG Foundation, 15 April 2002
Commission 1 Work Plan 2002-2006, 9 April 2002
Task Force on Cultures and Languages in FIG - Interim Report, 9 April 2002
Amendments to appendices of the original Agenda
President Robert W. Foster to open the 25th General Assembly.
The General Assembly is invited to honour the past Honorary President Prof. Herbert Matthias (Switzerland) who passed away 10 August 2001 with a moment of silence.
The General Assembly is invited to make a presentation to Alina Szczesniak honoring her father, Wladysław Surmacki, who was to be FIG President in 1942 but did not survive the war. The General Assembly in Brighton voted him Honorary President on the motion of Past President Bill Radlinski seconded by Prof. Kazimierz Czarnecki.
Vice President Christian Andreasen to take the roll call.
Appendix to items 2 & 28: Roll Call.
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Motion: That the delegates and observers attending the General Assembly be entered in the records and that at the second session of the General Assembly roll call will be made only for member associations while other members and participants will be recorded only.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints two persons as tellers following the principle adopted at the 22nd General Assembly so that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the preceding (Korea Confederation of Surveyors) and the current General Assembly (American Congress on Surveying and Mapping ACSM and the Appraisal Institute).
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Please bring your copy of the minutes of FIG General Assembly 2001 with
you to the meeting.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the 24th
General Assembly
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Motion: That the minutes be adopted as circulated.
6.1.1 Association des Géomètres et Topographes du Burkina (AGT-B)
The Association des Géomètres et Topographes du Burkina (AGT-B) (Burkina Association of Surveyors) was established 2 June 2001 and it has 60 members and is the first professional association in Burkina Faso. Currently a correspondent who is Alain S. Bagré represents Burkina Faso in FIG. He is also the President of the new association. To be noted that according to the statutes after the membership has been established the current correspondent has to resign.
Appendix to item 6.1.1:Membership application from the Association
des Géomètres et Topographes du Burkina (AGT-B).
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Association des Géomètres et Topographes du Burkina (AGT-B) as a member association of FIG.
6.1.2 Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay (A.A.C.)
The Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay AAC has send FIG a formal application of becoming a member association of FIG. There are totally about 300 land surveyors in Uruguay. The association is under reconstruction and the number of members is increasing from the current 47. AAC is the only association in Uruguay representing surveyors. The Council has considered the application and believes that the association meets criteria for membership of FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.2: Membership application from the Asociación
de Agrimensores del Uruguay AAC.
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Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay AAC as a member association of FIG.
6.1.3 Ordré National des Géomètres du Cameroun (OGEC)
The Ordré National des Géomètres du Cameroun (OGEC) joined FIG as a member association at the FIG Congress in Katowice, Poland in 1985. It has then been expelled because of unpaid membership fees. The association wants to re-establish its membership in FIG. Currently a correspondent who is Nchottou Issofa represents Cameroon in FIG. To be noted that according to the statutes after the membership has been established the current correspondent has to resign.
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Ordré National des Géomètres du Cameroun (OGEC) to rejoin FIG as a member association.
6.1.4 The Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES), Hong Kong, China
The Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES) submitted its membership application to the Council during the General Assembly in Seoul, May 2001. The Council has considered the application and according to the statutes decided to bring it to the General Assembly for its decision. When considering the application the Council has used the guidelines on reviewing membership applications endorsed by the General Assembly in Seoul 2001. The Council has further been in contact with the current member association the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors HKIS from Hong Kong, China and asked for its opinion on the application. In its reply the HKIS opposes the acceptance of the membership application of HKIES. Both associations have further disagreed to the proposal by the Council of establishing an FIG Forum for the Hong Kong representation if FIG.
Appendices to item 6.1.4 and 29:
The Council has invited both associations to make a short presentation at the first session of the General Assembly on their points on the membership application. Thereafter the members are invited to consider the application and vote on the membership at the second session of the General Assembly on 26 April 2002.
The Council has chosen not to make a recommendation on the proposal.
Motion: That the vote on this on this issue will take place at the second session of the General Assembly 26 April 2002.
6.2.1 Expungements
The subscriptions of the following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has powers to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes).
Motion: That the General Assembly expels the
if their membership fees still are in arrears at the time of the motion being put to the vote.
6.2.2 Samfundet för Fastighetsekonomi (SFF), Sweden
The Samfundet för Fastighetsekonomi (SFF) from Sweden has 11 June 2001 decided to resign from FIG. In the resignation letter it explains that it is an association focussed on real estate economics and not directly related to the FIG activities. After the letter both Swedish associations have been contacted. Most of the surveyors who are members in SFF are also members in the Sveriges Lantmätareförening (SLF) that is the other member of FIG. The associations have agreed to collect their international activities under SLF and therefore decided that SFF will resign from FIG.
Motion: That the General Assembly records that the Samfundet för Fastighetsekonomi SFF from Sweden has resigned from the Federation.
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly on the following changes in the membership of FIG:
The Council has admitted the following three organisations to become an affiliate member of FIG:
Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following two companies to become a Corporate Member of FIG:
Academic members
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that 10 new Academic Members have joined FIG after the General Assembly in Seoul and that the number of academic members 26 February 2002 is 47 from 29 nations. The new academic members are:
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
Mr. Jacques Tassou (France), an Honorary Member of FIG has proposed to the Council that FIG should appoint Mr. Jan de Graeve (Belgium), Director of the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement as an Honorary Member of FIG. According to the Statutes the proposal for an appointment for an Honorary Member shall be made by a member association or by the Council. The Council has considered the proposal and decided to propose to the General Assembly that it appoints Jan de Graeve as an Honorary Member of the Federation. Mr. de Graeve has served FIG as a Vice Chair (1988-90) and as a Chair (1990-94) of Commission 1, as a Secretary in Commission 1 (1982-85) and as a Chair of the ad hoc commission on the History of Surveying and thereafter as the Director of the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement.
Appendix to item 7: The nomination letter and biographical notes
of Jan de Graeve.
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Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Mr. Jan de Graeve from Belgium as an Honorary Member of FIG.
The report of the President of the Federation includes a review on the activities of the Federation during the past year and report of the activities taken by the Council and the FIG office.
Appendix to item 8: President's report.
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Motion: That the General Assembly receives the President's report.
The Commission chairs have submitted their written reports on the Commission activities since the General Assembly in Seoul. These reports include at the same time an overall review of the Commission activities for 1998-2002 because the term of office of the Commission chairs and officers will close by the end of the FIG Congress 2002.
Each chair has therefore been asked to make an additional oral report on his/her activities during the past four years. The General Assembly is further noted that a longer report will be presented in the FIG technical programme in the opening session of each technical Commission.
Appendices to item 9:
9.1 Commission 1
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9.2 Commission 2
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9.3 Commission 3
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9.4 Commission 4
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9.5 Commission 5
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9.6 Commission 6
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9.7 Commission 7
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9.8 Commission 8
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15 April 2002
9.9 Commission 9
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9.10 Commission 10, to be tabled.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports of the Commission chairs and records its thanks to the chairs and officers of the Commissions for their past year's work and for the great achievements they have accomplished during 1998-2002.
Appendices to item 10:
10.1 Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land
Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF
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10.2 Report from the FIG Multi-Lingual Dictionary Board
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10.3 Report from the International Institution for the History of
Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the reports and records its thanks to the Directors for their past year's work.
The Director to make a supplementary oral presentation to his written report.
Appendix to item 11: Report of the Director, FIG/UN Liaison
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and the Director's recommendations resulting from his subsequent report and records its thanks to the Director, FIG/UN Liaison and other FIG representatives for their past year's work.
The Task force -Review of Commission, Task Force and Permanent Institution Structure 2000-2002 made its report at the General Assembly in Seoul 2001. The report included also principles on the proposed new election procedure of the Commission officers. This model includes that the election of the chairs takes place at the General Assembly during the FIG Congress but that the election of the next chair (Chair elect) takes first place two years before he/she will take over as a Commission chair. In addition the Working Group chairs in each Commission (appointed by the Commission chair and endorsed by the General Assembly) will be called Commission Vice Chairs. At the election for the Chair elect the candidates can be either working group chairs (Vice chairs) or candidates nominated by the member associations. A Commission chair or vice chair has to be a member of a member association. The Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) has accepted the proposal from the Task force at its meeting in October 2001. The proposal includes that the Commission chairs will be elected in Washington for the term of office 2002-2006 but that the election of the Chair elect will take place first at the General Assembly in 2004. The chairs of the Commission working groups (to be endorsed by the General Assembly 26 April 2002) will be nominated as Commission vice chairs.
Appendix to item 12: Changes to the FIG Internal Rules.
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the changes to the FIG Internal Rules as proposed in appendix to item 12 and that decides that the new election procedure will be used for the first time at the elections during the General Assembly 2002.
The General Assembly established the Nomination Review Group (NRG) to prepare the election of the first elected Vice President at its meeting in Seoul 2001. The NRG has been chaired by Prof. Peter Dale, Past President of FIG (UK) and other members being Jan De Graeve, Director of the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement (Belgium), Grahame Lindsay, Honorary Member of FIG (Australia), Hans Josef Platen, former President of DVW (Germany) and Dr. Dato' Abdul Majid Mohamad, Representative of Institution of Surveyors of Malaysia in FIG and Chair of Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific.
The NRG received two nominations for the post of FIG Vice President 2003-2006. Afterwards one nomination was withdrawn. The Nomination Review Group has made its proposal to the General Assembly proposing that Mr. Wong Thien-Nyen (T N Wong) from Hong Kong, China to be appointed as the first elected Vice President of the Federation for 2003-2006.
Appendices to item 13:
Motion: The General Assembly is invited to appoint Mr. T. N. Wong from Hong Kong, China to become the first elected Vice President of the Federation for the term of office 2003-2006.
Member associations were requested to submit their nominations to Commission chairs for 2002-2006 by 15 October 2001. The member associations of the current Commission vice chairs have submitted their nomination letters in which they support the current vice chairs to become chairs of their respective Commission and promising their support to the candidate. Thus all current vice chairs of commissions 1-9 have been nominated by their respective member association. To Commission 10 (Construction Economics and Management) the RICS has nominated Mr. Philip Shearer as a candidate. He is the only candidate for this post. The ad hoc Commission on Construction Economics and management is at the same time proposed to become a permanent commission according to the results at the General Assembly in Seoul by keeping the current Commission structure.
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints following persons as Commission chairs for the term of office 2002-2006:
That the General Assembly further endorses to change the ad hoc Commission on Construction Economics and Management as Commission 10 until the Commission structure will be reviewed in the future.
Task Force on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications has produced its final report, which has been adopted by the Council and published in the FIG Publication series as publication no. 27. The Council adopted the statement of the Task Force at its meeting in Seoul 2001.
The work of the Task Force is concluded when the report has been delivered to the General Assembly. The Council has jointly with the incoming Commission chairs considered that the recommendations and the FIG statement on the mutual recognition needs to be implemented and has therefore suggested to establish a joint Commission 1 and 2 working group under Commission 2 for 2002-2006. This working group will be chaired by Dr. Frances Plimmer, United Kingdom.
Appendix to item 15: FIG Publication no 27: Mutual Recognition of
Professional Qualifications.
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Motion: That the General Assembly records the report on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications and adopts the FIG statement on Mutual Recognition and further records its thanks to the authors of the report Prof. Stig Enemark and Dr. Frances Plimmer and to the Task Force members and authors of the case studies for the excellent work they have done.
Task Force on Standards has produced its final report "FIG Guide on Standardisation", which has been adopted by the Council and published in the FIG Publication series as publication no. 28. The draft has been introduced to the General Assembly in 2001 and has been available on the web for comments.
Iain Greenway, Chair of the Task Force has further submitted his report on the recent activities of the Task Force and about the future arrangements of standardisation work within the Federation. The Council has decided to disband the Task Force at the end of the Washington Congress. The work on standards in FIG will be continued by a Standardisation Network which will formally be located under Commission 1 as a joint Commission working group to be led by Iain Greenway.
Appendices to item 16:
FIG Publication no 28: FIG Guide on Standardisation
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FIG Task Force on Standards, Report to the 25th General Assembly
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Motion: That the General Assembly records the FIG publication "FIG Guide on Standardisation" and the final report of the Task Force and endorses recommendations for the future activities on standards issues in FIG. That the General Assembly further records its thanks to the Task Force chair and members for the excellent work they have done.
In addition to Task Forces on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Task Force on Standards FIG has had five Task Forces in 1998-2002. The Council has decided to close all current Task Forces at this Congress leaving the new Council an opportunity to establish Task Forces as needed.
Task Force on Under-represented groups in surveying
Gabriele Dasse, Chair of the Task Force on Under-represented Groups in Surveying has submitted her final report on the activities of this Task Force. In the report it is suggested to continue the work with under-represented groups in surveying by an informal network and in addition to establish a joint Commission working group under the lead of Commission 1.
Appendix to item 17: Task Force on Under-represented Groups in
Surveying, Final Report to the 25th General Assembly
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Task Force on Sustainable Development
This Task Force was closed in Seoul after the endorsement of the FIG Agenda21.
Task Force on Cultures and Languages in FIG
No report has been received from this Task Force since the General
Assembly in Seoul.
The Council considers that after the new governance structure was ratified
most of the problems raised at the time when the Task Force was established
have been solved. The proposals raised have also been included in the work
plans of the Council and Commissions for 2002-2006. Additional issues like
having several official languages have recently been decided (1998) and are
very much depending on the costs. The Council has therefore decided to close
the Task Force at the end of Congress 2002. The General Assembly is
requested to notice that in the German Council work plan 2003-2006 the main
initiatives promoting multicultural approach in the next years have been
Appendix to item 17 B: Task Force on Cultures and Languages in
FIG, Interim Report
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9 April 2002
Task Force on the Future Governance of FIG and the Task Force - Commission and Task Force and Permanent Institution Structure
These Task Forces have completed their work when the new statutes and internal rules have been adopted by the 2001 and 2002 General Assembly.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions taken by the Council and decides to leave to the new Council to establish new Task Forces as needed.
FIG Commission 1 Working Group 2 on Business Practices has produced an FIG publication on Business Matters for Professionals - A Guide to support professionals in the task of business management. The Council has adopted the report and its guidelines and decided to bring the report to the General Assembly for its information and endorsement.
Appendix to item 18: FIG Publication no 29: Business Matters for
Professionals - A Guide to support professionals in the task of business
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Motion: That the General Assembly records the report and its recommendations to the FIG members and surveyors and records its thanks to the Working Group chair and members for their contribution to the Federation.
FIG organised together with the UN-HABITAT and the Institution of Surveyors of Kenya a very successful International Conference on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development in Nairobi, Kenya, 2-5 October 2001. The Conference was co-sponsored by several other UN agencies (UNEP, UN ECA, FAO) and other organisations and sponsors. The Conference was attended by almost 500 delegates from 40 countries. The results from the Conference led by FIG Commission 3 have been combined as a joint FIG / UN publication "The Nairobi Statement on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development" which has been published in the FIG publication series. The Council has adopted the statement and decided to forward it to the General Assembly for its information and endorsement.
Appendix to item 19: FIG publication no. 30: The Nairobi Statement
on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development
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Motion: That the General Assembly records the Nairobi Statement on Spatial Information for Sustainable Development and endorses its recommendations for FIG and its further activities.
A memorandum of cooperation between FIG and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been prepared on land tenure related issues.
Appendix to item 20.1: Memorandum of Cooperation between FIG and
FAO on Land Tenure Related Issues.
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A memorandum of understanding between FIG and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-HABITAT has been prepared for 2002-2006. 16 April 2002
Appendix to item 20.2: Memorandum of Understanding between FIG and
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the memorandum of cooperation prepared between FIG and FAO on land tenure issues and the memorandum of understanding between FIG and UN-HABITAT for 2002-2006. 16 April 2002
After the International Union for Surveys and Mapping (IUSM) was disbanded in 1999 the co-operation with the so-called sister organisations have been based on bilateral agreements. Memoranda of understanding have previously been made with the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM). In September 2001 a MoU was signed with the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and an agreement is under preparation with the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). The sister organisations on the surveying field called the "Joint Board of Space Information Societies" will have their next meeting during the FIG 2002 Congress.
Further a Memorandum of Understanding has been prepared with the International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) which is also one of the members in the Habitat Professionals Forum.
Appendices to item 21:
21.1 Memorandum of Understanding between ICA and FIG.
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21.2 Memorandum of Understanding between IFHP and FIG.
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21.3 Memorandum of Understanding between ISPRS and FIG.
16 April 2002
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April 2002
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the FIG/ICA, FIG/IFHP and FIG/ISPRS Memoranda of Understanding and records its thanks to all who have contributed to the development of FIG liaison activities during the past year.
Appendices to item 22:
22.1 Auditor's Report, Income and Expenses Account for 2001 and
Balance Sheet at 31 December 2001
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22.2 Arrears 1998-2001
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the audited accounts for 2001.
Appendices to item 23:
23.1 Up-dated FIG Budget for 2002.
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23.2 FIG Budget for 2003.
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the up-dated budget for 2002 and adopts the budget for 2003.
The General Assembly is required to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale. Fees for 2002 and 2003 are
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2002 |
Sw.frs. 5.20 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
Sw.frs. 100.00 |
112 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
2003 |
Sw.frs. 5.30 per member up to a maximum of 4,000
members. |
Sw.frs. 200.00 |
118 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
The German Council will be in charge for the FIG administration starting 1 January 2003. Therefore the proposal for subscriptions for 2004 has been prepared jointly between the US and German Bureaux. The Bureaux have considered the FIG financial situation in the perspective of five years to guarantee the continuity of the permanent office and the change to the new governance structure. According to this study the financial situation seems to develop positively but there is still need to collect reserves for the transition period. Following the discussions under the recent years how FIG could support the member associations from the developing countries the proposal for subscriptions for 2003 includes a new element. It is proposed that member associations from poorest countries should get a reduction to their membership fees. The proposed reduction is 50 per cent from per capita fee. It is proposed to be given to member associations coming from countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies and low-middle-income economies. This concept will be kept for 2004. The proposal includes about 5 per cent increase in the per capita fees for 2004 to assure the continuity of the permanent office on the first year after the first five years starting period of the FIG office and to implement the goal of the German Council to collect a reserve of equal to one year’s expenditure within the next years.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2003:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2003 |
Sw.frs. 5.60 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members Member associations coming from countries listed in appendix 19 shall pay Sw. frs 2.80 per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
Sw.frs. 200.00 |
121 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members |
The General Assembly voted in 1998 to accept the invitation of the Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel to host the FIG Working Week of 2003 in Eilat, Israel. In recent months there have been expressions of concern from FIG members regarding the safety of travel to Israel considering the unsettled political situation there. There is a concern on the part of the Council that members will choose not to attend the meeting in Eilat if conditions continue as they are. Recognising the potential cost to the local association in lost revenue due to cancellations, and considering the risk to FIG if we are unable to assemble a quorum for the General Assembly in 2003, the Council have chosen to bring the matter back to this General Assembly to either reaffirm or cancel the decision to hold the Working Week 2003 in Eilat, Israel.
The representatives of the Association of Licensed Surveyors in Israel have been invited to make a presentation at this first session of the General Assembly describing conditions in Israel and provisions being made by the association for FIG Working Week 2003. After the presentation the Council will allow time for discussion during the week and has scheduled a vote of the General Assembly at the second session, whether or not members still choose Eilat, Israel as the site of the FIG Working Week 2003.
Motion: That a vote on this issue will take place at the second session of the General Assembly 26 April 2002.
A bid to host the FIG Working Week 2007 has been received from the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). The Council has considered the bid and recommends to the General Assembly that the FIG Working Week 2007 will be held in Hong Kong, China. The Council has, however, decided that the role of FIG and the permanent office will increase in organising the future FIG Working Weeks. This means that part of the organising work will be taken care by the FIG Office which also needs to get compensation for its work. The services provided by the permanent office will include coordinating the technical programme, collecting and publishing the proceedings on the FIG web site, assisting/hosting the web site etc. The details on the role of FIG in organising the Working Week 2007 have to be agreed before the final commitment on hosting the Working Week 2007 will be made. A donation to the FIG Foundation will also be required from any host of a future FIG Working Week. This condition is fulfilled in the Hong Kong bid.
The delegation of the Hong Kong Institution of Surveyors (HKIS) will make their presentation at the first session of the General Assembly.
Appendix to item 26: The bid of the Hong Kong Institution of
Surveyors (HKIS) to host the FIG Working Week 2007 (main points).
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Motion: That the General Assembly notes the presentation and makes the decision of the venue of the FIG Working Week 2007 at its second meeting 26 April 2002.
Separate invitations to Presidents of the Member Associations to follow.
Appendix to items 2 & 28: Roll Call.
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Motion: That present members be recorded in the minutes.
The Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES), Hong Kong, China
The membership application from the Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors (HKIES) has been introduced at the first session of the General Assembly.
Appendices to item 6.1.4 and 29:
Motion: That the General Assembly makes its decision on the membership application without a recommendation of the Council.
The Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) will meet on 20 April and possibly at other times during the Congress.
ACCO will also make its proposal of the nomination of the ACCO representative to the Council for calendar years 2003-2004.
Appendix to item 30: Report from the ACCO Meetings, to be tabled.
Motion: That the General Assembly confirms the nomination of the ACCO representative to the Council for calendar years 2003-2004 and further that the General Assembly adopts the report and its recommendations and records its thanks to ACCO for its past year's work.
The Commission chairs 1998-2002 are requested to make brief oral presentations on the Commissions activities and meetings during the working week if needed.
Motion: That the General Assembly receives the reports.
The members of the FIG Council 2003-2006 will be introduced to the General Assembly.
The Council will consist of following representatives appointed by the Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen e. V. (DVW):
In addition the first elected Vice President will be a full member of the Council as well as the ACCO representative appointed for 2003-2004 an ex-officio member (non voting member) of the Council.
Motion: That the General Assembly approves the members of the Council and offers its congratulations and best wishes to the new Council members and further appoints Marcus Wandinger, Congress Director, the ACCO representative and the Director, FIG office as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Council.
The German Shadow Council has prepared its Work Plan proposal for 2003-2006 based on the results from the breakout session in Seoul and feedback received from the ACCO and the incoming Commission chairs. The Council Work Plan will be combined with the Commission final work plans to an FIG Work Plan 2002-2006.
Appendix to item 33: Proposal for the FIG Work Plan 2003-2006.
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Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the proposed Council Work Plan for 2003-2006.
The incoming Commission Chairs have prepared their draft work plans in close co-operation with the incoming Council and with other Commissions during the ACCO meeting in Copenhagen in October 2001 and afterwards. The draft work plans are coordinated with the goal of having an FIG Work Plan for 2002-2006 at the end of the Congress. The Commission meetings during the Congress will influence the proposed work plans but the main topics and joint goals are already included in the proposals.
Appendices to item 34:
34.1 Commission 1
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9 April 2002
34.2 Commission 2
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34.3 Commission 3
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34.4 Commission 4
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34.5 Commission 5
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34.6 Commission 6
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34.7 Commission 7
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34.8 Commission 8
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34.9 Commission 9
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34.10 Commission 10
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The FIG Foundation will organise its first fundraising dinner in Washington on Monday 22 April at 7:00pm. The member associations are strongly encouraged to attend this dinner. The Board of Directors of the Foundation has further decided that those founding members of the Foundation that have donated the Foundation at least USD 100 will be recognised at the opening of the FIG 2002 Congress and recognised also in the FIG Bulletin and Annual Review.
Appendix to item 35: Report of the FIG Foundation,
15 April 2002
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15 April 2002
Motion: That the General Assembly receives the report of the President of the FIG Foundation and adopts the recommendations.
Motion: That the General Assembly makes its decision on holding the Working Week 2003 in Eilat, Israel without a recommendation of the Council.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides to hold the FIG Working Week 2007 in Hong Kong in 2007 under conditions agreed between the HKIS and FIG.
The hosts of the FIG Working Weeks 2004 (Greece), 2005 (Egypt) and Congress 2006 (Germany) have been asked to make brief reports on the preparations for their respective events.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.