New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Zailan MOHD ISA, Malaysia

Key words: Malaysia, property management, public sector, property management practice.


Property assets such as land and buildings are a key resource for all types of organisations, In Malaysia, the public sector organisations property can be considered as having financial contribution and effect upon annual financial statements, asset base and as well as on resale values in the case of privatisations of any public entities. Therefore the property resources, in the same way as human, financial and information resources, contribute to the success of these organisations and need to be effectively and efficiently managed.

This paper highlights the place of property in Malaysian economy and the need for property management. In discussion the importance of effective and efficient public sector property management, this paper will examine the functions of public property management, focussing on the management of public office buildings. It will then follow with discussion on the management practice in public sector property management particularly the central government office buildings.


Ms. Zailan Mohd Isa
The Institution of Surveyors, Malaysia
3rd Floor, Bangunan Juruukur,
64-66, Jalan 52/4
46200 Petaling Jaya
Tel. + 603 7955 1773 or + 603 7956 9728
Fax + 603 7955 0253
E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] 

24 March 2001

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