FIG Task Force on Property and Housing

FIG Task Force on Property and Housing

The Task Force was established at the FIG Working Week in Marrakesh, Morocco in 2011. The term of this Task Force was 2011-2014. The task force ended its work in 2014 and hand meanwhile undertaken several reports and finally a FIG publication summarising the work and the outcome of the task force.



  1. Joint FIG/UN ECE WPLA peer reviewed publication on: “Informal Development. Challenges and Solutions from South-East Europe”.
  2. Contribution of the TF members to a peer reviewed book on: “The Housing Markets of Southern Europe Facing the Crisis”.
  3. FIG publication on: “Property and Housing. Planning for Affordable Housing: A New Role for the Land Surveyor”.


 Dr. Chryssy A. Potsiou, Chair of the Task Force on Property and Housing
School of Rural & Surveying Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
9 Iroon Polytechniou Str
15780 Athens
Tel. + 30 10 7722 688
Mobile phone: + 30 944 710 817
E-mail: [email protected]

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