News in 2020

Webinar: e-Launch of the Guidelines for the formalization of informal
Wednesday 17 June 2020 14:30-17:00 CEST on WebEx

As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries requested
their citizen to ‘stay at home’ to stay safe. Not for everyone home is
actually a safe place. Housing conditions and density of informal
settlements often do not allow residents to follow basic hygienic
measures or to keep the minimum social distance to reduce spreading the
This joint UNECE - FIG online workshop looks at the situation of
informal settlements in the pan-European region and ways to formalize
informal developments. The
Guidelines for the Formalizing of Informal Constructions will be
launched and illustrated by case studies from the region. The
publication was developed jointly by UNECE Working Party on Land
Administration (WPLA) and the International Federation of Surveyors
(FIG). It is a brief, practical and easy-to-read guide, explaining how
to structure a program for the formalization of informal constructions.
As countries are preparing for post-COVID recovery, these Guidelines may
be of particular interest. Benefits from formalizing informal
settlements could contribute to economic recovery by integrating them
into land markets, with clear ownership titles and registration.
Security of tenure, right to ownership of land and property provides
access to credit and environmental, planning, construction, and
utility-provision improvements can be initiated to a standard where
people can live in adequate and healthy homes.
The publication was planned to be launched at the FIG Working
Week 2020 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands at a special joint
UNECE/FIG session. As the Working Week was cancelled, the launch
has been converted into this online workshop.
To participate,
please register through the following link
The deadline for registration is 15 June 2020.
When registering you may also ask already some questions to be answered
by speakers during the session.
The workshop agenda will be made available in due course
For more information, please contact: Ms. Maike Salize at
[email protected]
Louise Friis-Hansen
2 June 2020