Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development
Goals: Responding to new Challenges
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Proceedings on the World Bank web site.
Opening session |
Opening session Katherine Sierra, Vice President SDN, World
HE Ellen Sirleaf-Johnson, President of Liberia:
Stig Enemark, President, International Federation of
Surveyors (FIG): |
Thematic sessions |
GOVERNANCE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Theme leader: Helge Onsrud |
GOV1: Contextualizing land governance at the country level |
GOV1: Contextualizing land governance at
the country level Chair: Martin Bwalya, Senior Specialist, NEPAD Secretariat
Tony Burns, Managing Director, Land Equity International,
J. M. Lusugga Kironde, Professor, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam,
Victor Endo, Vice President, International Operations, Institute for Liberty and Democracy,
A. Undeland, Independent consultant, Bishkek, Kyrgiz
Republic: Discussant: Willi Zimmermann, Land Tenure Adviser, GTZ, Germany |
GOV2: Land governance and the global challenges of food, fuels, and climate change |
GOV2: Land governance and the global
challenges of food, fuels, and climate change Chair: Jonathan Lingham, Policy Division, DFID
Derek Byerlee, World Bank:
Lorenzo Cotula, Senior Researcher, Law & Sustainavble
Development, Natural Resources, IIED, UK:
Grenville Barnes, Assoc. Prof. Geomatics, University
of Florida Gainesville, USA: Discussant: T. Ngaido, Senior Research Fellow &
Head of Senegal Office, IFPRI and |
GOV3: Land governance at country level |
Land governance at country level Chair: Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director, MCC, USA
Gustavo Gordillo de Anda, University of Indiana, and former
Vice Minister of Agriculture, Government of Mexico:
Raimundo Cossa, Director DNTF (National Directorate of Land and
Forests), Mozambique Mark Napier, Urban Land Mark South Africa: Discussant: D. von Behaim, Senior Planning Officer, Land Management, GTZ |
GOV4: Implementing land governance in practice: Bringing partners together |
GOV4: Implementing land governance in practice: Bringing partners
together Chair: Karen Mcconnell Brooks, Sector Manager, AFTAR, World Bank
Joan Kagwanja, Economic Affairs Officer, UN-ECA: Martin Bwalya, Senior Specialist, NEPAD Secretariat:
Lionel Vignacq, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Teo Chee Hai, Director Geometra Surveys Sdn Bhd, Malaysia:
John Farrington, Research Fellow, ODI and Jonathan Lingham,
Policy Division, DFID:
Mika Törhönen, Land Tenure Office, FAO, Italy: Annalisa Mauro, Program Officer, International Land
Coalition, Latin America: |
SYS1: Building sustainable well governed land administration systems |
SYS1: Building sustainable well governed
land administration systems Chair: Helge Onsrud, Director, Centre of Property Rights and Development, Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Authority
Santiago Borrero Mutis, Secretary General, Panamerican Inst.
Geography & History, Mexico:
Matthew B. Higgins, Principal Advisor, Dept. of Nat. Resources,
Mines and Water, Queensland, Australia:
Vit Suchanek, COSCMC:
Iain Greenway, Chief Executive, Ordnance Survey of
Northern Ireland: Discussant: Tommy Österberg, Swedesurvey, Sweden |
SYS2: Addressing land admin. & management challenges at the country level |
SYS2: Addressing land admin. & management
challenges at the country level Chair: Paul van der Molen, Head, Kadaster International, the Netherlands Donatha Kapitango, Development Planner, Communal Land
Bd.,Oshikoto, Government of Namibia D. Sagashya, Deputy Director, National Land Centre,
Eugene Silayo, Senior Lecturer, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Discussant: Daniel Roberge, Director Office Surveyor General of Quebèc, Canada |
SYS3: Innovative examples for addressing land admin. & management at the country level |
Innovative examples for addressing land admin. & management at
the country level Chair: Wael Zakout, Sector Manager, ECSSD, World Bank
Gavin Adlington, Lead Land Administration Specialist,
World Bank: Zhao Yang, Director General, FEA, Government of China: T. Hanstad, Executive Director, RDI: Discussant: Peter Creuzer, President, UN-ECE WPLA,
Germany; and |
SOCIAL TENURE FOR THE POOREST Theme leader: Cheryl Morden |
TNR1: Securing (individual or communal) rights to marginal lands |
TNR1: Securing (individual or communal)
rights to marginal lands Chair: Charles E. di Leva, Chief Counsel, LEGEN, World Bank
Jintao Xu, Professor, Beijing University:
Ben Cousins, Director, PLAAS, South Africa:
Diane Dumashie, Private Consultant, UK: Discussants: Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Senior Researcher, IFPRI; and John Bruce, President, LADSI |
TNR2: Technology for low-cost land rights recognition & natural resource management |
TNR2: Technology for low-cost land rights
recognition & natural resource management Chair: Frits van der Wal, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Christiaan Lemmen, Assistant Professor ITC, Enschede:
Carlos M. de Souza Jr., Imazon, Brazil: Y. V. N. Krishna Murthy, Director, Indian Space
Research Organization, India:
Michael Barry, Associate Professor, University of
Calgary, Canada: Discussants: Odame Larbi, Project Director, Ghana Land Administration Project; and Daniel Steudler, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland |
TNR3: Assessing the impact of improved tenure security |
TNR3: Assessing the impact of improved
tenure security Chair: Gunnar Köhlin, Professor & Head, Environment for Development Program, University of Gothenburg Juan
Sebastian Chamorro, Office of the President, Nicaragua &
Tekie Alemu, Professor, University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia:
Aparajita Goyal, Economist, World Bank: Discussant: Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director MCC |
MARKETS WORK FOR ALL Theme leader: Jolyne Sanjak |
MKT1: Improving Private Sector Land Access |
MKT1: Improving Private Sector Land Access Chair: Vincent Palmade, Lead Economist, AFTFP, World Bank Stephen
Butler, Senior Associate, NORC, University of Chicago, USA: Angus Selby, Senior Investment Policy Officer, CICIG,
Morgan Stanley, UK: Alain Traore, Doing Business Better in Burkina Faso: Discussant: Roel Spee, Global Leader, IBM Plant Locations International |
MKT2: Potential and Challenges of Land Markets |
MKT2: Potential and Challenges of Land Markets Chair: Tommy Österberg, Swedesurvey. Sweden
Jude Wallace, Professor, University Melbourne, Australia:
Jeffrey Riedinger, Dean, School of International Relations,
Michigan State University, USA:
Richard Grover, Principal Lecturer, School Built Environment,
Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom:
Rexford Ahene, Professor, Lafayette College, Easton, USA: Discussants: Tony Burns, Managing Director, Land Equity International,
Australia; and |
MKT3: Exploring the different dimensions of land markets |
Exploring the different dimensions
of land markets Chair: Will Martin, Lead Economist, DECRG, World Bank
Stein Holden, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway:
Quy-Toan Do, Economist, World Bank:
Songqing Jin, Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, USA:
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Economist, World Bank: Discussants: Gunnar Köhlin, Associate Professor and Director, University of Gothenburg, Sweden |
ACCESS TO LAND AND SHELTER Theme leader: Clarissa Augustinus |
ACC1: Land policy in conflict- and post-conflict settings |
ACC1: Land
policy in conflict- and post-conflict settings Chair: Jozias Blok, Policy Officer, Sustainable Land Management, European Commission
James Putzel, Professor, London School of Economics, UK:
P. Debroux, M. Bekhechi, and G. Topa, World
Dan E. Stigall, US Army, JAG: Discussants: Szilard Fricska, UN-HABITAT; and Douglas E. Batson, US Dept. of Defense |
ACC2: Mechanisms and impact of redistributive land reform |
ACC2: Mechanisms and impact of
redistributive land reform Chair: Paul Munro Faure, Head, Land Tenure and Management Unit, FAO Arsenio Balisacan, Director SEARCA &
Fabrizio Bresciani, World Bank:
Malcolm Keswell, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa:
Vandana Yadav, Prof. and Songqing Jin, Asst. Prof., Michigan State University,
USA: Discussants: Michael Kirk, Professor, University of Marburg, Germany |
ACC3: Women's access to land ownership: Legal reform, enforcement and empowerment |
ACC3: Women's access to land
ownership: Legal reform, enforcement and empowerment Chair: Eija Pehu, Adviser, ARD, World Bank Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI: Renée Giovarelli, Senior Fellow, Global Center for
Women's Land Rights, Rural Development Inst.: T. Lamb, International Legal Consultant: Tim Hanstad, Executive Director, Rural Development
Institute: Annalisa Mauro, Program Manager, Latin America,
International Land Coalition Discussant: Ben Cousins, Director, PLAAS, South Africa |
GOVERNANCE FOR RAPID URBANIZATION Theme leader: Alain Durand-Lasserve |
URB1: Spatial planning and urban land management |
URB1: Spatial planning and urban land
management Chair: Iain Greenway, Chief Survey Officer and Director, Operational Land and Property Service, Northern Ireland David
E. Dowall,
Professor, UC Berkeley, USA:
Maria Camila Uribe Sánchez, Bogota Municipal Cadastre, Colombia: Robin Rajack, Senior Development Specialist, FEU, World
Bank: Discussant: Bengt Kjellson, National Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registration Authority of Sweden |
URB2: Improving urban land policies |
Improving urban land policies Chair: Inga Björk-Klevby, Deputy Executive Director, UN-Habitat
Theo Kötter, Professor University of Bonn, Germany:
Chryssy Potsiou, Assistant Professor, National Technical University
Athens, Greece:
Mila Freire, Senior Advisor, FEU, World Bank:
Robin McLaren, Director Know Edge Ltd Edinburgh, United
Kingdom: Discussant: Gregory K. Ingram, President and CEO, Lincoln Institute for Land Policy |
Country experiences |
Country experiences Chair: Mark Cackler, Acting Director ARD, World Bank Marius Ratolojanahary, Minister of Land Reform &
Administration Government of Madagascar: Collins Dauda, Minister of Lands and
Natural Resources, Government of Ghana: Rita Sinha, Secretary Land Resources, Government of
Amos Sawyer, Head Governance Commission, Government of
Liberia: Joyo Winoto, Head, BPN Indonesia: |
Private vendors and universities: contributions to innovation and development |
SPS: Private
vendors and universities: contributions to innovation and
development Chair: Matthew Higgins, Dept. of Natural Resources & Water, Queensland, Australia Chris Paresi, UNU School of Land Administration
Studies, ITC/Kadaster, the Netherlands: Pierre Desjardins, Business Manager, GNSS
Infrastructure Solutions, Trimble Navigation Brent Jones, Industry Manager, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Kurt Schibli, EMEA Director, Coordination & Projects,
Leica Geosystems: |
Closing session: Taking the land policy agenda forward: Conclusions and next steps |
NXT: Taking the land policy agenda forward: Conclusions and
next steps Chair: Joan Kagwanja, Economic Affairs Officer, UN-ECA
Paul Munro-Faure, Head, Land Tenure Service and
Management Unit, FAO
Paul van der Molen, Head Kadaster International, The
Netherlands: Cheryl Morden, Director, North American Liaison Office,
Jolyne Sanjak, Managing Director, MCC:
Clarissa Augustinus, Chief, Land Tenure and Property
Administration, UN-HABITAT:
Alain Durand-Lasserve, Director of Research, Nat'l Centre
of Sci. Res., France:
Stig Enemark, President, International Federation of Surveyors:
Klaus Deininger, Land Tenure Adviser, ARD, World Bank: |
Lunch speaker on Tuesday |
Michael Lipton, Professor, University of Sussex, UK: Property rights and property wrongs: The relevance of land reform and a small-farmer strategy for property reduction and economic development [ paper ] [ slides ] |
© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG and
The World Bank 2009 Latest updated 15.04.2020 |