Technical Program

ISBN 978-87-90907-73-0
ISSN 2307-4086

Opening Ceremony and Plenary sessions as a .pdf file

Technical program as a .pdf file

Overview of technical program

Meeting program


Sunday, 3 May 2009
3 May 2009
Coral A
ACCO Meeting
  • by invitation only
3 May 2009
Coral B
Pre-Conference Workshop – History of Surveying
  • Separate registration required

HS 1 – Session 1
Time: 11:00-12:30
Commission: History
Chair: Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel

Mr. Hilik Horovitz, Israel:
The Survey of Israel Heritage Website (3296)
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Ing. Richard Adrian Hucker, United Kingdom:
How Did the Romans Achieve Straight Roads? (3471)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Vitali Kaptüg, Russian Federation:
Geometry of the “Struve Arc” Compared with Up-to-date Geodetic Data (3357)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

Time: 12:30-14:00

HS 2 – Session 2
Time: 14:00-15:30
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia

Dr. Peter Collier, United Kingdom:
The Role of Networks in Changing Survey Teaching and Practice in Nineteenth Century Britain and the British Empire (3190)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. David Doyle, USA:
Development of the U.S. Geodetic Framework 1807 to Present (3470)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Coffee Break
Time: 15:30-16:00

HS 3 – Session 3
Time: 16:00-17:30
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. Alan Wright, United Kingdom

Dr. Brian Baily, United Kingdom:
An Analysis of Old Tide-line Mapping for Coastal Zone Management (3355)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. John Brock, Australia:
Film Surveyors Reach the Top: Siege-busting Roman Surveyor at Masada and the Oscar Winning Oil Surveyor (3234)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Monday, 4 May 2009
4 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
General Assembly – First Session
  • for FIG members
  • open for observers
4 May 2009
Coffee Break
4 May 2009
Commission Annual Meetings
Commission: 1-10

Meetings will be held as follows:

  • Commission 1 - Hotel room 308
  • Commission 2 - Coral B
  • Commission 3 - Big Blue Hall 2
  • Commission 4 - Hotel room 338
  • Commission 5 - Coral A
  • Commission 6 - Hotel room 438
  • Commission 7 - Big Blue Hall 1
  • Commission 8 - Tarshish B
  • Commission 9 - Tarshish A
  • Commission 10 - Hotel room 408
  • for national delegates and correspondents, but observers are also welcome to attend
4 May 2009
Dan Eilat
Welcome Reception
  • all participants, included in registration fee (except daily registrants)
  • dress code: smart casual
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
Opening Ceremony
Chair: Dr. Joseph Forrai, Deputy Director General, Survey of Israel

Cultural Programme

Welcome Greeting – Dr. Haim Srebro, Director General, Survey of Israel and Conference Director
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Greeting – Dr. Ron Adler, Past Director General, Survey of Israel and Chair of FIG PC Meeting 1972
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Welcome Address - Mr. Joseph Kraus, ALSI President and Chairman of the Organizing Committee
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Welcome Address – Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Opening Keynote Address
Prof. Isaac Ben Israel, the Chairman of the Israel Space Agency:
Israel in Space Programme (3503)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Cultural Programme

Ben Israel

5 May 2009
Coffee Break
5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
Plenary Session 1 – Geo Information Management
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President

Mr. Lawrie E. Jordan III, Director, Imagery Enterprise Solutions, ESRI:
Geo Information Management Perspectives for the Future (3504)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Vanessa Lawrence, CB, Director General and CEO, Ordnance Survey:
The Role of a National Mapping Agency in Geoinformation Management (3505)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Haim Srebro, Director General, Survey of Israel
Geospatial Information On-Line by the Survey of Israel (3506)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Lawrie E. Jordan III

Vanessa Lawrence


5 May 2009
5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 1A – Case Studies in Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair Elect of Commission 7, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Habtemicael Weldegiorgis, Eritrea

Mr. Michael Klebanov, Dr. Yaron A. Felus, Mr. Yitzchak Fabrikant and Dr. Samuel Hodorov, Israel:
Establishment of Coordinate Based Cadastre in Negev Desert (3257)
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Mr. Manohar Velpuri, India and Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland:
Role of Land Administration in Sustainable Development – Country Case Studies of India and Switzerland (3436)
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Mr. Jad Jarroush, Israel:
Technical Aspects of Converting Analogical Cadastral System to Digital System - A Case Study in Israel (3245)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Murat Meha, Republic of Kosovo:
Cadastral Data and Land Administration in a Border Region (3368)
This paper has not been  presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 1B – SDI in Support of Development
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece

Mr. Bas Kok, President of GSDI, the Netherlands:
Strategic Role of NMA's in SDI Development and Implementation (3488)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Greece:
Formalizing Informal Development - Lessons Learnt from Eastern and Southern Europe  (3472)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Silke Boos and Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany:
SDI Developments in the World’s Currently Existing Mega Cities (3341)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Željko Bačić and Ms. Ljerka Rašić, Croatia:
Croatian SDI: A Tool for Accelerated Development of the Geo-conscious Society (3409)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Guler Yalgin, Mr. Bilal Erkek, Mr. Sedat Bakici and Mr. Nihat Sahin, Turkey:
Through Spatial Data Infrastructure in Turkey (3460)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Tarshish A
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Neil Weston, USA
Dr. Yakov Tuchin, Israel

Dr. Kim Soon-tae and Mr. Jang Bong-bae, Republic of Korea:
The Advanced Proposal for the Successful Cadastral Resurveying in South Korea (3200)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Einat Salmon, Israel:
The Permanent GNSS Network and Its RTK Application in Israel (3248)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Francis Mensah, Ghana:
The Use of RTK GPS in Blast Optimization (3253)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Zeljko Bacic, Mr. Marinko Bosiljevac and Mr. Marijan Marjanovic, Croatia:
CROPOS - Croatian Positioning Service (3410)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 1D – Environment and Land Use Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Moshe Benhamu, Israel

Mr. Daniel Czamanski, Israel:
Urban Sprawl Will Save Ecosystems (3276)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Daniel Orenstein and Dr. Amnon Frenkel, Israel:
Growth Management Policies – An Assessment of Their Impact on Open Space. The Case of Israel’s Sharon Region (3440)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Chima Okoko Ogba and Dr. B. Pius Utang, Nigeria:
Air Pollution Climatology in Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta, Nigeria (3202)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Angela K. Etuonovbe, Nigeria:
The Devastating Effects of Environmental Degradation - A Case Study of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria (3386)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Coral B
TS 1E – Valuer’s Profession and Real Estate Taxation
Commission: 9 and 1
Chair: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA

Dr. Johanes P. Tamtomo, Indonesia:
Land Valuer-Surveyor: Towards Acknowledged Professional and Comprehensive Land Valuer-Surveyor (3188)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Zeev Cohen, Israel:
The Appraiser's Role in Urban Subdivision and Land Consolidation (Reparcellation) in Israel  (3267)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Dieter Kertscher, Germany:
Transparency with the Online-Real-Estate-Price-Calculator in Lower Saxony (3221)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Shaul Weissman, Israel:
The Appraisal Expert Report and Its Constitutional Standing According to the Israeli Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (3266)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Hotel room 308

TS 1F – Image Processing, Visualization and Mapping Systems
Commission: 6 and 5 in co-operation with the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)
Chair: Dr. Sagi Filin, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, United Kingdom

Mr. Shalev Mor and Dr. Sagi Filin,Israel:
Analysis Imaging Configuration Effect on Surface Reconstruction of Complex Sites (3304)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Shahar Barnea, Mr. Ziv Shragai, Mr. Zion Suliman, Mr. Dor Yalon and Mr. Motti Shecter, Israel:
Mapping Remote Areas with a Portable High-Accuracy Photogrammetric System (3347)

[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Shahaf Levin and Dr. Sagi Filin, Israel:
Documentation of Changes Supported by Close-range Surface-based Photogrammetry (3302)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Michael Pechatnikov, Mr. Erez Shor and Dr. Yuri Raizman, Israel:
VisionMap A3 - The New Digital Aerial Survey and Mapping System (3421)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Rani Hellermann, Israel:
Growing Demand for VHR Satellite Imagery for Civilian Use (3523)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Nursu Tunalioğlu, Dr. Metın Soycan, Mr. Kutalmiş Gümüş and Mr. Taylan Öcalan, Turkey:
Deriving Appropriate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Airborne LIDAR Data and Evaluating the Horizontal Highway Geometry for Transportation Planning (3469)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Coral A
TS 1G – Directors General Forum – Session I
Chair: Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel

Mr. Xu Deming, Vice Minister of Ministry of Land and Resources of P. R. China and Director General of State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China:
Speech at Director Generals’ Forum of FIG Working Week 2009
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Austin P. C. Njepuome, Surveyor General, Nigeria:
Challenges of the National Geospatial Agency Regarding Accelerated Development in Nigeria
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Haim Srebro, Director General, Survey of Israel:
New Ideas Regarding the Directors General Forum
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Coffee Break
5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 2A – Land Tenure
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Paul van der Molen, the Netherlands

Mr. Vuttinan Utesnan, Thailand:
The Reasonable Land Parcel Identification of Local Government in Thailand (3376)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Anthony Arko-Adjei, Prof. Jitske de Jong, Prof. Jaap Zevenbergen and Dr. Arbind Tuladhar, the Netherlands:
Customary Land Tenure Dynamics at Peri-urban Ghana: Implications for Land Administration System Modeling (3311)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Muhammad Bashar Nuhu, Nigeria:
Enhancing Land Titling and Registration in Nigeria (3247)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. S. Hendriatiningsih, Mr. Andri Hernandi, Mr. Agus Budiartha, Mr. Kurdinanto Sarah and Mr. Rizqi Abdulharis, Indonesia:
Identification and Comparison of Customary Land Tenure Systems in Bali, Indonesia, towards Sustainable Development (3318)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 2B – Cadastral Information Management in Israel
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece

Mr. Michael Klebanov and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Establishing an Accurate Continuous Nationwide Cadastre Based on the Cadastral Triangulation Method (3243)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Johanan Gavish and Ms. Ester Benin, Israel:
A GIS Based Cadastral Database at the Survey of Israel - Infrastructure for Future Modern, High Accuracy Cadastre (3254)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Eytan Gelbman and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Authentic Measurements as a Basis for a Cadastral GIS (3303)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Tzvika El-Az, Israel, Israel:
From CAD to GIS: Editing and Distributing Geographic Information from CAD Software (3173)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Tarshish A
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Joseph Forrai, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Dr. Sinisa Delcev, Dr. Vukan Ogrizovic, Ms. Violeta Vasilic and Dr. Jelena Gucevic, Serbia:
Accuracy Testing of RTK Service of the Permanent Station Network in the Republic of Serbia (3354)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Kim Joon-sik and Assoc. Prof. Kwon Jay-hyoun, Republic of Korea:
Development of RTK-GPS Field Quality Checking Module for Korean Cadastral Resurvey Project (3232)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Yakov Tuchin, Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur, Ms. Luba Kagansky, Ms. Marina Kozakov, Dr. Emanual Polyak, Ms. Einat Salmon and Dr. Gershon Steinberg, Israel:
Re-measuring and Processing of the Israeli GNSS – Based 3rd Level Geodetic Control Network (3269)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Richard Gedon, Germany:
Quality Control and Quality Management of Failproof High Accuracy GNSS Positioning Services (3415)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 2D – People and Planning: Working to Save the Environment
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Moshe Benhamu, Israel
Rapporteur:  Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom

Mr. Michael Doran, United Kingdom:
Competition for Land: Fuel versus Food (3379)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Theo Kötter, Germany:
Land Policy against Urban Sprawl in Germany (3439)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Kenya:
Urban Dynamics in Kenya: Towards Inclusive Cities (3465)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom:
Making Space for People and Water: Engaging the Public in Planning (3456)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Clara Kweka-Msale and Mr. Fredrick Magina, Tanzania:
Conflict Management in Rural Water Sources  (3433)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Coral B
TS 2E – Real Estate Market
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Erez Cohen, President of the Israeli Society of Land Appraisals, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Dieter Kertscher, Germany

Ms. Joanna Klajn, Poland:
The Industrial Real Estate Market in Krakow (3204)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Risto Peltola, Finland:
Development Land Markets in Housing Market Context - Stylized Facts (3223)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Mustapha Oyewole Bello and Mr. Amos O. Adewusi, Nigeria:
A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Real Estate and Financial Assets as Security for Mortgate Lending in Nigeria (3323)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Anna Baranska, Poland:
The European Union and the Housing Market in Poland (3353)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 2F Geodetic Networks and Data Analysis
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Ms. Einat Salmon, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Jad Jarroush, Israel

Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur, Israel:
Two-Steps Analysis of Movement of the Kfar-Hanassi Network (3382)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Haluk Ozener, Dr. Asli Dogru and Mr. Bulent Turgut, Turkey:
Present Deformation Field of Silent Strand of Western NAFZ (3351)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Branko Milovanovic, Serbia:
Modeling of Engineering Structures Displacement by Using the Euler Method (3369)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

5 May 2009
Coral A
TS 2G – Directors General Forum – Session II
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG
  • by separate invitation only
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
Plenary Session 2 – Emergency and Natural Resource Management
Chair: Dr. Haim Srebro, Congress Director FIG 2009

Dr. Avi Shapira, Chairman of the Earthquake Preparedness Committee, Jerusalem and Ex-Director of the Geophysical Institute of Israel:
On Earthquake Preparedness in Israel (3508)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Orhan Altan, President of ISPRS and Chair of the JB GIS Committee on Risk and Disaster Management:
Role of Geospatial Professionals in Risk and Disaster Management and Preventing Natural Catastrophes (3509)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Stig Enemark, President of FIG, Denmark:
Facing the Global Agenda – Focus on Land Governance (3512)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]





6 May 2009
Coffee Break
6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 3A – New Challenges in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Libor Tomandl, Czech Republic
Rapporteur: Mr. Moshe Benhamu, Israel

Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel:
A Status Report of the Activity of the Survey of Israel (3214)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Paul van der Molen, the Netherlands:
Cadasters and Climate Change (3377)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Tor Valstad, Norway:
How Is the Development in the World of Cadastre towards More than Two Dimensions? (3289)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel:
The Definition of the Israeli International Boundaries in the Vicinity of Eilat (3213)
This is a background paper for technical tour.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 3B – e-Government and Land Administration
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary
Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland

Mr. Ori Gudes, Australia, Mr. Yoav Tal, Mr. Moshe Yaniv, Mr. Yaakov Bar-Lavi, Israel and Dr. Tan Yigitcanlar, Australia:
Innovative Cartography Standards for WEB-GIS Portals: Case of the Survey of Israel Web-GIS Portal (3218)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Lee Young-Ho, Republic of Korea:
Strategy for Improving Cadastral Spatial Quality toward Effective e-Government based NSDI (3184)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Eytan Gelbman, Israel:
Analytical Cadastre Practical Aspects – Research Report (3315)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Haim Sandberg, Israel:
E-Land Conveyancing and Registration – Vision and Risks (3178)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 3C – GEOID-Modelling
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Petr Vanicek, Canada 
Rapporteur: Dr. Ron Adler, Israel

Dr. Petr Vanicek, Canada:
Why Do We Need a Proper Geoid (3259)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Gershon Steinberg and Dr. Yakov Tuchin, Israel:
Two Years Experience with the Israeli Official Geoid Undulations Model (3201)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Hezi Sarid, Mr. Hsein Nasr Aldin and Dr. Dan Sharni, Israel:
Improved Official Geoid Model for Israel, 2009 (3293)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. İsmail Şanlioğlu, Mr. Süleyman Sırrı Maraş and Mr. Fatih Uysal, Turkey:
Determination of Orthometric Heights with Real Time Kinematic Surveying, Konya Sample (3374)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 3D – Planning, Finance and Urban Readjustment
Commission: 8 and 9
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Kenya
Rapporteur: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland

Dr. Michael Tophøj Sørensen and Mr. Finn Kjær Christensen, Denmark:
Distribution of Costs and Profits in Danish Urban Development (3441)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Michelle Oren, Israel:
The Right to Housing: An International Perspective (3490)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Joseph O. Olusina and Dr. James B. Olaleye, Nigeria:
Spatial Planning and Updating of Transportation Infrastructure: A Recurrent Expenditure  (3454)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Sevkiye Sence Turk, Turkey and Prof. Willem K. Korthals Altes, the Netherlands:
Applicability of Land Readjustment Method in Urban Renewal: An Examination of Three Cases in Turkey (3263)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral A
TS 3E – Needs of Changing Society – New Skills, Competences in Surveying
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Joseph Kraus, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Yaron Felus, Israel

Mr. Fausto Savoldi, Italy:
The Changing Role of the Land Surveyor in Modern Society: The Tasks for the Young Professionals (3373)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia:
Accelerating Responses to a Changing World - Developing Innovative Cultures in Land Management Organisations (3334)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Remi Sharir, Israel:
Is Surveying on a Fixed Rate Contract Possible? Our Experience (3240)
This is a poster presentation.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Brian J. Coutts, New Zealand:
Discipline Issues for Licensed Cadastral Surveyors in New Zealand (3332)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Zagorka Gospavic, Dr. Branko Bozic and Mr. Olivera Vasovic, Republic of Serbia:
Development of Market of Geodetic Services and Geodetic Companies in the Republic of Serbia (3195)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral B

TS 3F – Tectonic Processes, Landslides and Deformation Analysis
Commission: 6, 3 in co-operation with International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM)
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, United Kingdom

Mr. Stephan Burghaus, Germany, Dr. Rainer Bell, Austria and Prof. Heiner Kuhlmann, Germany:
Improvement of a Terrestric Network for Movement Analysis of a Complex Landslide (3274)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Eleonora Bertacchini, Mr. Andrea Capitani, Prof. Alessandro Capra, Dr. Cristina Castagnetti, Dr. Alessandro Corsini, Dr. Marco Dubbini and Mr. Francesco Ronchetti, Italy:
Integrated Surveying System for Landslide Monitoring, Valoria Landslide (Appennines of Modena, Italy) (3343)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Alojz Kopáčik, Mr. Peter Kyrinovič and Ms. Anna Hostinová, Slovakia:
Deformation Measurement of the City Tunnel Sitina in Bratislava (3514)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 3G – Land Policy and Reform
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada
Ms. Aune Rummukainen, Finland

Mr. Ibrahim Usman Jibril, Nigeria:
Squatter Resettlement/ Relocation Programme in Abuja, Nigeria and the Issue of Land Title Security (3268)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Mwenda Makathimo, Kenya:
The Role of Surveyors in the Kenya National Land Policy Formulation Process (3339)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Naranchimeg Bagdai, Mongolia, Prof. Anne van der Veen, Prof. Paul van der Molen and Dr. Arbind Tuladhar, the Netherlands:
Transparency as a Solution for Uncertainty in Land Privatization (A pilot study for Mongolia) (3345)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Divankhan Ahadov, Azerbaijan:
Land Reform in Azerbaijan (3176)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Jianpeng Chu, People’s Republic of China:
On Protecting Cultivated Land by Balancing Requisition and Compensation in China (3476)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Hotel room 338
TS 3H - Young Surveyors Network – How to Involve Students and Young Surveyors in the Work of FIG Member Associations
Commission: Young Surveyors Network
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Chair of FIG Young Surveyors Network
Rapporteur: Mr. Cemal Özgur Kivilcim, Secretary of FIG Young Surveyors NetworkTurkey
  • This session is organised to give examples and to discuss how national member associations involve students and young professionals in their work. Invited presentations include:
  • Mr. Henning Elmstrom, President of DdL, Denmark
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
  • Mr.Pierre Bibollet, President of OGE, France
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
6 May 2009
Hotel room 408
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 9 WG 9.2 and WG9.3 Meeting
Commission: 9
  • Open meeting of Commission 9 Working Groups WG 9.2 - Improving Slum Conditions through Innovative Financing and WG 9.3 - Diagnostic Tools and Prescriptive Practices for The Valuation Profession
6 May 2009
Hotel room 408
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 9 WG 9.4 and WG9.5 Meeting
Commission: 9
  • Open meeting of Commission 9 Working Groups WG 9.4 – Review of Valuation Methods and Standards Worldwide; and WG 9.5 – GIS-analyses in Real Estate Market Analyses and Valuation
6 May 2009
Hotel room 438
FIG Foundation Meeting
  • By invitation only
6 May 2009
6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 4A – Institutional Matters and Development
Commission: 7 and 1
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 7, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium

Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada and Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden:
What Have Americans Paid (and Maybe the Rest of the World) for Not Having a Public Property Rights Infrastructure? (3287)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Iain Greenway, United Kingdom:
The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of the Parts - Lessons from Joining up Mapping, Registration, Valuation and Rate Collection in Northern Ireland (3181)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Francis Gäbele and Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium:
The "Management Programs" and the Projects of the General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation of Belgium (3222)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 4B – SDI in Municipality and Natural Resources Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Sagi Filin, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Michael Klebanov, Israel

Dr. Jayanta Kumar Ghosh and Mr. Devanjan Bhattacharya and Dr. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya, India:
GEOWARNS: A System to Warn Geo-deformation Failure (3435)
This is a peer review paper.
This paper has received a grant from the FIG Foundation.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Oluwagbenga O. I. Orimoogunje, Mr. Raphael O. Oyinloye and Mr. M. Soumah, Nigeria:
Geospatial Mapping of Wetlands Potential in Ilesa, Southwestern Nigeria (3412)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Izabela Śliż, Poland:
Using of Geographic Information System’s Software for a Digital City Map Construction (3209)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Alphonce Kyessi and Ms. Victoria Mwakalinga, Tanzania:
GIS Application in Coordinating Solid Waste Collection: The Case of Sinza Neighbourhood in Kinondoni Municipality, Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania (3219)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 4C – Geodetic Datum I
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Joseph Forrai, Israel

Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand:
Maintaining Accurate Coordinates for Geospatial Datasets after a Geodetic Datum Update (3320)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Christian Manthe, Mr. Christian Clemen and Prof. Lothar Gründig, Germany:
How to Define a Regional Arbitrary Geodetic Datum in Oracle Spatial (3427)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Yaron Felus, USA and Mr. Moshe Felus, Israel:
On Choosing the Right Coordinate Transformation Method (3313)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Bashkim Idrizi, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ms. Fitore Bajrami and Mr. Milot Lubishtani, Kosovo:
Projecting of Territory of the Republic of Kosova in Several Most Used State Map Projections (3350)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 4D – Property Investments, Brokerage and Prices
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA
Dr. Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu, Nigeria

Ms. Heidi Falkenbach and Ms. Kaisa Laatikainen, Finland:
Development of Brokerage for Commercial Premises in the Finnish Real Estate Markets (3298)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Danny Ben-Shahar, Dr. Yuval Arbel and Dr. Yossef Tobol, Israel:
Estimating the Real Estate Price of Armed Conflicts (3210)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Antonio Benvenuti, Italy:
The Value of Real Estate between Building and Land (3363)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Kobi Bier, Israel:
Church Land in Jerusalem Ownership and Values (3283)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral A
TS 4E – Coastal Zone Management
Commission: 4 and 8
Chair: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Dr. John Hall, Israel

Dr. Michael Sutherland, Canada
Pro-poor Coastal Zone Management: FIG’s Position (3499)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Boris Shirman and Dr. Michael Rybakov, Israel:
Sinkholes along the Dead Sea Coast and Their Development (3249)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Baruch Peretzman, Ms. Gili Kirschner and Mr. Moshe Rosenbloom, Israel:
Measurement and Setting of Formal Coast Line (Mediterranean Sea)
Poster presentation.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Michael Sutherland and Dr. Susan Nichols, Canada:
Developing a Prototype Marine Cadastre for Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia (3455)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Isaac Boateng, United Kingdom:
Shoreline Management Planning along the Eastern Coast of Ghana: A Case Study of Keta (3463)
This paper will be presented by Dr. Diane Dumashie.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral B

TS 4F – Francophone Session 1 – Problématiques foncières en Afrique francophone (Land Administration in Francophone Africa)
Commission: 7 in co-operation with Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF)
Mr. Pierre Bibollet, France
Rapporteur: Ms. Bénédicte Fournier, France

Mr. Alain Gaudet, France:
La procédure du « Titrement » au TOGO
Titling Procedures in Togo (3479)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Eric Thalgott, France:
La reforme fonciere a Madagascar
Modernization and Decentralization of Land Services in Madagascar (3483)
[ paper ] [ paper - English ][ handouts ]

Mr. Georges Ndjoli Bompe, Congo D. R.:
La fiscalité du domaine foncier et immobilier en République Démocratique du Congo – Cas de la Ville de Kinshasa (3485)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Mamadou Camara, Mali:
Roles, limites et responsabilites du Géomètre Expert dans la gestion domaniale et fonciere au Mali (3486)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Samuel Nguema Ondo Obiang, Gabon:
Problématique foncière au Gabon et nécessité de son ouverture vers l'extérieur (Land administration in Gabon and necessity of his aperture to the outside) (3484)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Hotel room 338
TS 4G – Young Surveyors Network – Strategic Discussion on the Future of the Young Surveyors Network
Commission: Young Surveyors Network
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Chair of FIG Young Surveyors Network
Rapporteur: Mr. Cemal Özgur Kivilcim, Secretary of FIG Young Surveyors Network, Turkey
  • This session is planned to discuss the future of the Young Surveyors Network that will be formally established in Eilat.
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
    Young Surveyors at INTERGEO 2009
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
6 May 2009
Hotel room 438
Meeting of the FIG Corporate Members
  • By invitation only
6 May 2009
Coffee Break
6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 5A – Land Administration
Commission: 7 and 1
Chair: Dr. Ron Adler, Israel
Rapporteur: Ms. Einat Salmon, Israel

Mr. Iain Greenway, United Kingdom:
Progress of the FIG Task Force on Organisational Development (3180)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Günter Nagel, Germany:
The Geoportal of Bavaria (Germany) - Development to 3D-Bavaria in Real Time (3385)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Joseph Forrai and Adv. Gili Kirschner, Israel:
Operating Supervising Surveyors – Five-year Experience of an Unusual Governmental Enterprise (3174)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Babu Ram Acharya, Nepal:
Necessity of Effective Land Management for Sustainable Real Estate Market in Nepal (3352)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

6 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 5B – Current Trends in SDI
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Sagi Dalyot, Israel

Dr. Stanislav Šumbera and Mr. Gideon Altman, Israel:
Government Collaboration and Public Distribution with Spatial Data Infrastructures (3516)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Hartmut Müller and Mr. Stephan von St. Vith, Germany
SDI Implementation at the Local Administration Level of Germany (3494)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Gábor Csornai, Ms. Erika Bognár, Mr. Gábor Mikus and Mr. Csaba Wirnhardt, Hungary:
Maintenance and Development of the Hungarian Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS-HU) for IACS (3443)
This paper will be presented by Mr. Szabolcs Mihály.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Jacqueleen Joubran Abu Daoud and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Near Real Time Automated Generalization for Mobile Devices (3317)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Adil Enis Arslan, Prof. Dursun Zafer Şeker and Mr. Fırat Ergun, Turkey:
3D Building Models and an Example for Use of Photorealistic Models in Geomatics (3462)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

6 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 5C – Geodetic Datum II
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Gershon Steinberg, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Yaron Felus, USA/Israel

Assoc. Prof. Hakan S. Kutoglu, Turkey:
Proper Choice of Data Used for the Estimation of Datum Transformation Parameters (3468)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Dan Sharni, Israel:
New Vertical Datum for the Dead Sea Works, Israel 2009 (3264)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Matthew N. Ono, Nigeria:
On Problems of Coordinates, Coordinate Systems and Transformation Parameters in Local Map Production, Updates and Revisions in Nigeria (3437)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 5D – Planning and Regulatory: Appropriate Frameworks
Commission: 8
Chair: Prof. Theo Kötter, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Kenya

Ms. Iris Frankel-Cohen and Prof. Rachelle Alterman, Israel:
Planning Regulations and Their Exclusionary Effects (3199)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Amnon Frenkel and Ms. Ofra Yechiely, Israel:
Bridging the Gap between Vision and Reality: A Methodological Assessment Tool for Long-term Normative Planning Implementation (3237)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy:
Urban and Rural Land Use Planning and Implementation - Planning Policies and Management of Wine Towns (3366)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral A
TS 5E – Valuation Models
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Dieter Kertscher, Germany
Dr. Zeev Cohen, Israel

Dr. Jarosław Bydłosz, Dr. Piotr Cichociński and Dr. Piotr Parzych, Poland:
The Estates’ Valuation Models in the Developing Markets (3229)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Yehoshua Avni, Israel:
Real Estate Valuation and GIS: Where, What, Why and How (3277)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Marek Kulczycki and Dr. Marcin Ligas, Poland:
Interpolation and 3D Visualization of Geodata (3338)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Doron Cohen, Israel:
The Use of GIS Technology for Real Estate Assessors (3281)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA:
Real Estate and Its Relation to the Financial Crisis (3450)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 5F – Hydrographic Surveying in Practice
Commission: 4
Chair: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of FIG Commission 4, Canada

Dr. John K. Hall, Mr. Aharon-Ronnie Sade, Dr. Gideon Tibor, Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham, Israel, Dr. Tina Niemi, USA and Dr. Abdallah Al-Zoubi, Jordan:
New Insight into Bottom Morphology of the Northern Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba Mapped from Multi-beam Data (3335)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Emmanuel Olayinka Ajayi and Mr. Sylvester Efe Owhojeta, Nigeria:
Tidal Observation / Information of Olero Creek North Water Station and Flowstation Area (3391)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Boris Shirman and Mr. Yossi Melzer, Israel:
Long Term Monitoring of the Mediterranean and Red Sea Levels in Israel (3250)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. John K. Hall, Mr. Aharon-Ronnie Sade, Dr. Gideon Tibor, Mr. Gideon Amit and Mr. Arik Golan, Israel:
The Israel National Bathymetric Survey Almost Completed (3475)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Coral B

TS 5G – Francophone Session 2 – Pratique professionnelle
Commission: 1 and 7 in co-operation with Fédération des Géomètres Francophones (FGF)
Chair: Mr. Alain Gaudet, France
Ms. Bénédicte Fournier, France

Mr. François Mazuyer, France:
Vers une harmonisation de la profession dans l’Union Européenne
Towards the Harmonization of the Surveying Profession in the European Union (3478)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Pierre Bibollet, France:
L'agenda 21 de l'Ordre des Geometres-Experts
The Agenda 21 of the French Order of Licensed Surveyors (3480)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

M. Daniel Roberge, Canada:
Compte rendu de la réunion annuelle de la Commission 7 et du Séminaire sur la gestion du territoire public, Vérone, Italie (3459)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Francis Gäbele and Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium:
Le Projet Belge des Plans de Géomètres joints aux Actes Déclaratifs ou Translatifs de Propriété
The Belgian Project of the "Private Surveyors Plans" joined to the Declarative or Transferring "Property Acts"  (3457)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Steponas Deveikis, Lithuania:
Création des compétences professionnelles dans les organismes des Géomètres - un rôle et le développement des organisations professionnelles
Professional Capacity Building in the Professional Organisations of Surveyors - The Role and Development of Professional Bodies (3346)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

6 May 2009
Departure at 19:45
Timna Park
Gala Dinner
  • The event will take place outdoors in a venue that is one of a kind; in the heart of the desert…at the base of the magnificent King Solomon’s Pillars of Timna Park
  • Departure from hotels at 19:45
  • Included in registration fee (except for daily registrants and students)
  • Dress code:It is recommended to bring a light sweater / jacket and refrain from shoes with high heels
Thursday, 7 May 2009
7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
Plenary Session 3 – GNSS, Geo-sciences and Surveying
Chair: Mr. Matthew Higgins, FIG Vice President, Australia

Dr. Ze’ev B. Begin, Director of the Geological Survey of Israel and Ex-Minister of Science:
The Dead Sea Fault – Thousand Kilometres and 20 Million Years of Destructive Earthquakes (3507)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Joseph Forrai, Deputy Director General for Cadastre, Survey of Israel:
Permanent GPS Network-based Measurement Practice in Israel (3496)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Dr. Ing. Rudolf Staiger, University of Applied Sciences Bochum, Germany, Chair of FIG Commission 5:
Push the Button - or Does the Art of Measurement Still Exist? (3513)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ze’ev B.


7 May 2009
Coffee Break
7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 6A – Standardization Aspects in Land Administration
Commission: 7, 3 and 1
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Ms. Orit Marom, Israel

Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Mr. Gyula Iván, Mr. Gábor Szabó and Mr. Zoltán Weninger, Hungary:
Land Administration Standards and Their Implementation in Practice (3414)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, Dr. Peter van Oosterom, Dr. Harry Uitermark, the Netherlands, Dr. Rod Thompson, Australia and Mr. Joao da Fonseca Hespanha de Oliveira, Portugal:
Transforming the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) into an ISO Standard (ISO19152) (3282)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Anna Shnaidman, Mr. Uri Shoshani and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Improving the Graphical Cadastre Based on Genetic Algorithm Principles (3314)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Jarosław Bydłosz and Dr. Piotr Parzych, Poland:
The Cadastral Data and Standards Based on XML in Poland (3228)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 6B – SIM Algorithms and Techniques
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Robert W. Foster, USA
Rapporteur: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece

Mr. Ronen Rybowski, Dr. Aaron Beller and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Mapping Linear Networks Based on Cellular Phone Tracking (3216)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Sagi Dalyot, Mr. Ariel Gershkovich and Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Israel:
Novel Real-Time Coordinate Transformations based on N-Dimensional Geo-Registration Parameters' Matrices (3301)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Dimitra Vassilaki, Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis and Dr. Athanassios Stamos, Greece:
Multitemporal Data Registration through Global Matching of Networks of Free-form Curves (3464)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Izabela Śliż and Dr. Piotr Cichociński, Poland:
GML - A Real Standard? (3224)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 6C – GPS for Engineering
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Yaron Felus, USA/Israel

Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany:
Accurate High-Sensitivity GPS for Short Baselines (3349)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Neil Weston, Dr. Tom Soler and Dr. Gerald Mader, USA:
Rover Station Positional Accuracies from OPUS as a Function of Reference Station Spacing and Rover Station Occupation Time (3380)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Antti A. I. Lange, Finland:
Fast Kalman Processing of the GPS Carrier-Phases for Mobile Positioning and Atmospheric Tomography (3497)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 6D – Needs of Changing Society – New Skills, Competences in Surveying
Commission: 2 and 1
Chair: Dr. Gilad Even-Tzur, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria

Dr. S. Thomas Ng, Mr. Kelwin K. W. Wong and Mr. James M. W. Wong, Hong Kong SAR, China:
Future Directions of Construction Education to Meet the Challenges and Opportunities (3413)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Cemal Özgür Kivilcim, Ms. H. Ebru Colak, Turkey and Ms. Chris McAlister, Australia:
Evaluating Next Generation of Surveyors for the Sustainable World (3449)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Kate Fairlie (United Kingdom/Australia):
Navigating the Global Consciousness: A Young Surveyor’s Future (3489)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. András Osskó, Hungary:
The Importance of Changes in Land Surveyors Education (3390)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Coral A
TS 6E – Compulsory Purchase and Compensation and Planning 
Commission: 9 and 8
Chair: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Finland
Rapporteur: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland

Prof. Rachelle Alterman, Israel:
Planning, Property Values, and Property Rights: The Value Capture and Compensation Issues Revisited (3256)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Adv. Shahar Harari, Israel:
The Connection between Town Planning, Public Taking (Appropriation) and Land Appraisal (3403)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Nira Orni and Prof. Rachelle Alterman, Israel:
The Link between Planning and Expropriation (3474)
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Mr. Søren Baumgarten and Mr. Klavs Petersen, Denmark:
How to Help Landowners by Preliminary Expropriation (3215)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Yehoshua Avni, Israel:
Real Estate Valuation in Jewish Tradition (3279)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 6F – Project Management Forum
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Richard Hucker, MBE, Chairman, Commission 10 WG 10.3, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew W. Morley, Chair of Commission 10, United Kingdom
  • Forum to be led by the Chairman of WG 10.3 Mr. Richard Hucker MBE, as a continuation and development of the very successful sessions in Hong Kong and Stockholm, to discuss the lessons of successful and unsuccessful projects; probably to include a short 'break out' session of three/four groups.
  • Case Studies on Cadastre – A Review of Cadastre Well Done and Problems Adopting New Digital Layouts to Old Cadastral Maps
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
7 May 2009
Coral B
TS 6G – Cadastre in the World
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada
Rapporteur: Ms. Carmela Szancer, Israel

Mr. Melkamu Belachew Moges, Ethiopia:
Growing Initiatives toward the Improvement of Cadastre in Urban Amhara: Potentials, Prospects, Challenges (3197)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Marcos Pelegrina and Dr. Lia Pastos, Brazil:
Proposal for the Urban Real Estate Property Tax Management Diagnosis in Brazil (3183)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Habtemicael Weldegiorgis, Eritrea:
The Cadastral System in Eritrea: Practice, Constraints, and Prospects (3198)
This is a peer review paper. 
This paper has received a grant from the FIG Foundation.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Samwel S. Katambi, Tanzania:
Development of the New Cadastral Survey System in Tanzania (3310)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 7A – Settlements Facing Man Made Changes
Commission: 7 and 8
Chair:  Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Kenya

Dr. Michael Barry, Canada:
Dysfunctional Communal Property Associations: The Case of Elandskloof, South Africa (3295)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Lani Roux and Dr. Michael Barry, Canada and Dr. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa:
Analytical Methodologies to Guide Interventions in Informal Settlements (3300)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Orit Shwarts, Israel:
Restoration and Reconstruction of the Circassian Village Kfar-Kama (3316)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Kenya:
Post Election Violence and Its Impact on Informal Settlements in Kenya, Especially Nairobi's Maasai Village (3466)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Mustapha Oyewole Bello, Nigeria:
Squatter Settlement, Accessibility to Land and the Urban Poor (3326)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

7 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 7C Engineering Structure Measurement and Data Processing
Commission: 6
Prof. Alojz Kopacik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, United Kingdom

Dr. Théo Engel and Mr. Jürg Kaufmann, Switzerland:
Railway Coordinates: State of the Art and a Tremendous ongoing Potential (3381)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Gethin Roberts, Mr. Chris Brown and Dr. Oluropo Ogundipe, United Kingdom:
The Use of GNSS to Monitor the Deflections of a Motorway Viaduct (3291)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Ronen Grinstein, Israel:
Planning a Geodetic Monitoring System for the Metropolitan Tel-Aviv Light Rail Train Red Line Project (3255)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Gethin Roberts, Dr. Oluropo Ogundipe, Mr. Craig Hancock, Mr. Ahmad Taha and Mr. Jean-Philippe Montillet, United Kingdom:
Positioning Buried Pipes and Cables in Urban Canyons Using an Integrated GNSS Approach (3515)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 7D – Good Educational Practices
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of FIG Commission 2, Hungary
Rapporteur: Dr. Steven Frank, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, USA

Mr. Steve Y. W. Lam, Hong Kong SAR, China:
Outcome-Based Approach to Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Geomatics Higher Education: the Hong Kong Experience (3461)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Lidia Niculita, Dr. Iolanda Colda and Ms. Steluta Nastasa, Romania:
Informatics Management Systems for Quality Management Improvement in Higher Education and Scientific Research (3306)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Steven Frank, USA:
Assessment of Learning Outcomes (3510)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Barry Grinker, Israel:
Development of Hydrographic Education in Israel (3193)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Coral A
TS 7E – Compulsory Purchase and Compensation and Valuation in Real Estate Development
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Rachelle Alterman, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA

Dr. Iyenemi Ibimina Kakulu, Nigeria, Prof. Peter Byrne, United Kingdom, and Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Finland:
Phenomenological Research in Compulsory Land Acquisition and Compensation (3448)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of FIG Commission 9, Finland:
Recommendations for Good Practice in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation – FIG WG 9.1 – Compulsory Purchase and Compensations in Land Acquisition and Takings
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Nechama Bogin, Israel:
Expropriation in Israel (3280)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Muhammad Bashar Nuhu and Mr. A. U. Aliyu, Nigeria:
Compulsory Acquisition of Communal Land and Compensation Issues: The Case of Minna Metropolis – Nigeria (3383)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Jianpeng Chu, China P. R.:
Land Expropriation Compensation Based on the Price of Land Use Right Granting (3426)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 7F - Planning and Development
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. K. H. Chan, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Kenny Chan, Hong Kong SAR, China

Mr. Andrew Morley, United Kingdom:
The 'Credit Crunch' and PFI/PPP Financing of Infrastructure and Development Projects (3416)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Steve Jackson, United Kingdom:
Collaborative Working - Best Value or Blank Cheque? (3501)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Richard A. Hucker, MBE, United Kingdom:
Accelerated Development – “The Need for Planning” (3429)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Leonie Newnham, Australia:
Sustainability as an Innovation Driver for Project Management (3502)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Coral B
TS 7G – Development of 3D Cadastre
Commission: 7 and 3
Chair: Adv. Ms. Gili Kirschner, Israel
Rapporteur: Ms. Orit Marom, Israel

Adv. Alisa Caine, Israel:
Spatial Rights Legislation in Israel – A 3D Approach (3177)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Nurit Peres and Mr. Moshe Benhamu, Israel:
3D Cadastre – Geometry, Topology and Other Technical Considerations (3242)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Bruno Razza, Italy:
Division Plan for Jointly Owned Flat Block (Condominium) - Tri-dimensional Registration of a Building (3365)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Vanco Gjorgjiev.and Mr. Gjorgji Gjorgjiev, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:
Registration of 3D Situations in R. Macedonia, Problems and Needs (3430)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Coffee Break
7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 1
TS 8A – Software Application in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Gershon Steinberg, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Dan Sharir, Israel

Mr. Eytan Gelbman, Israel:
A Cadastral Data Processing Toolbox (3327)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland:
Open Source Software for Cadastre and Land Registration – A Viable Alternative? (3336)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Geoff Hay and Dr. Brent Hall, New Zealand:
Architecture for an Open Source Semantic Spatio-Temporal Land Administration Application (3260)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Volkmar Herbst and Mr. Michael Wagner, Germany:
Presentation of a Software Application (Cadastre Toolbox) for Land Management and Administration Purposes Based on Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) (3328)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Big Blue Hall 2
TS 8B – SIM in Planning and Development
Commission: 3 and 8
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Gerasimos Apostolatos, Greece

Mr. Jean-Philippe Lestang, France:
MSDI Project for Bangalore, India (3393)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Surv. Chima Ogba, Dr. Inah Okon and Mr. Marcus Idoko, Nigeria:
Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) towards Flood Management in Calabar, Nigeria (3285)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. James Bolarinwa Olaleye, Mr. Oludayo Emmanuel Abiodun and Ms. Queen Ibokwe, Nigeria:
Landuse Change Detection and Analysis Using Remotely Sensed Data in Lekki Peninsula Area of Lagos, Nigeria (3493)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

7 May 2009
Tarshish A
TS 8C – Instruments and Calibration
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
Rapporteur: Dr. Neil Weston, USA

Prof. Andreas Eichhorn, Germany, Dr. Johannes Fabiankowitsch and Daniel Nindl, Austria:
Deformation Analysis of Tripods under Static and Dynamic Loads (3208)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Jad Jarroush, Mr. Bishara Khell and Mr. Marwan Zeibak, Israel:
A New Methodology for an Automatic Evaluation Procedure of Cadastral GNSS Measurements According to the Surveyors' Regulations Instruction (3337)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Team KILI2008, Portugal, Tanzania, Kenya, the Netherlands, USA and Egypt:
Precise Determination of the Orthometric Height of Mt. Kilimanjaro (3438)
This paper will be presented by Mr. Jorge Santos, Portugal.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Tarshish B
TS 8D – Life-long Learning – Educational and Training Services
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Steven Frank, Chair Elect, FIG Commission 2, USA

Mr. Steve Y. W. Lam, Hong Kong SAR, China:
Marketing of Geomatics Higher Education: the Hong Kong Experience (3432)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Bela Markus, Hungary and Ir. Liza Groenendijk, the Netherlands:
e-Learning in Surveying (3511)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Branko Božić, Dr. Jelena Gucevic and Mr. Stevan Marosan, Republic of Serbia:
Professional Education of Surveyors in Serbia (3192)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Jason Musyoka, Ms. Carol Matiko, Ms. Evangeline Wanyama, Ms. Hilda Kiritu, Mr. Paul Omondi and Mr. Moses Odhiambo, Kenya:
Learning Management: Challenges and Opportunities in Fixed Assets Disciplines in Low Income Countries: The Kenyan Case  (3186)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Coral A
TS 8E – Terrestrial Laser Scanning, Visualization and LIDAR
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Prof. Thomas Kersten, Prof. Harald Sternberg and Mr. Klaus Mechelke, Germany:
Geometrical Building Inspection by Terrestrial Laser Scanning (3275)
This is a peer review paper.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Dr. Valerie Ussyshkin, Canada:
Mobile Laser Scanning Technology for Surveying Application: From Data Collection to End-Products (3521)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Prof. Vladimir Seredovich, Mr. Alexander Seredovich and Mr. Alexander Komissarov, Russian Federation:
Experiences with Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Russia (3236)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Natalja Liba and Ms. Ina Jarve, Estonia:
Making Orthophotomosaic about Tartu City with PHOTOMOD Program and Its Geometrical Quality (3425)
Poster presentation.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Reem Zeibak and Dr. Sagi Filin, Israel:
Object Extraction from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data (3312)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]
This paper has not been presented at the conference.

7 May 2009
Coral B
TS 8F – Land Administration and Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Muhammad Bashar Nuhu, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Dr. Joseph Forrai, Israel

Mr. Yoav Coller, Israel:
Israel Land Administration (ILA) (3321)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Gil Vaknin, Israel:
Technology in Mapping and Managing Land at the Israeli Land Administration (3419)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. Jonahan Gavish, Ms. Larisa Woznesensky and Dr. Joseph Forrai, Israel:
SHALOM – Management of Cadastre: Preliminary Results of Applications and Future Plans (3244)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Aune Rummukainen, Finland:
Contents of Finnish Cadastral System (3251)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Oksana Sukhova, Ukraine:
Multipurpose Approaches to Making Advanced Ukrainian Cadastral System (3305)
This paper has not been presented at the conference.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Hotel room 308
TS 8G – Cost and Facilities Management
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Andrew W. Morley, Chair of Commission 10, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Steve Jackson, United Kingdom

Mr. Kenny Chan, Hong Kong, SAR China:
Effective Cost Management of Building Services in Hong Kong - Managing Sustainability and Costing in Air-Conditioning (3207)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Ms. Sara J. Wilkinson, Dr. Kimberley James and Prof. Richard Reed, Australia:
Accelerated Development and Sustainability: The Retrofit of Green Roofs in City Centres (3500)
This paper will be presented by Andrew Morley.
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

Mr. K. H. Chan, Hong Kong SAR, China:
Mitigation of Environmental Degradation through Improving Air Quality (3238)
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

7 May 2009
Hotel room 338
Commission Meetings – FIG Commission 9 WG 9.1
Commission: 9
  • Open meeting of Commission 9 Working Group WG 9.1 - Compulsory Purchase and Compensations in Land Acquisition and Takings
  • Recommendations for Good Practice in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
    [ paper ] [ handouts ]
7 May 2009

Shato Restaurant
FIG Foundation Dinner
  • The FIG Foundation Dinner will be held at Shato Restaurant, Kings City (within walking distance from Dan Eilat)
  • Separate registration required
  • Dress code: smart casual
Friday, 8 May 2009
8 May 2009
Tarshish A
Presidents’ Meeting
  • for Presidents of Member Associations
  • by invitation only
8 May 2009
Coffee Break
8 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
General Assembly – Second Session
  • for FIG members
  • open for observers
8 May 2009
Big Blue Hall
Closing Ceremony
Moderator: Dr. Joseph Forrai, Deputy Director General, Survey of Israel

Report on the Working Week 2009, Dr. Haim Srebro, Congress Director
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Closing Address and Summary of the Working Week, Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG  President
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Appreciation to FIG WW 2009 Organising Committee, Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG  President
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Closing Address, Joseph Kraus, Chair of the Local Organising Committee and ALSI President
[ paper ] [ handouts ]

FIG Fanfare

Closing of the Working Week 2009

Dress code: Smart casual

© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2009