New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Dr. Jan BARES and Jiri CALEK, Czech Republic

Key words: digital map, users, Prague, overview.


In Prague, the creation of the digital map began in 1987. In 1991, the Institute of Municipal Informatics of Capital Prague (IMIP) was established. IMIP is responsible for producing the collection of digital large-scale maps of Prague (SDMP) and for updating and supplying the maps for users. Presently, the collection of digital maps consists mainly of:

  • The Unified Digital Map of Prague (UDMP)
  • The Set of Digital Reference Maps (SDRM)
  • Digital Ortophotomap (DORT)
  • Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

The volume of all datasets is about 110 GByte. From 1987 to the present, the cost for creating and updating the maps has been about 12 million USD and the value of the output has been 21 million USD.

In our contribution, the interest of various user groups (municipal and state administrations, students, utility managers, architects, designers, surveyors, etc.) for specific datasets will be analyzed. In addition, the planned development will be explained.


RNDr. Jan Bares
Correspondent of FIG Commission3
Institute of Municipal Informatics of Capital Prague
Vysehradska 57
CZ-128 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected] 

Dipl. Ing. Jiri Calek
National delegate of FIG Commission3
Institute of Municipal Informatics of Capital Prague
Vysehradska 57
CZ-128 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic
E-mail: [email protected] 

24 March 2001

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