News in 2014

News in 2014

FIG Publications are fit-for-purpose teaching material

3-14 November 2014 a short course in New Approaches in Land Administration and Cadaster was organized in Mozambique at the Institute for Land Administration and Cartography (INFATEC). A group of 20 teachers from this vocational training institute participated in this training- of trainers program offered by the School of Land Administration Studies, Faculty ITC, University of Twente, the Netherlands. The FIG office supported the course by making available relevant FIG Publications including the recent publication on Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration. The publications served as excellent teaching material as was reflected in the lively debates in class about the fit-for-purpose concept. It inspired the teachers of INFATEC to strengthen their program in land administration and cadaster. The participants and course organizers from INFATEC and ITC – University of Twente are therefore very grateful to FIG for supporting the course by sending copies of the publications for all participants.


3rd FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting, May 16, 2015 Sofia, Bulgaria

We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria. The meeting takes place Saturday 16 May 2015 prior to the FIG Working Week 2015.


Greeting from FIG President CheeHai Teo and FIG Council 2011-14

FIG Council 2011-14. VP Rudolf Staiger, ACCO rep Yerach Doytsher, Incoming President Chryssy Potsiou, VP Pengfei Cheng and President CheeHai Teo. Vice President Bruno Razza was not present.

The current FIG Council has concluded its very last meeting. This essentially brought to a close the current four-year term of this Council. In December President Teo had an administrative hand-over meeting with President Chryssy Potsiou. CheeHai Teo wants to take this opportunity to thank all within our global community to our membership, partners and stakeholders for the support, contributions and leadership during this period. Over the past four years, many volunteers have worked and contributed towards advancing the usefulness, interest and standing of our august Federation and Profession. CheeHai Teo concludes: “as my four year term as FIG President ends, it has been a tremendous professional and personal experience and remains a privilege” Presidents letter

International Union of Notaries Conference on Land Tenure Security in Asia, 12-13 December 2014, Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam


The International Union of Notaries (UiNL) is an international non-governmental organization promoting, coordinating and developing the role and functions of notaries throughout the world. UiNL aims to be a global network with a common ambition to work at the service of a more just, humane and harmonious society. The conference focised on land tenure security at the service of sustainable development. As his last duty in office, President CheeHai Teo represented FIG at the conference.  Read more...

Technical Chamber of Greece visits FIG, 9 December 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

Incoming President Chryssy Potsiou with Secretary General Chronis Akpitidis visiting FIG Office

In his penultimate duty as President of FIG, CheeHai Teo welcomed Secretary General Chronis Akpitidis from the Technical Chamber of Greece to FIG. The Technical Chamber of Greece is a long-standing member association within FIG and the home association of President Chryssy Potsiou (2015-18). TCG and FIG had fruitful interactions and discussions included the challenges faced by the Profession both in Greece and in Europe, and the joy and pride of TCG and the surveying profession in Greece in having Chryssy Potsiou as the President of FIG. Read more...

Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Urban Development In Asia and the Pacific,
2-3 December 2014, UNCC, Bangkok, Thailand

“our struggle for sustainability will be won or lost in the cities”
Ban Ki-Moon, UN Secretary General, 2012

The United Nations has recognized the importance of urbanization. The Expert Group Meeting on “Sustainable Urban Development in Asia and the Pacific: Towards a New Urban Agenda” was organized to identify priority issues that could be deliberated at the upcoming 6th Asia Pacific Urban Forum (May 2015) and leading into Habitat III (October 2016).  Read more...

Launch of a new International Property Measurement Standard (IPMS) for Office Buildings, December 2014

IPMS for Office Building represents an international effort to create a uniform method for measuring property and is expected to replace some of the existing standards currently in use around the world. Dr. Frances Plimmer, FIG representative, comments that “... It is vital for our credibility and the quality of the services we offer that we are seen to be accurately and consistently describing, offering, valuing and managing real estate, wherever it is located and for whatever purpose it is required". Read more...

8th Joint IHO/IMO/WMO/IOC/IALA/IAEA/FIG Capacity Building Meeting, 27-28 November 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark

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FIG Commission 4 cooperates with other organisations that focus on various aspects on hydrography and hydrographic surveying. A series of meetings has been formed to undertake simple and informal meetings to help coordination and exchange of information and experience on the Capacity Building within the area and to attract young people to working in the nautic area. Read more...

Report on the Pacific Surveyors Meeting and Pacific GIS / RS Users Conference
24 - 28 November 2014, Suva, Fiji

Mr Rob Sarib (left), Mr Jens Kruger (middle) and Dr John Dawson (right)

Geospatial Specialists and Surveyors from the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) met in Suva, Fiji to further the objective of improving coordination of Geospatial and Surveying activities in the Pacific. It was recognised that Geospatial and Surveying Information when applied to real world problems can help reduce persistent poverty and create opportunities to support social and economic development. It was subsequently resolved that an interim group known as the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) be formed so as to finalise a Charter, and Strategy, that will adhere to the FIG Suva Statement on Spatially Responsible Governance. Read more...

3rd Development Universities, 17-19 November 2014, Dakar, Senegal

Altogether 160 participants attended the event.

TThe Third “Development Universities” was organised by the FGF (Fédération des Géomètres Francophones- Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors) and co-sponsored by FIG and UN-Habitat/GLTN. The theme of the Third “Development Universities” was “The Role of the Surveyor in Urban Space”  Read more...

Report on the Ninth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG-9) 9-14 November 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

The Ninth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) was held in Prague, Czech Republic from 9 to 14 November 2014. Michael Lilje, Chair of FIG Commission 5, attended the meeting and thus gave his last international contribution to FIG as Chair of Commission 5. Read more...

UN-GGIM-AP - Third Plenary Meeting
110 – 12 November 2014 Kuta, Bali, Republic of Indonesia

The Regional Committee was established in 1994 and was known as the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) until the 19th UNRCC-AP held in Bangkok in 2012 where the name was amended to the current. The aim of the Regional Committee includes to identify regional issues relevant to geospatial information management, take necessary actions and contribute to global discussions so that the economic, social and environmental benefits of geospatial information will be maximized in Asia and the Pacific region. FIG’s presentation included a progress report on Cadastral Template 2.0.  Read more...

Research Trip 2014 - Report by Simon Hull, South Africa

Thanks to sponsorship received from the FIG Foundation I was able to conduct a research trip to the Netherlands and Germany during September and October 2014. The purpose of the trip was to learn as much as possible about the cadastral systems of the two countries. Read the report from Simon Hull..

Modernising Land Agencies Budgetary Approach: Costing and Financing of Land Administration Services in Developing Countries, Validation Workshop
15 - 16 October 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

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At a validation workshop 21 participants from 15 countries, convened jointly by GLTN and FIG, validated the CoFLAS tool. GLTN is now preparing to bring this validated CoFLAS tool into a new phase, piloting at country level. FIG, its membership and corps of volunteers that were involved in this tool development process since 2010/2011 are immensely privileged to be able to contribute towards conceptualising and designing of this land tool, one within the suite of 18 land tools embedded in 5 overarching themes envisage by GLTN to bring about improved efficiency and effectiveness to land administration and management towards securing land and property rights for all. Read more...

Valuation of Unregistered Land and Properties Expert Group Meeting,
Bangkok, Thailand, 13 - 14 October 2014

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Valuation of unregistered lands & Properties is a collaborative activity between Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) facilitated by UN-Habitat, FIG and other key partners including RICS. GLTN has embarked on a process to develop a tool for the valuation of unregistered lands and properties. The experts group meeting held on 13 and 14 October 2014 brought together 20 experts from 13 countries to facilitate the development of a framework on current thinking and methodologies for the valuation of unregistered land and properties, based on valuation practices and practices research. Read more...

Third High Level Forum on Global Geospatial Information Management, 22-24 October 2014, Beijing, PR China

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At the opening of the Third High Level Forum on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM)

Timely and urgent to consider Sustainable Development with Geospatial Information" said WU Hongbo, Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations at the Third High Level Forum on GGIM. WO Hongbo also commented the global diversity of expertise at the Forum representing Member States within the United Nations and particularly welcomed international partners, FIG being one, and the private sector. At the conclusion of the Forum The Beijing Declaration was adopted.  Read more...
FIG Publication no. 65 - FIG Report: The Surveyor’s Role in Monitoring, Mitigating, and Adapting to Climate Change

This publication is the result of extensive debates, discussions, and presentations by the FIG Task Force on Surveyors and Climate Change over the past three years. Editor is John Hannah, and contributing authors are Isaac Boateng, Sagi Dalyot, Stig Enemark, Frank Friesecke, John Hannah, David Mitchell, Paul van der Molen, Merrin Pearse, Michael Sutherland, and Martinus Vranken. The FIG Task Force on Surveyors and Climate Change set out both to explore and report on where and how surveyors could assist the global community in measuring and monitoring climate change, and also to elaborate on the part that they could play in adapting to climate change and helping to mitigate its impacts. Read more...

InterGeo celebrates 20th anniversary - many visitors at the FIG Stand,
7-9 October 2014, Berlin, Germany

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Delegation from Brazil visiting the FIG Stand at InterGeo

2014 marked the 20th anniversary of the InterGeo exhibition and conference. Again this year FIG greeted many visitors at the FIG stand and had the chance to talk to both members and potential future members of FIG. FIG Vice President Rudolf Staiger attended the exhibition and conference. Working Week 2015 Local Organising Committee was represented by President Angel Yanakiev and Co-conference Director Zlatan Zlatanov. The 2nd European Young Surveyors conference was held in Berlin on 7 October.  Read more...

Meet FIG at INTERGEO - 7-9 October 2014

Again this year FIG will be at 7-9 October 2014.
Visit us at stand D1.014.
Claudia, Hanne and Louise from FIG office will be looking forward to seeing you there. Come by or book a meeting in advance at [email protected].Have a talk about FIG and about the next Working Weeks that will take place in May 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria and May 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand. Check your sponsorship possibilities.

The Social Tenure Domain Model – Training of Trainers, 7-10 November 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The UN-HABITAT Global Land Tool Network, International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) and FIG Young Surveyors Network would like to invite Young Surveyors, Young Land Professionals and Youth working in related fields to apply for participation in the Social Tenure Domain Model – Training of Trainers. Deadline to apply is 12 October 2014. More information. Invitation.

Who will be the host for the 2019 FIG Working Week - call for bids

FIG member associations are invited to consider making a bid to host the FIG Working Week 2019 together with FIG. At its meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 2015, the FIG General Assembly will select the host and venue for the Working Week 2019. The Council has prepared bidding guidelines for making the bid. These guidelines explain in detail the information that is required for a successful bid. Deadline: 30 November 2014 Guidelines for FIG Working Week 2019
More information

2015 FIG Foundation PhD Scholarships and Academic Research Grants

2015 FIG Foundation PhD Scholarships
The FIG Foundation will be providing scholarships of up to 4,000 euros to PhD students. Deadline for application is 1 February 2015. Read more..

2015 FIG Foundation Academic Research Grants
he FIG Foundation will be providing research grants of up to 30,000 euros spread over three years. Deadline for application is 31 March 2015. Read more..

33rd National Surveying and Spatial Information Conference
3-4 September 2014, National Taiwan University, Taipei

Minister of Science and Tech-nology, Dr. San-Cheng CHANG, officiating the Conference

The invitation by the organisers of the 33rd edition of Taiwan’s annual National Surveying and Spatial Information Conference, National Taiwan University (NTU), presented an opportunity for FIG to engage fellow surveying and spatial information professionals in Taiwan. The Taiwan Society of Cadastral Surveyors, Taiwan Professional Surveying Engineers Association and Taipei Professional Surveying Engineers Association also facilitated the participation of the FIG President CheeHai Teo. During the Official Opening segment of the Conference, the Minister also officiated the launch of Taiwan National Land Surveying and Mapping Center’s eGNSS geodetic and positioning infrastructure.  Read more...

Fourth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management, 6 – 8 August 2014, United Nations Headquarters in New York

“The many environmental, developmental and humanitarian challenges we are facing today, make it increasingly apparent that location matters. Thus, geospatial information is fundamental to decision making, policy formulation, measuring and monitoring development elements, all critical to the post 2015 development agenda. I encourage you to remain continuously engaged and provide your expert advice for all the processes mentioned above.” said Mr. WU HongBo, Under-Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations (6th August 2014) Read more...

21st Meeting of the International Steering Committee on Global Mapping
5 August 2014, United Nations Headquarters in New York

L-R: Stefan Schweinfest, Director, UN Statistics Division; Toru Nagayama, Secretary General ISCGM & Prof. Paul Cheung, Chair ISCGM

ISCGM had its birth at the first Rio Conference and is supported by a commitment of the Japanese Government to this day. They proposed the “Global Mapping Project” as a contribution to global environmental conservation from the mapping sector, in response to “Agenda21” adopted at the “Earth Summit” in 1992.  ISCGM currently also cooperate with UN-GGIM and its Working Group on Global Mapping for Sustainable Development (WG GM4SD). ISCGM is participated by UN member states and is currently chaired by Prof. Paul Cheung. FIG has liaison status and was represented by President CheeHai Teo. Read more...

2014 Annual Meeting of the Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies (JBGIS)
4 August 2014, UN Statistics Division, 2 UN Plaza, New York

The 2014 Annual Meeting of JBGIS was attended by nine of the ten participating international organization. The meeting agreed to support ICA’s initiative for an “International Map Year” that will be launched at ICA’s 2015 Congress. The initiative will seek to showcase and raise awareness of the contributions and importance of geospatial information, of cartography and of maps. The fourth Session of UNGGIM endorsed ICA’s proposed initiative for the “International Map Year” for 2015/2016. Read more...

XXV FIG Congress - Engaging the Challenges, Enhancing the Relevance -  celebrating the culmination of collective efforts and collaborative actions - 16-21 June 2014 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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The FIG Congress - where young and experienced surveyors meet

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Experiencing the amazing Malaysian Culture

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The Malaysian Prime Minister gave an interesting opening address at the opening ceremony
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Presidents and heads of delegation from FIG members planted 100 trees as part of a carbon offset programme

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"The FIG Congress is our global forum where sciences, technologies, knowledge and practices come together; where issues, initiatives, researches and results converge and where cultures, diversity, specialization and expertise assemble"; said FIG President Teo CheeHai, at the opening ceremony of the Congress. More than 2500 from almost 100 countries attended the Congress that was co-organised by FIG and the Malaysian Association of Land Surveyors, PEJUTA. There were almost 60 exhibitors at the three-day exhibition and the congress also offered more than 170 technical sessions with around 550 presenters. Some of the sessions were organised in cooperation with the partners World Bank, FAO, UN-ESCAP, UN-GGIM and UN-Habitat/GLTN. The theme of the XXV FIG Congress ‘Engaging the Challenges, Enhancing the Relevance’ was chosen carefully to enlighten the many various activities that FIG are involved in. A  joint FIG/UN-GGIM-AP Statement on Global Geodetic Reference Frame was adopted. Also a series of approaches and tools as for example “Fit-for-Purpose” Land Administration and the Social Tenure Domain Model demonstrate that FIG, together with its partners and the profession, are ready to engage challenges as undernourishment, shelter, climate change and economic progress with its sciences, technologies, knowledge and practices.

Closing ceremony

General Assembly

  • Report from FIG General Assembly 2014
  • Minutes from FIG General Assembly 2014

Young Surveyors

FIG General Assembly 2014 elected new President and Vice Presidents for 2015-2018 and venues for Working Week 2017 and Congress 2018

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New elected Vice president Rudolf Staiger, President Teo, incoming president Chryssy Potsiou, new elected vice president Diane Dumashie and vice president Pengfei Cheng

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President Teo with new elected President Potsiou

The FIG General Assembly was held 16 and 21 June in Kuala Lumpur in conjunction to the FIG Congress 2014. At the first session of the General Assembly changes for the statutes were elected hereunder a change in voting rights.
At the second session there were several elections. The results of the elections are:
  • FIG President 2015 - 2018: Chryssy Potsiou, Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Two elected FIG Vice Presidents 2015 - 2018: Rudolf Staiger, DVW, Germany and Diane Dumashie, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, United Kingdom.
  • FIG Working Week 2017: Helsinki, Finland - Finnish Association of Geodetic and Land Surveyors (MIL) and Finnish Association of Surveyors (MAKLI) with the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) as partner
  • FIG Congress 2018: Istanbul, Turkey - Turkish Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers
  • Report from the General Assembly
  • General Assembly minutes

2nd FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting, 7th October 2014, Berlin, Germany

The 2nd FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting in Berlin, Germany on 7th October 2014 is jointly organized by FIG Young Surveyors Network and KONGEOS (Conference of Geodetic Students) supported by FIG, FIG Foundation, CLGE, DVW, BDVI and OE. Invitation.

Socioeconomic Potential of Land Administration Services - WPLA Workshop
21 - 23 May 2014 Copenhagen, Denmark

The aim of the workshop was to investigate the socioeconomic potential of land administration services and to share experiences and present new and alternate use of open and interoperable property data. The WPLA workshop was successfully  hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Danish Geodata Agency. Read more...

FIG Commission 3 Workshop and Meeting - 4-7 November 2014 in Bologna, Italy

The 2014 Workshop with the overall theme "Geospatial Crowdsourcing and VGI: Establishment of SDI & SIM" will be held in Bologna Italy 4-7 November 2014. At the same event Commission 3 will also hold it's annual meeting. Deadline for full papers for referee and for abstracts for other papers: 7 September 2014.
Deadline for early bird registration: 1 October 2014

FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting and GeoConference 2014 - 7-11 October 2014 in Canada

The Commission 7 team, in close collaboration with the Canadian colleagues and the Fédération des géomètres francophones (FGF – the Francophone Federation of Surveyors), is preparing this year a unique event which will take place in the Old Quebec City, Canada, a UNESCO World Heritage. FIG Commission 7 Annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the conference.
More information
Web site: 

FIG Publication 64: Reference Frames in Practice Manual - FIG Guide

 One of the most significant technologies to emerge in recent decades has been Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The rise of such a global technology has highlighted the need for countries to move from locally defined geodetic datums to more global datums based on the International Terrestrial Reference Frame. This FIG publication is a response by Commission 5 to this trend by bringing together a series of fact sheets to better inform surveyors about some of the key issues they need to consider as they realign and upgrade their professional knowledgebase. Editor is Graeme Blick and authors consist of Graeme Blick, Chris Crook, Nic Donnelly, Roger Fraser, Mikael Lilje, David Martin, Chris Rizos, Daniel R. Roman, Rob Sarib, Tomás Soler, Richard Stanaway, and Neil D. Weston.

A FIG Review of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) Phase II Summary Report

Many land rights and land claims are based on social tenures
and cannot be described in terms of conventional, parcel-based
concepts. New forms of spatial units have therefore been needed
for some time, and the Global Land Tools Network (GLTN) developed a model to accommodate these social tenures. It is called the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). FIG undertook a peer review of the STDM and commissioned key, internationally recognized academics, researchers and practitioners who are regarded as experts in the land sector and who are from FIG’s membership base.

FIG Publication 63 - The Africa Task Force 2009-2014 - FIG report

Chair of FIG Africa Task Force, Dr. Diane Dumashie, is author of this FIG Report which presents the objective and work design of the FIG Africa Task Force (ATF), identifies the interlinking themes, summarises the contents and outcome of each workshop and make recommendations for the way forward. The FIG Africa Task Force was established at FIG’s 32nd General Assembly held in Eilat, May 2009.

FIG Publication 62 - Ellipsoidally Referenced Surveying for Hydrography - FIG guide

Commission 4 Working Group 4.1 has just published this FIG Guide. Authors are Jerry Mills, chair of the Commission 4 Working Group and David Dodd, Technical Expert to the Working Group. Commission 4 Chair, Michael Sutherland, writes: "Many of the groups using ERS techniques have developed their internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) through in-house experience and trial-and-error testing. It is this wealth of group information that is being drawn upon to help develop a set of “best practices” for the hydrographic industry. The development of ERS best practices is being conducted by International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) working group 4.1 under Commission 4 and will be shared with the IHO for possible inclusion in International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) publication C13, Manual on Hydrography.

FIG Publication 61 - CADASTRE 2014 and Beyond - FIG report

What was a simple activity report of Working Group 1 within FIG Commission 7 “Cadastre and Land Management” in 1998, has over the years been translated into 28 languages and was a topic in many forums, panel discussions, roundtables and journal articles. This simple activity report became a visionary publication, found its way into conference halls and lecture theatres, and became a reference publication in many teaching
and research institutions. Now a new FIG report has been published as a follow up on the original publication, edited by Daniel Steudler and supported by Federal Office of Topography swisstopo, Wabern, Switzerland.

FIG publication 49 - second and updated edition - FIG Guide on Cost Effective GNSS Positioning Techniques

Cost Effective GNSS Positioning Techniques, FIG Publication 49, originally published in 2010 is now available in an updated 2nd edition. The publication is a FIG Commission 5 publication and is written by Dr. Neil D. Weston, United States and Prof. Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany. FIG Commission 5 Chair Mikael Lilje has written the foreword.

FIG Annual Review 2013 - read about an eventful year for FIG

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2013 was a productive year for FIG. There were many arrangements, activities and useful results and many within the FIG community were engaged in all these happenings for which FIG thanks very much. Read a summary of the activities that took place in 2013 The FIG Annual Review 2013 is now available as .pdf. Hard copies will be mailed to all members together with the minutes from the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur 2014. You can download the FIG Annual Review here:

Hong Kong Polytechnic celebrates 30th anniversary 29-30 May 2014

FIG President CheeHai Teo met with  Winnie Shiu, an active member of FIG Commission 1

The 30th anniversary of the Department of Land Surveying and Geoinformatics of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University was celebrated. FIG Congratulates Hong Kong Polytechnic University. FIG President CheeHai Teo participated and also gave a talk on Engaging Tomorrow's Challenges at the Symposium on Geomatics Education and Research: Challenges and Opportunities. Read more...


STDM source codes to be released at FIG Congress 2014 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, June 2014

It is a pleasure to  announce the upcoming release of version 1.0 of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) tool, including its source codes from GLTN. It will be officially launched at the 25th Congress of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) on 20 June 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Read more...

Advanced Geospatial and Information Technologies for Environmental Management and Sustainable Territorial Development - 10th Interexpo GEOSiberia and visit to Siberian State Academy of Geodesy, 15 – 18 April 2014, Novosibirsk, Russia

Prof Karpik and Prof Musikhin during the Closing Ceremony

This year’s GeoSiberia was a milestone for the organizers, the tenth edition and this event has grown to become a recognized forum, one that combines an international exhibition and scientific conference, providing participants to gather annually and the opportunity to make and renew friendships, to debate and demonstrate the utility and usefulness of geospatial sciences, technologies and practices for sustainable national development and nation building. FIG President CheeHai Teo gave a plenary speech and also visited the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy. Read more...

Copernicus Masters 2014 Competition - 15 April - 13 July 2014


The Earth Monitoring Competition 2014 is now open for submissions - with a prize pool worth well over EUR 300,000. In 2014, for the first time, the Copernicus Masters is carried out on a worldwide basis. Read more...

The 1st FIG Young Surveyors North American Meeting San Diego, California
April 14 – 15 2014

25 enthusiastic surveyors from 15 states had a lively discussion on how to establish a Young Surveyors presence and program within North America. Discussions pointed out that there is the need for interaction, collaboration and communication between the young and the more seasoned professionals. Read more...

General Assembly of European Council of Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) 21-22 March 2014 Marbella, Spain

The participants at the CLGE meeting

An Ice Breaker celebrating the official announcement of the European Surveyor of the Year for 2014, G.F.W. von Struve, was held on Thursday, 20 March.FIG was represented by FIG Foundation President John Hohol. Also in attendance was Eva-Maria Unger, Chair-Elect of the FIG Young Surveyors Network. Read more...

FIG General Assembly 2014 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16 and 21 June 2014 - Agenda

The FIG General Assembly will be held 16 and 21 June in Kuala Lumpur in conjunction to the FIG Congress 2014. The main issues on the agenda will be election of FIG President and two Vice Presidents for the period 2015-2017 and election of venues for FIG Working Week 2017 and FIG Congress 2018. There will also be voting to amendments of the statutes. The agenda is now available and the FIG Office has sent an invitation and hard copy of the agenda without appendices to all members.

General Assembly of European Council of Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) 21-22 March 2014 Marbella, Spain

The participants at the CGE meeting

An Ice Breaker celebrating the official announcement of the European Surveyor of the Year for 2014, G.F.W. von Struve, was held on Thursday, 20 March.FIG was represented by FIG Foundation President John Hohol. Also in attendance was Eva-Maria Unger, Chair-Elect of the FIG Young Surveyors Network. Read more...

The Missing Key to Eradicate Poverty - High Level Conference on Property Rights, European Parliament, 9 April 2014

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FIG was represented by Past President Stig Enemark and President of CLGE Jean-Yves Pirlot

The European Parliament states that land tenure security and property rights provides an opportunity to improve and consolidate bases for development and poverty reduction in some of the poorest regions of the world. A one day conference was held at the European Parliament to discuss the future of land policy in developing countries and the role of the international community, and the EU in particular, in the post 2015-development framework. Read more...

Integrating Land Governance into the post-2015 Agenda - The Annual World Banks Conference on Land and Poverty and FIG/World Bank Spatial Innovation and Good Practices in Land Administration Forum, 24-28 March 20142, Washington DC

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The 2014 Land and Poverty Conference was attended by over 1,200 participants over four days, and FIG and the Bank jointly and successfully organized a day-long Forum on “Spatial Innovation and Good Practices” on the fifth day. The overall focus was on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda. The Forum witnessed the launch of the joint World Bank and FIG Declaration on Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration providing the framework on getting the right data and information, the right processes and technologies, all for the right purposes.

Report on the 2014 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty by Jamal Browne

The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Foundation, The Aubrey Barker Fund, and The University of the West Indies St. Augustine had sponsored Mr. Jamal Browne's participation in the 2014 World Bank Conference on Land Poverty. Read more...

New Secretary General at International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)

After seven years in the position Secretary General of International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), Yoshikazu Fukushima steps down, since he is retiring from the public service at the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). ISCGM is member of JBGIS - Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies. New Secretary General is Mr. Toru Nagayama, appointed by Dr. Paul Cheung, Chair of ISCGM.   Read more...

The Social Tenure Domain Model – Training of Trainers,
13-16 June 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Young Surveyors/Professionals and youth can apply for participation in the Social Tenure Domain Model – Training of Trainers. The 3.5 days training will be organized as a joint activity by FIG, Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) and FIG Young Surveyors Network. The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is a concept and tool developed by the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), as facilitated by UN-Habitat, to support pro-poor land administration. Application deadline: 6 April 2014. Read more...

New FIG Publication - FIG Guide - Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration, publication no 60

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This publication is the result of cooperation between the World Bank and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) over recent years to address the issue of building and sustaining land administration systems that are basically fit-for-purpose rather than blindly complying with top-end technological solutions and rigid regulations for accuracy. The cooperation started by the joint FIG / World Bank conference in 2009 addressing “Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals”.  The concept of “fit-for-purpose” emerged from various events indicating that land administration should be designed to meet the needs of people and their relationship to land, to support security of tenure for all and to sustainably manage land use and natural resources. Read more...

Joint World Bank and FIG Spatial Innovation and Good Practices in Land Administration Forum, 28 March 2014, World Bank, Washington DC

Immediately after the 2014 World Bank Land and Poverty Conference (March 24 - 27) a one-day ‘Spatial Innovation and Good Practices’ forum will be jointly convened by the Bank and FIG on 28 March 2014. The Forum will be open to all registered participants to the Conference but prior notification of attendance will be requested. The Forum will cover a number of themes focusing on the contribution of spatial technologies and practices to support the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Read more...

After a year in the FIG Office Julie Hyun Sook Lee returns to Korea

Julie Hyun Sook Lee has communicated with many in the FIG community during her 1-year stay at the FIG Office

I have spent a year in FIG office in Copenhagen, Denmark and am about to leave this beautiful country.
When I was a freshman in University I have studied about “Cadastre 2014” and “FIG” from the text books and journals. I had no idea what would happen in 2013 to me!
My Company (LX Korea Cadastral Survey Corp.) and Korean government had a long term plan for capacity building with International relationship with many other organizations such as World Bank and UN, and of course with FIG! Our former president, Young Ho, Kim, had an idea how to contribute from Korea to help the FIG Office. We stunned and hoped to get a chance to have an opportunity to get an internship in FIG.
I got the chance to go to the FIG office in Copenhagen, Denmark for one year. Even though, it was named as an internship, there was always an equal position and attitude... read more...

FIG Young Surveyors North American Meeting 14-15 April 2014 San Diego, California

Be part of the FIG Young Surveyors 1st North American Network Meeting!
Following the success of the 1st FIG Young Surveyors European meeting, we are pleased to announce the 1st FIG Young Surveyors North American meeting! Join the meeting, see some of the plenary speakers and read more...

Secretary General of PAIGH Santiago Borrero steps down

Santiago Borrero has served for ten years as Secretary General of PAIGH

After ten years serving as Secretary General of PAIGH, Pan American Institute of Geography and History, Santiago Borrero, Colombia, stepped down from the post on 7 February 2014. PAIGH, a sister society to FIG, is a part of the Inter-American system coordinated by the Organization of American States – OAS. Santiago Borrero says: "It has been a great personal and professional experience and I hope I have contributed to the institutional development of the Pan American specialized community working in the areas of geospatial information, governance and development". Rodrigo Barriga, Chile, is taking over the position as Secretary General.
Memory report by Santiago Borrero (Spanish, pdf 12 MB)

The Aubrey Barker Fund announces Support for Student Organisations

The Trustees of the Aubrey Barker Fund have announced that the fund will consider applications from student organisations within the field of land surveying, quantity surveying and land economy to support student meetings. Read more...

Expired - Call for nominations for FIG President and Vice Presidents for FIG for 2015-2018

Current FIG Council 2013-2014 (from left): VP Rudolf Staiger, Germany, VP Chryssy Potsiou Greece, President CheeHai Teo, Malaysia, VP Pengfei Cheng China, ACCO rep. Yerach Doytsher. VP Bruno Razza Italy was unfortunately not present for the photo session.

At the FIG Congress 2014, the 37th FIG General Assembly will take place on 16 and 21 June 2014. FIG Council is hereby inviting Member Associations to consider nominations for FIG President and for two FIG Vice Presidents for the period 2015-2018.
Nominations must be received by Louise Friis-Hansen at [email protected].
Deadline for nominations: 15 February 2014.

Change around the corner for global real estate - IPMS
Press release, 13 January 2013

On Monday 13 January 2014 the International Property Measurement Standards Coalition (IPMSC) has launched a public consultation on the new International Property Measurement Standard (IPMS) for office buildings. Read more...

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