New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001



Gianfranco MOROCUTTI, Italy

Key words


Outdoor sport facilities: football and athletic fields, tennis, basketball and volleyball courts etc. are an important part of the community which public and private managers pay particular attention to.

Where outdoor sport facilities exist, young and old alike who want to have a healthy life and enjoy friendly competition have the possibility to keep fit.

It's important to stress that sport facility is not linked only to the performance and the spirit of high level competition. In modern society sports hold more and more a social value. Therefore the planning of sport facility must be based on the concept of the system as a whole and looking at sports as a form of exercise and service to the community.

This involves social the study of social organisation of minor spaces and alienated areas where poor housing quality, unemployment, low income and ethnic minorities are concentrated. These such of situations need particular attention and a sport facilities planning with low costs both in production and management, with the possibility to be used for many other purposes as well and also accessible to all. Therefore it's better to adopt solutions which assure the highest level of versatility and output in sports training, especially for a target group which does not practice high level sport activities.

Planning and Design

The most important thing to do initially is to organize the different stages of building process in which sport facilities are made: planning stage where measurement and locations are defined in relation to the sport activities and targets; preliminary design stage in which practical and distributive characteristics, general criteria for technological and building choices are fixed; feasible design stage in which operational and maintenance aspects have to be considered in order to reduce operating costs and to minimize the global cost.


Gianfranco Morocutti is a chartered surveyor in private own practice since 1984.
Actually, his main line of activities are: designer and technical consultant of recreational and sporting complexes (stadiums, football, tennis courts), building and cadastral surveying, consultant to the F.I.G.C. (Football's Italian Federation) from 1988-1994 and member of The Chartered Institute of Building of London.
From 1994 until 1997 President of Consiglio Nazionale Geometri, (Italian Surveyor Council). Responsible of the Consiglio Nazionale Geometri for international department.
Member of National Council of Economy and Work (C.N.E.L.) for Italy.


Gianfranco Morocutti
Conziglio Nazionale Geometri
Via Barberini 68
I-00187 Rome
Tel. + 39 6 472 83 43 68
Fax + 39 6 472 83 61 18
E-mail: [email protected] 

24 March 2001

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