New Technology for a New Century
International Conference 
FIG Working Week 2001, Seoul, Korea 6–11 May 2001


Guidelines for Papers

Guidelines in pdf-format (13 KB)


Format  Text should be typed on word processor MS WORD 6.0 or MS WORD 97 in single line spacing (of 12 character spaces) using Times New Roman 12, text ranged left or justified. Paper size: A4 (210mm x 297 mm), with clear margins as follows: top, left and right 30mm, bottom 25mm.
Title Bold capital letters Times New Roman 14 (centred), leave one line empty (14).
Names of the authors Times New Roman 12 (cursive, centred, bold), surname in capital letters, leave three lines empty (12).
Key words Four or five key words on paper theme (Times New Roman 12, ranged left), leave two lines empty (12)
Headings Times New Roman 12, bold, capital letters, ranged left.
Extended Abstract  The extended abstract must not exceed two pages. At the end of second page please give the author's contacts (address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address).
Full paper The full paper should not exceed 12 pages including pictures, diagrams, references and appendices. The text should be delivered in MS WORD -format.

Line drawings, Diagrams and Graphs, Tables, Formulae and Photographs may be made in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Corel. We prefer gif- and jpg-formats. Please, divide large files to smaller files (approximate 1 Mb).

References Bibliographical references should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. The following sequence and punctuation should be used: Author's last name, author's initials, year of publication, title of reference article, name of book or journal (or other), volume number, page numbers, city and publisher. In the text, the reference is to be giving the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses.
Biographical notes A short summary on career-to-date eventually with details of past experience, publications, memberships of societies and associated achievements.
Publication rights By submitting the abstract and the final paper to the FIG Working Week 2001 each author agrees to give FIG the right to publish his/her paper in the Working Week proceedings and further publish the paper on the FIG web site without any compensation.


The extended abstracts will be published as a hard copy in the conference proceedings. In addition they are posted on the FIG home page as soon as they have been submitted to the FIG Office.
Full papers will be published on CD-ROM that will be circulated at the conference to all participants. In addition they will be posted on the FIG web site ( ) after the conference.

Deadlines and registration

  • Final invitation 31st January, 2001
  • Registration for speakers, early bird registration date 15th February, 2001
  • Extended abstracts to be submitted to the FIG Office 28th February, 2001
  • Full papers to be submitted to the FIG Office 28th February, 2001
Registration All speakers have to register by 15 February 2001 by using the registration form printed in the final invitation or through the conference web site

The papers and abstracts will be published only from those speakers that have registered in time. Papers submitted after the deadlines will not be published in the conference proceedings.

Submission of papers

Abstracts, extended abstracts and full papers should be send in digital format to the FIG office by e-mail: [email protected] or on diskette, mailing address: FIG, Lindevangs Alle 4, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark. For further information, please contact: Markku Villikka, tel. + 45 3886 1081, fax + 45 3886 0252 or e-mail: [email protected]

Presentation of papers in Seoul

In all technical sessions there is the possibility to use transparencies (overhead projector) and/or PowerPoint presentation. There will be PC and assisting personnel at the conference venue as well as preparation room. You are not obliged to bring your own laptop if you do not want.

In workshops there is the possibility to use transparencies (overhead projector).

FIG Office
E-mail: [email protected] 

7 January 2001

This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 15-03-16.