Agenda30th General Assembly
Sunday, 13 May 2007 Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong SAR |
Sunday |
09:00-10:30 |
General Assembly, First Session |
Sunday 13 May |
16:00-17:00 See programme |
Commission Annual Meetings |
Sunday |
18:30-20.30 |
Welcome reception |
Monday, 14 May – Wednesday, 16 May 2007 FIG Working Week 2007 Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong SAR – |
Thursday, 17 May 2007 Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong SAR |
Thursday 17 May |
08:30-10:30 Rose Kowloon Shangri-La |
President’s Meeting for Presidents of Member Associations (or their representatives), by invitation only |
Thursday 17 May |
11:00–13:00 Orchid Kowloon Shangri-La |
General Assembly, Second Session |
Thursday 17 May |
14:30– 16:00 Orchid Kowloon Shangri-La |
Closing Ceremony |
for the meetings to be held at the
Grand Ballroom
(13 May) and
at the
Orchid Room
(17 May) at the
Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel,
Hong Kong SAR, China
on 13 and 17 May 2007
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To download the original agenda in Acrobat format
please click here:
Adobe Acrobat version (166 kB)
To download the revised agenda as presented at the General Assembly 13 and 17 May in Acrobat format please click here:
Adobe Acrobat version (171 kB)
and the full agenda with all appendices as mailed to members as a hard copy:
Adobe Acrobat version (212 pages and
5.85 MB)
19.03.2007 - added app 11 as in the original agenda
The individual appendix files can be downloaded below under each item in Acrobat format.
Changes to the agenda after it was originally distributed as hard copy to the member associations are marked in this agenda with colour and date. All changes have been decided by the Council 11 May 2007.
President Stig Enemark to open the 30th General Assembly. That a moment of silence will be held to remember those members that have passed away after the latest General Assembly held in Munich in October 2006.
Vice President Matt Higgins to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts in the meeting hall to the FIG Office Manager. Member associations are asked to inform the FIG Office by 30 April 2007 about their attendance and at the same time to submit the names of their delegates and to inform who is the leader of the delegation. That only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2006 are allowed to vote at the meeting.
Appendix to items 2 & 23: Roll Call (135 kB)
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
Motion: The General Assembly shall appoint two persons as tellers following the principle adopted at the 22nd General Assembly so that the tellers will represent member associations hosting the preceding (DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement) and the current General Assembly (the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, HKIS). That the General Assembly appoints Mr. Hagen Graeff from Germany and Mr. T.N. Wong from Hong Kong SAR, China as a teller for the two sessions of the General Assembly.
Motion: That the agenda be adopted.
Minutes have been circulated previously.
Appendix to item 5: Minutes of the General Assembly in Munich, Germany, October 2006
Minutes of the General Assembly in Munich,
Germany, October 2006 without appendices, pdf-format. (215 kB)
Motion: That the minutes be adopted as recorded.
6.1.1 Romanian Association of Private Surveyors (APCGCR)
The Romanian Association of Private Surveyors (APCGCR) has submitted its membership application to become a member association of FIG. The association has 262 qualified and 36 qualifying members and in addition 27 members at technical level. The association represents private surveyors in Romania. The application is supported by the current member association from Romania, Union of Romanian Geodesy. The application meets the criteria for membership in FIG as a member association.
Appendix to item 6.1.1: Membership application from the Romanian Association of Private Surveyors (APCGCR) (76 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly admits the Romanian Association of Private Surveyors to become a member association of FIG.
The subscriptions of the following member associations are more than three years in arrears:
The General Assembly has powers to expel from the Federation any member association whose fees are in arrears and shall under normal circumstances expel any member association whose fees are three years in arrears. (Article 4.3 of the Statutes). The FIG office has sent a letter to these associations informing that if their membership fees are still in arrears at the time of the General Assembly the General Assembly shall expel these member associations in Hong Kong.
By 13 March a reply has been received only from SISV, Singapore in which it informed that it withdraw its membership in FIG with immediate effect. The Council has accepted the termination. 11 May 2007.
The General Assembly expelled the Sociedad Colombiana de Topografos SCT, Colombia from FIG membership in Cairo in 2005 if the association has not paid its membership arrears by the end of 2005. As the payment has not been received by May 2007 and SCT has not been in communication with FIG since 2005, the Council has 11 May 2007 decided the membership of SCT has ceased at the end of 2006. 11 May 2007
Motion: That the General Assembly that it expels the
from the FIG membership if their membership fees still are in arrears 13 May 2007.
That the General Assembly further records that the membership of Sociedad Colombiana de Topografos SCT from Colombia has ceased at the end of 2006. 11 May 2007
Resignation 11 May 2007
The Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) has informed the Council that it will terminate its membership in FIG with immediate effect. The Council has accepted the resignation at its meeting 11 May 2007.
The number of member associations at the end of the General Assembly will be 97.
Motion: That the General Assembly records that the membership of the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) has been terminated.
The Council has admitted following organisation to become an affiliate member of FIG:
After these changes the number of affiliate members is 21.
Corporate members
The Council has admitted the following company to become a Corporate Member of FIG:
The Council has registered that Josef Attenberger GmbH has cancelled its membership in February 2007. The Council has further registered that the membership of Kampsax A/S is now under COWI A/S.
The number of Corporate members is now 34.
Academic members
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that 4 new Academic Members have joined FIG after the General Assembly in Munich. The new academic members are:
The number of academic members is 89.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the actions that the Council has taken with other membership matters.
Correspondents 11 May 2007
The Council informs the General Assembly that it has adopted Mr. Samuel Nguema Ondo Obiang from Gabon as a new correspondent.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the decision of the Council.
Expulsions of Corporate Members, Affiliates and Academic Members 11 May 2007
The Council wants to inform the General Assembly that it has expelled at its meeting 11 May 2007 following members because of unpaid subscriptions for 2005-2007 (and earlier):
Corporate member:
Academic members:
After this decision the number of affiliate members is 17, academic members 84 and corporate members 33.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the decision of the Council.
DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement has sent the Federation a nomination letter in which it proposes that FIG appoints Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel, immediate Past President of FIG as an Honorary President of FIG.
According to paragraph 3.1.6 in the statutes “a past president who has rendered outstanding service to the Federation during his period of office can be appointed as an honorary president”. Nomination shall be made by a member association or by the Council, which will consider it and submit it to a vote of the General Assembly. The Council has considered the nomination and considers that it fulfils the criteria for an Honorary President and therefore decided to propose to the General Assembly that it appoints Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel as an Honorary President of the Federation for the outstanding services he has provided to the Federation as its President 2003-2006.
Appendix to item 7: The nomination letter from the DVW (31 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly appoints Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Magel an Honorary President of FIG.
The FIG Council 2003-2006 has submitted an end of term report on the activities during its term of office 2003-2006.
Appendix to item 8: The An End of Term Report of the FIG Council 2003-2006 (127 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly receives the report and records its thanks to the Council and its members for their excellent work and great contribution to FIG.
The President of the Federation will give an oral speech at the meeting. The written version will be included in the minutes of the meeting.
Appendix to item 9: President's report (105 KB) - added after the General Assembly
Motion: That the General Assembly accepts the President’s report.
DVW – Deutscher Verein für Vermessungswesen – Gesellschaft für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement suggested in November 2006 to close the FIG Multi-lingual Dictionary Board, one of the three permanent institutions of FIG, because the work of the dictionary board has come to an end after 35 years. The Council decided to close the FIG Multi-lingual Dictionary Board as an FIG permanent institution as proposed by DVW.
Motion: That the General Assembly endorses the closing the FIG Multi-lingual Dictionary Board and records it sincere thanks to DVW, BKG and the members of the Dictionary Board Prof. Dietmar Grünreich and Mrs. Sabine Kollenda for the outstanding work that they have provided during so many years.
Prof. Paul van der Molen, Director of OICRF will make a short presentation on OICRF at the meeting.
Appendix to item 10.2: Report from the International Office of Cadastre and Land Records (Office International du Cadastre et du Régime Foncier) OICRF (125 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work.
Mr. Jan de Graeve, President of the IIHSM will make a short presentation on the permanent institution at the meeting.
Appendix to item 10.3: Report from the International Institution for the History of Surveying and Measurement, Permanent Institution of FIG (98 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report and records its thanks to the Director the members of the permanent institution for their past year’s work.
Mr. John Hohol, President of the FIG Foundation will give a report on the activities of the FIG Foundation October 2006 – May 2007.
Appendix to item 11: Report of the FIG Foundation activities 2006 (435 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the report of the President of the FIG Foundation.
The Council has prepared the FIG Council Work Plan for 2007-2010. Together with the FIG Aim, Objectives and Mission Statement (attached for information only) and Commission Work Plans the Council Work Plan will form the FIG Work Plan for the next four years.
Proposal for the Council Work Plan is attached to the agenda and is based on presentations made during the Council elections at the Congress in Munich and preparations made in two Council meetings and in a meeting with the Commission Chairs in February 2007.
President Stig Enemark will present the Work Plan at the meeting.
The Council has also decided on responsibilities of individual Council members. This list is attached for information of the members and will be updated by the Council as necessary. The updated list will be available on the FIG web site.
Appendix to item 12:
Appendix 12.1: FIG Council Work
Plan 2007-2010 (159 kB)
Appendix 12.2: FIG Aim, Objectives and
Mission Statement, for information only (83 kB)
Appendix 12.3: List of
responsibilities of the Council Members, for information only (95 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Council Work Plan for 2007-2010.
The main issues in the co-operation with the United Nations and the World Bank co-operation during this period have been:
As part of the Work Plan 2007-2010 the Council has decided to establish a Liaison Committee for co-operation with the United Nations. This Liaison Committee will be chaired by the President and take over the responsibilities of the former UN Liaison Group. A special task of this Liaison Committee will be to create and develop FIG responses to the Millennium Development Goals.
Appendix to item 13: Memorandum of Understanding with the World Bank (170 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Memorandum of Understanding between FIG and the World Bank. That the General Assembly adopts the report on the co-operation with the United Nations, its agencies and the World Bank and records its thanks to those who have contributed to this co-operation.
The Council has established two Task Forces for 2007-2010. The first Task Force will focus on Developing Global Land Tools for Pro Poor Land Management. This Task Force is chaired by Vice President Paul van der Molen. It will work in close co-operation with commissions 7, 8 and 9 working groups whose chairs Christiaan Lemmen, Diane Dumashie and Bengt Kjellson are members of the task force.
Appendix to item 14: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Developing Global Land Tools for Pro Poor Land Management (92 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Developing Global Land Tools for Pro Poor Land Management and its terms of reference for information.
The Council has established two Task Forces for 2007-2010. The second Task Force will focus on Organisational and Institutional Development. This Task Force will be chaired by Iain Greenway from United Kingdom and the members will be Santiago Borrero Mutis (Colombia), Adam Greenland (New Zealand), Teo CheeHai (Malaysia), John Parker (Australia), Richard Wonnacott (South Africa) and Francisco Delfini (France). 11 May 2007
Appendix to item 15: Terms of Reference for the Task Force on Organisational and Institutional Development (120 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly records the Council’s decision of establishment of the Task Force on Organisational and Institutional Development and its terms of reference for information.
The Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies JB-GIS was formally established during the FIG Working Week in Cairo in 2005. The JB-GIS meets annually during a major conference. The next meeting will take place at the ICA conference in Moscow in August 2007. The Joint Board met informally during the World Map Forum in Hyderabad, India in January 2007. The issues discussed were the project on capacity building for Africa and future co-operation. The Joint Board is chaired by President Stig Enemark until the August 2007.
FIG has further bilateral agreements of co-operation with several other international associations like ICEC, IFHP, CIB, FIABCI and IFHS. Some of the partners are also working together in the Habitat Professionals Forum. Since beginning of 2007 the Chairperson of the Habitat Professionals Forum has been President Stig Enemark.
FIG is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and working together with ISO and International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) on standards.
The Council has approved a co-operation agreement with the Institute of Navigation (ION), one of the leading partners on navigation issues for FIG, in March 2007. The focal point for this co-operation is FIG Commission 5.
The President will give a report on the co-operation between FIG and other professional associations from October 2006 to May 2007.
Appendix to item 16: Co-operation agreement between FIG and the Institute of Navigation (ION) (127 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly confirms the report on the liaison with other international associations.
The Council has evaluated the final report of the Task Force on FIG Governance Structure give to the General Assembly in Munich. The Council proposes that only changes that are necessary and urgent will be adopted in Hong Kong and the other issues will be postponed for approval in Stockholm in 2008. This will also allow thorough revision of the language and various adjustments to bring the legal base up to date with actual policies and practices. This will mean changes to statutes, internal rules and other FIG guidelines.
The Council has identified following issues to be that urgent that they need to be decided in Hong Kong:
Appendix to item 17: Changes to Statutes and Internal Rules (117 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts proposed changes to Statutes and Internal Rules and notes that a thorough revision of the Statutes, Internal Rules and other guidelines will be prepared for the General Assembly in 2008.
The FIG Council has received only one bid to host the FIG Working Week 2012. This bid is made by the Consiglio Nazionale Geometri, CNG to host the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy.
The bid is based on the material that CNG provided for the General Assembly in Munich. The Council has evaluated the bid and considers that the bid fulfils the FIG requirements and standards.
Appendix to item 18: Bid from Consiglio Nazionale Geometri (661 kB)
The FIG Working Week 2012 will be organised by FIG jointly with the member association. This means that FIG will have responsibility of the arrangements and also of the financial result, naturally together with the local member association. This offers FIG an opportunity in terms of organising events and generating funds in addition to the membership fees. Therefore the Council has taken the decision of the venue of the FIG Working Week 2012 very seriously and considers that CNG and Rome offer an excellent venue for the Working Week.
Representatives of CNG to make a presentation at the meeting on their bid.
Motion: That the General Assembly decides that FIG organises the FIG Working Week 2012 in Rome, Italy and to host it together with Consiglio Nazionale Geometri.
Vice President Ken Allred will present a financial report on the economic situation of the Federation. This report includes summary of the accounts for 2006, an updated budget for 2007 and proposal for budget 2008 with notes.
The Auditors Report includes the auditors report from 2006, official accounts (income statement 2006) and balance sheet 31 December 2006.
Appendices to item 19:
Appendix to item 19.1: Financial
Report – Accounts 2006 and Budgets 2007 and 2008 (297 kB)
Appendix to item 19.2: Auditor's
Report, Income Statement for 2006 and Balance Sheet at 31 December 2006
(1,019 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the audited accounts for 2006 and budgets for 2007 and 2008.
The General Assembly has to set levels of fees for member associations two years in advance of the year in which they become payable. Fees are payable in respect of each individual member up to a maximum of 4,000 members; member associations with more than 4,000 members pay fees in accordance with a sliding scale. Fees for 2007 and 2008 are:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2007 |
3.90 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
130 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
2008 |
4.02 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members. |
200 € |
133 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
The World Bank lists of the low-income economies and the lower-middle-income economies are available at the World Bank web site.
The Council proposes to the General Assembly to increase membership fees for member associations for 2009 with 4 per cent to 4.18 € per member and 136 per cent for the maximum fee based on the General Assembly decision from 1997.
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts following membership fees payable by member associations in 2009:
Per capita fee |
Minimum fee |
Maximum fee |
2009 |
4.18 € per member up to a maximum of 4,000 members |
200 € |
136 per cent of the fee payable by an association with 4,000 members. |
Commission chairs presented their draft work plans for 2007-2010 in Munich and they were recorded for information with decisions that the final versions will be brought for adoption of the General Assembly in Hong Kong.
The Work Plans have now been finalised and synchronised with the Council Work Plan. For this also a special ACCO meeting was organised in Bratislava in February 2007. The updated Work Plans are attached to this agenda.
At the General Assembly 1-1.5 hours is reserved for the members to discuss the Work Plans and Commission activities with the Commission Chairs. This will be organised as panel discussion that will be chaired by Vice President Matt Higgins, who together with the ACCO representative (Chryssy Potsiou in 2007-2008) will be in charge for chairing ACCO for 2007-2010.
Appendices to item 21:
Appendix to item 21.1: Commission
1 Work Plan 2007-2010 (119 kB)
Appendix to item 21.2: Commission
2 Work Plan 2007-2010 (143 kB)
Appendix to item 21.3: Commission
3 Work Plan 2007-2010 (196 kB)
Appendix to item 21.4: Commission
4 Work Plan 2007-2010 (152 kB)
Appendix to item 21.5: Commission
5 Work Plan 2007-2010 (166 kB)
Appendix to item 21.6: Commission
6 Work Plan 2007-2010 (184 kB)
Appendix to item 21.7: Commission
7 Work Plan 2007-2010 (150 kB)
Appendix to item 21.8: Commission
8 Work Plan 2007-2010 (135 kB)
Appendix to item 21.9: Commission
9 Work Plan 2007-2010 (145 kB)
Appendix to item 21.10:
Commission 10 Work Plan 2007-2010 (119 kB)
Motion: That the General Assembly adopts the Commission Work Plans.
Separate invitation to Presidents of the Member Associations to follow.
Vice President Matt Higgins to take the roll call.
Please note: The roll call will be done for member associations and affiliate members only. Delegates representing academic members, corporate members and correspondents as well as honorary presidents and honorary members will be entered in the records but they shall register before the meeting starts in the meeting hall to the FIG Office Manager. That only member associations that have paid all their membership fees to the end of 2006 are allowed to vote at the meeting.
To be noted that the General Assembly has appointed Mr. Hagen Graeff from DVW, Germany and Mr. T.N. Wong from HKIS, Hong Kong SAR, China as tellers to this session of the General Assembly.
Appendix to items 2 & 23: Roll Call (135 kB)
Motion: That present members are recorded in the minutes.
The Council informs the General Assembly that one new Academic Members has joined FIG after the General Assembly on Sunday. The new academic member is:
The number of academic numbers is now 85.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the decision of the Council.
Vice President Matt Higgins to report on the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) meetings and Commission activities that have taken place during the week. Commission 1 has proposed that the name of Working Group 1.2 shall be changed to “Young Surveyors”. 16 May 2007
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report and the change in the name of Working Group 1.2 to Young Surveyors.
The General Assembly will be given a presentation on the arrangements of the 6th FIG Regional Conference that will be held in San José, Costa Rica 12-15 November 2007.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
The General Assembly will be given a presentation on the arrangements of the FIG Working Week 2008 that will be held in Stockholm, Sweden 14-19 June 2008.
Motion: That the General Assembly records the report for information.
The hosts of the Working Week 2009 (ALSI, Israel) and the FIG Congress 2010 (ISA, Australia) and the Working Week 2011 (ONIGT, Morocco) have been asked to make an oral report on the preparations for their respective events.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports. That the General Assembly confirms the dates of the next FIG events as follows:
The hosts of the Working Week 2011 (ONIGT, Morocco) and the Working Week 2012 (CNG, Italy) have been asked to make an oral report on the preparations for their respective events.
Motion: That the General Assembly notes the reports.
Data supplied by the FIG Office.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this data is accurate errors might exist. Requests for updates and corrections should be emailed to the FIG Office.