New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Romualdas KASPERAVICIUS, Lithuania

Key words


Main aim for every Government is to create legal, financial and organisational circumstances for real property. To search new ways that persons entitled to restitution of ownership in land and who are not able to work it, the right of ownership transfer to the others or sell to those who have possibilities to work it. It is very important to pass laws and to improve the existing ones which must determine how land market should function and to create circumstances for more effective operation of the land market. Laws, regulating the restitution of citizens' ownership in land and legislation on land reform, should be stable. Very important to reform existing and create a unified real property cadastre and registration system. Management of cadastre activity and registration of land and buildings (apartments) should be made in one organisation but not in different ones. The creation of effective and secure real property administration system is an essential thing for the successful market functioning and welfare of the country's economy.


Romualdas Kasperavicius
Deputy Director for Real Property Register
State Land Cadastre and Register
Email: [email protected]

23 March 2001

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