New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Prof. Kauko VIITANEN, Finland

Key words: Education, Valuation, Real Estate, Surveying, Land Management.


A joint Commission 2 and 9 Working Group titled "Education of Valuers" chaired by Professor Kauko Viitanen, Finland was established in Prague in May 2000. The goal is to create a network and a forum for education on valuation in FIG. The education will be based on the achievements of Commission 2 in continuous professional development and management. It will be realised by computer assisted learning.

The idea for the program is as follows:

  1. Education on valuation will be offered through the FIG information network to those who need it. It will be an integrated virtual learning environment with the principle "Let the education move, not the people".

  2. Educational ladders. 
    A system of gradual development will be planned to improve the knowledge on valuation. There is need to determine e.g. the following:

  1. terminology

  2. basic theories

  3. basic methodology.

  1. A databank on the FIG web site
    A package of education on valuation will be created and offered on the FIG web site. The developing countries and countries in transition will intentionally be selected as the target group.
  2. Co-operation in education / a network for supporting the contact persons
    A network of people from universities, valuation associations etc. should be created in order to get support to solve and discuss further problems.

Specific projects in the Working Group:

  • To establish an Internet forum for discussion of the education on valuation;
  • To collect information and determine terminology, basic theories and basic methodology on valuation;
  • To create a valuation educational package especially in co-operation with the Commission 2 working group 2.2 (Virtual academy);
  • To establish contacts between universities, valuers’ associations also outside FIG;
  • To set up a home page with an educational package of valuation with hyperlinks to Web sites for distance learning.

Those interested in the Working Group should contact the chair. The work of the WG will start in Seoul. The working method will mainly consist of virtual workshops and information delivery via the Internet. Interim reports will be given at FIG working weeks and congresses 2001, 2002 and 2004. The final report will be given at the FIG Congress in Munich in 2006. Beneficiaries of the project will be distance learning students, individual surveyors, civil servants, politicians, landowners, employers, universities and university teachers.


Professor Kauko Viitanen, Ph.D.
Professor in Real Estate Economics and Valuation
Helsinki University of Technology
Institute of Real Estate Studies
P.O. Box 1200
FIN-02015 HUT
Tel. + 358 9 451 3870
Fax + 358 9 465 077
E-mail: [email protected] 

24 March 2001

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