FIG Congress 2010 - Facing the Challenges - Building the Capacity


ISBN 978-87-90907-87-7
ISSN 2308-3441

Technical programme as a .pdf file (Technical Program brochure)

Click here for Meeting Programme

Plenary and Technical Sessions -
Click here for flash sessions
Click here for the Small Island Developing States and The Millennium Development Goals Symposium
Click here for Pre-conference Workshop on the History of Surveying

Friday, 9 April
9 April
Boardroom, Crowne Plaza Hotel
FIG Council Meeting
Commission: FIG Council
  • By invitation only
Saturday, 10 April
10 April
Blackwattle 3 , Crowne Plaza Hotel
ACCO Meeting
Commission: FIG Commission Chairs
  • By invitation only
10 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
Sunday, 11 April
11 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
11 April
Parkside Ballroom, SCEC
FIG General Assembly - Session I
  • For FIG Members
  • Open for observers
11 April
Parkside Ballroom A, SCEC
  • For FIG General Assembly Delegates only
11 April
Parkside  Ballroom, SCEC
FIG General Assembly - Session I (cont.)
  • For FIG Members
  • Open for observers
11 April
Bayside 107, SCEC
Reception for FIG Honorary Members
Commission: FIG President
  • By invitation only
11 April
Sydney Town Hall
Welcome Reception
Commission: All participants
  • An invitation is extended to all delegates and registered accompanying persons to attend the official Welcome Reception.
Monday, 12 April
12 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
12 April
See list, SCEC
Annual Meetings of FIG Commissions
  • Commission 1 - Bayside 106
  • Commission 2 - Bayside 202
  • Commission 3 - Bayside 104
  • Commission 4 - Bayside 101
  • Commission 5 - Bayside 102
  • Commission 6 - Bayside 202
  • Commission 7 - Bayside 103
  • Commission 8 - Bayside 105
  • Commission 9 - Bayside 201
  • Commission 10 - Bayside 108
12 April
Bayside Auditorium B, SCEC
Opening Ceremony
Chair: Mr. Paul Harcombe, FIG Congress Director, Australia
Doors will open 9:30 and all participants to be seated by 9:45

Michael Giudici, SSSI President (Australia):
Welcome Address (4735)
Presented by Jonathan Saxon on behalf of President Giudici.

Stig Enemark, FIG President (Denmark):
Opening Address (4736)

Tony Kelly, Minister for Lands (Australia):
Welcome Address (4737)

Marie Bashir, AC CVO, Governor of New South Wales (Australia):
Opening Address (4738)

Tim Flannery (Australia):
Opening Keynote Address (4642)

12 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Opening of the Exhibition and Lunch
  • Official Opening of the FIG 2010 Exhibition
  • Lunch
12 April
Bayside Auditorium B, SCEC
Plenary Session 1 - FIG Achievements for 2007-2010
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Robert W. Foster, FIG Honorary President, USA

Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Building the Capacity - the FIG Agenda and Achievements 2007-2010 (4643)

12 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
12 April
Auditorium B, SCEC
INV 1 - Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals
Commission: FIG and WB
Chair: Mr. András Osskó, Chair of FIG Commission 7, Hungary

Stig Enemark (Denmark):
Land Governance and the Response to Climate Change, Natural Disasters and the Millennium Development Goals (4661)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Klaus W. Deininger and Keith C. Bell, World Bank (USA):
World Bank Policy on Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals (4660)
[paper] [handouts]

Stig Enemark (Denmark), Paul van der Molen (Netherlands) and Robin McLaren (United Kingdom):
Land Governance in Support of the Millennium Development Goals - A New Agenda for Land Professionals (4662)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 1B - SIM in Support of Mega City Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Szabolcs Mihály, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Gerasimos Apostolatos, Greece

Anthony Adeoye (Nigeria):
Lagos State Geoinformation Infrastructure Policy LAGIS) as a Tool for Mega City Development: Opportunities and Challenges (3743)
[paper] [handouts]

Chryssy Potsiou (Greece), Yerach Doytsher (Israel), Paul Kelly (Australia), Rafic Khouri (France), Robin McLaren (United Kingdom) and Hartmut Müller (Germany:
Rapid Urbanization and Mega Cities: The Need for Spatial Information Management (4709)
[paper] [handouts]

Yerach Doytsher (Israel):
Technical Innovation in Management of Spatial Data (4710)
[abstract] [handouts]

Paul Kelly (Australia):
Case Studies on Mega Cities (4711)
[paper] [handouts]

Robin McLaren (United Kingdom):
Mega Cities - Conclusions and Recommendations (4713)
[abstract] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 1C - Geodetic Infrastructure and Datum
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Gary Johnston, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Dave Doyle, USA

Lars E. Engberg, Mikael Lilje and Jonas Ĺgren (Sweden):
Is There a Need of Marked Points in Modern Geodetic Infrastructure? (3878)

Daniel Roman, Yan Wang, Jarir Saleh and Xiaopeng Li (USA):
Geodesy, Geoids, and Vertical Datums: A Perspective from the U.S. National Geodetic Survey (3768)
[paper] [handouts]

Nicholas Brown, Will Featherstone and Guorong Hu (Australia):
AUSGeoid09: Improving the Access to Australia’s Vertical Datum (4316)
[abstract] [handouts]

Roger Fraser (Australia) and Nic Donnelly (New Zealand):
Progress Towards a Consistent Exchange Mechanism for Geodetic Data in Australia and New Zealand (3961)
[paper] [handouts]

Graeme Blick and Don Grant (New Zealand):
The Implementation of a Semi-Dynamic Datum in New Zealand – Ten Years On (3975)
[paper] [handouts]

Munkhtsetseg Dalkhaa (Mongolia):
Geodetic Network and Geoid Height Model of Mongolia (3912)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 1D - Deformation Measurement of Structures Using GNSS
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Neil Ashcroft, Singapore

Chris Rizos (Australia), Joel Van Cranenbroeck (Belgium) and Vincent Liu (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Advances in GNSS-RTK for Structural Deformation Monitoring in Regions of High Ionospheric Activity (4125)
[paper] [handouts]

Gethin Roberts and Chris Brown (United Kingdom):
Monitoring Bridges by GNSS (4452)
[paper] [handouts]

Joël Van Cranenbroeck (Belgium) and Antonio Lopez (Spain):
Real Time Bridge Deck Guidance Using GNSS Systems (4077)
[paper] [handouts]

Cemal Ozer Yigit, Cevat Inal (Turkey), Li Xiaojing, Linlin Ge (Australia) and Mevlut Yetkin (Turkey):
Analaysis of Wind-induced Response of Tall Reinforced Concrete Building Based on Data Collected by GPS and Precise Inclination Sensor (3930)
[paper] [handouts]

Rachelle Winefield, Jeremy Palmer, Chris Crook and Nic Donnelly (New Zealand):
The Application of a Localised Deformation Model after an Earthquake (4144)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 1E - Environment and Energy: Policy and Practice
Commission: 8
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. John Brock, Australia

Diane Dumashie (United Kingdom):
FIG Commission Activities 2007-2010 (4695)

Michael Doran (United Kingdom):
Environment and Energy (4674)
[abstract] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie and Spike Boydell (Australia):
Representing Carbon Property Rights (4224)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Mwenda Makathimo and Paul Guthiga (Kenya):
Land Use Policies and Natural Resource Management in Kenya: The Case of Nairobi River Basin, Kenya (4322)
[paper] [handouts]

Tony Proust (Australia):
How Newcastle, Australia Might Respond to the Threat of Climate Change (3927)
[paper] [handouts]

Jennifer Oduor (Kenya):
Environmental and Social Considerations in Geothermal Development (3857)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 1F - Property Taxation
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of FIG Commission 9, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Vince Mangioni, Australia

Frances Plimmer and William McCluskey (United Kingdom):
The Basis and Administration of the Property Tax: What Can be Learnt from International Practice? (4174)
[paper] [handouts]

Linda Johansson (Sweden):
Urban Management Land Information System (UMLIS) for Revenue Collection (4201)
[paper] [handouts]

Vince Mangioni (Australia):
The Evolution and Operation of Recurrent Property Taxation (4385)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ruud Kathmann and Marco Kuijper (Netherlands):
Taxpayer Checks Data in the Scheme of Base Registers (3894)
[paper] [handouts]

Bambang-Edhi Leksono, Yuliana Susilowati and Arief Setyabudi (Indonesia):
Prediction Model for Transparancy of Land Values Data Base on the Transaction Report (4318)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 1G - Professional Management and Education
Commission: 1, 2 and 7
Chair: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 1, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, USA

Leonie Newnham (Australia):
Building Land Management Organisations and Professions for the Information Age (4454)
[abstract] [handouts]

John Hohol (USA):
The FIG Foundation: Building a Sustainable Future Report on Activities (3850)
[paper] [handouts]

Richard Hucker MBE (United Kingdom):
Management of Training of Surveyors (3923)
[paper] [handouts]

Ian Iredale and Craig Roberts (Australia):
Promoting the Surveying Profession in New South Wales, Australia (3852)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 1H - National Infrastructures for Survey, Mapping and Land Administration
Commission: 5 and 7
Chair: Dr. Neil D. Weston, USA
Rapporteur: Mr. Darren Burns, Australia

Dan Paull (Australia):
The Provision of Access to a Nationally Coordinated CORS Network (4088)
[paper] [handouts]

Russell Priebbenow (Australia):
Delivering Benefits through Collaboration – Australia and New Zealand’s Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM) (4107)
[paper] [handouts]

Marinko Bosiljevac and Željko Bačić (Croatia):
The Implementation of New Official Geodetic Datum and Map Projections in the Republic of Croatia (4173)
[paper] [handouts]

Jamal Ali Gledan (Libya), Orhan Ercan (Turkey) and Mahmoud Ejweli (Libya):
Libyan National Mapping Project (4423)
[paper] [handouts]

Bashkim Idrizi and Risto Ribarovski (Macedonia, FYROM):
Historical Overview, Quality and Current Condition of the Geodetic Networks in Macedonia (4242)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 1I - Administration of Marine Spaces
Commission: 4 and 7
Chair: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of FIG Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago

Michael Sutherland (Canada):
Further Steps Towards Improving the Administration of Marine and Coastal Spaces: The Marine Cadastre Component (4635)

Haim Srebro and Orit Marom (Israel):
Towards a Marine Cadastre in Israel (3839)
[paper] [handouts]

I Made Andi Arsana and Farid Yuniar (Indonesia):
Geospatial Aspects of Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Singapore Strait Involving Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (3939)
[paper] [handouts]

Astrit Rimayanti and Sora Lokita (Indonesia):
The Solution Method for the Problem of the Geodetic Datum of the Territorial Sea Boundary Between the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Singapore (4544)
[paper] [handouts]

Hyun Sook Lee (Republic of Korea):
Issues with Building a Marine Cadastre System in South Korea (3896)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 1J - Building Institutional and Organisational Capacity
Commission: 1
Chair: Prof. Mohamed Ettarid, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of FIG Commission 1, Lebanon

Iain Greenway (United Kingdom), Stig Enemark (Denmark), John Parker (Australia), Chee Hai Teo (Malaysia), Richard Wonnacott (South Africa, Spike Boydell (Australia) and Santiago Borrero (Mexico):
Institutional and Organisational Development (3950)
[paper] [handouts]

Roberta Esbitt and Thomas Werner (Australia):
Rescuing the Surveying Profession from Near-Extinction: The Surveying Task Force Inc. (4431)
[paper] [handouts]

Fausto Savoldi (Italy):
A Way to Create a New Professionalism: Permanent Training (4397)
[paper] [handouts]

Melkamu B. Moges (Ethiopia):
Establishing an Ethiopian Land Administration Professionals Association: A Conducive Environment (4404)
[paper] [handouts]

Leonard Yablonsky (Russia):
Conceptual Bases of Developing the Branch of Geodesy and Cartography in the Russian Federation (4495)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

Eugene Silayo (Tanzania):
A Strategy for Sustainable Capacity Building in Developing Countries (4684)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 108, SCEC
TS 1M - Project and Organisation Management I
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Andrew Morley, Chair of FIG Commission 10, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Douichi Choukri, Morocco

Peter Smith (Australia):
Quantity Surveying Practice in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region (4312)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

James M. W. Wong and S. Thomas Ng (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Company Failure in the Construction Industry: A Critical Review and a Future Research Agenda (4360)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Krishna Mochtar (Indonesia):
Pricing Strategy of Indonesian Contractors (3832)
[paper] [handouts]

12 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
Open Meeting for Young Surveyors
Commission: Young Surveyors Network
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Chair of FIG Young Surveyors Network
  • This meeting is open for young surveyors and students who are interested in FIG
12 April
Captain Cook Cruises
FIG Foundation Dinner
  • The FIG Foundation Dinner is a cruise on Sydney Harbour, Join us for an enchanting scenic cruise whilst enjoying a three course meal complemented by Australian wines, beers and assorted soft drinks.
  • Boarding time: 18:45
  • Cost: AUD 180.00 (includes donation to FIG Foundation)
Tuesday, 13 April
13 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
13 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
INV 2 - Social Tenure Domain Model
Chair: Dr. Mohamed El-Sioufi, UN-HABITAT
Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo R. Antonio, UN-HABITAT

Stig Enemark (Denmark):
The Social Tenure Domain Model in Support of the GLTN Agenda (4680)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Clarissa Augustinus (South Africa):
Social Tenure Domain Model: What It Can Mean for the Land Industry and the Poor (3724)
[paper] [handouts]

Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
Social Tenure Domain Model as Tool for Secure Tenure and Poverty Alleviation (4681)
[abstract] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 2A - International Boundary Issues
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Bill Robertson, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. Mohamed Bakessou, Morocco

Bill Robertson (New Zealand):
Challenges for Surveying in the Establishment of International Borders (3895)
[paper] [handouts]

Maurice Kamto (Cameroon):
Law and Demarcation in the Light of the Experience of Demarcation of the Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (4759)

Sobar Sutisna (Indonesia):
International Boundary Fixing and the Roles of Indonesian Surveyors (3888)
[paper] [handouts]

Murat Meha (Kosovo):
Demarcation’s Challenges of Kosovo - Macedonia Border (4481)
This paper has not been presented at the congress .

13 April
Bayside103, SCEC
TS 2B - Low-Cost SDI and Best Practice Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Anthony Adeoye, Nigeria

Heri Sutanta, Abbas Rajabifard and Ian Bishop (Australia):
Impediments in e-Planning in Local Government – Indonesian Case Study (4142)
[paper] [handouts]

Rui Pedro Juliao (Portugal):
Low-Cost SDI - The Portuguese Example of Building a SDI for Small Countries (4165)
[paper] [handouts]

Lesley Arnold (Australia):
Delivering Sustainable Data and Product Management Business Processes (4178)
[paper] [handouts]

Stéphane Roche (Canada):
Geoweb, Neogeography, and VGI: New Challenges for Geomatics Sciences and Engineering (4208)
[abstract] [handouts]

George Havakis and Ken Toleman (Australia):
Streamlining Processes for Recording and Managing Local Government Assets (4321)
[abstract] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 2C - Low Cost GNSS and New Positioning Techniques
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. David Martin, France

Neil Weston (USA) and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Cost-effective GNSS (4685)
[abstract] [handouts]

Binghao Li, Andrew G. Dempster and Chris Rizos (Australia):
Positioning in Environments Where GPS Fails (4357)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Joel van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
Advanced Development in RFID Technology to Provide Solutions for Structural Health Monitoring Operations (4508)
[abstract] [handouts]

Reha Metin Alkan (Turkey):
Development of a Low-cost Positioning System Using OEM GPS Receivers and Usability in Surveying Applications (4206)
[paper] [handouts]

Claudia Depenthal (Germany):
iGPS Used as Kinematic Measuring System (4587)
[paper] [handouts]

Oscar Colombo (USA), Shane Brunker, Glenn Jones, Volker Janssen and Chris Rizos (Australia):
Wide-area, Sub-decimetre Positioning for Airborne LiDAR Surveys Using CORSnet-NSW (3965)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 2D - Deformation Measurement Using GNSS
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Mr. Neil Ashcroft, Singapore
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom

Paul Drummond (New Zealand):
Combining CORS Stations, Automated Observations and Processing for Network RTK Integrity Analysis and Deformation Monitoring (4437)
[paper] [handouts]

Victor H.S. Khoo, Yam Khoon Tor and Gerry Ong (Singapore):
Monitoring of High Rise Building Using Real-Time Differential GPS (3976)

Heri Andreas, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Mipi A. Kusuma, Prihadi Sumintadireja, Irwan Gumilar and Teguh P. Sidiq (Indonesia):
Ground Displacements around LUSI Mud Volcano Indonesia as Inferred from GPS Surveys (3875)
[paper] [handouts]

Issaka Yakubu, Isaac Dadzie and Anthony Armstrong Mensah (Ghana):
Monitoring Levels of Deformation within Tarkwa Community: A Multi-GPS Receiver Network System Approach (3859)
[paper] [handouts]

Hakan S. Kutoglu (Turkey):
Datum Issue in Deformation Monitoring Using GPS (4326)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 2E - Climate Change and Environmental Threats
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana
Rapporteur: Dr. Reinfried Mansberger, Austria

Owen McShane (New Zealand):
Why Urban Planners Love Global Warming: Why We Must Challenge the Theories of the Urban Central Planners (4624)
[paper] [handouts]

Ian Cox, Heping Zuo, Jai Vaze and Andrew Davidson (Australia):
Enabling Community Access to NSW Climate Change Rainfall and Runoff Projections; a Spatial Perspective (3969)
[paper] [handouts]

Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
The Mau Forest in the Rift Valley: Kenya’s Largest Water Tower: a Perfect Model for the Challenges and Opportunities of a Sustainable Development Project? (4755)
[paper] [handouts]

Heri Sutanta, Abbas Rajabifard and Ian Bishop (Australia):
Studying Spatial Plan in Coastal Urban Environment – Facing Global Threat and Adapting to Local Condition (4156)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Chima Ogba and Pius Utang (Nigeria):
Geospatial Evaluation of Niger Delta Coastal Susceptibility to Climate Change (4039)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

13 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 2F - Environmental and Financial Aspects in Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 9, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA

Bengt Kjellson and Lars Magnusson (Sweden):
Property Rights, Access to Finance and Poverty Reduction - the FIG Challenge (3891)
[paper] [handouts]

Steven Nystrom (USA):
Real Estate and the Financial Crisis, Systemic Shock Analysis (4705)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 2G - Future Education Models and Curricula
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of FIG Commission 2, Hungary
Rapporteur: Ms. Marina Vaskovich, Sweden

Grenville Barnes and Brian Child (USA):
Building a New Generation of Sustainable Development Practitioners: The Masters in Development Practice at the University of Florida and the Global MDP Network. (4243)
[paper] [handouts]

M. Tevfik Özlüdemir, Rahmi N. Çelik and Erol Köktürk (Turkey):
Education and Training in Surveying Sector of Turkey: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives (4294)
[paper] [handouts]

Oda Stenersen Leiknes (Norway):
Education in Land Surveying and Land Administration in Bergen, Norway – Why Popular Among Young People? (4472)
[paper] [handouts]

Taylan Ocalan and Nursu Tunalioglu (Turkey):
Exchanges and Orientations at Surveying and Geomatic Engineering Education in Turkey (4262)
[paper] [handouts]

Richard Abbott (Australia):
Paperless e-Surveying with Mr Laptop Surveyor (3758)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 2H - e-Land Administration Projects
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Rik Wouters (Netherlands):
Extracting Information from Deeds by OCR (3841)
[paper] [handouts]

Dimitris Rokos, Konstantinos Kyriazis and Panos Lolonis (Greece):
Setting up the Infrastructure for Improving the Development of Cadastre in Greece (3916)
[paper] [handouts]

Zsuzsanna Ferencz (Hungary):
Test and Implementation of DATR System in Hungary (4143)
[paper] [handouts]

Gyula Iván, Gábor Szabó and Zoltán Weninger (Hungary):
DATR — Towards e-Land Administration in Hungary (4186)
[paper] [handouts]

Rui Pedro Juliao, Catarina Roque and Jose Neto (Portugal):
SiNErGIC - A New Approach to Cadastre (4215)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 2I - Hydrographic Surveying in Practice with High Resolution Data
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of FIG Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Jerry Mills, USA

Mark Sinclair (Australia):
Airborne Lidar Bathymetric Survey for Climate Change (4083)
[paper] [handouts]

Dean Battilana and Lawes Geoffrey (Australia):
Fansweep 20 Total Propagated Uncertainty, Does It Reflect Reality? (3739)
[paper] [handouts]

Volker Böder (Germany):
Applications for a Hydrographic Multi Sensor System on Lakes and Rivers (3962)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Branko Kordić, Almin Đapo and Boško Pribičević (Croatia):
Multibeam and Sidescan Sonar Application for Determining the Position and Shape of the Remains of Hadrian Bridge on Drava River (4296)
[paper] [handouts]

Christian Fellinger (Australia):
New Way Forward for Handling Large Volumes of Data (4152)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 2J - Modern Mapping Solutions
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Paul Kelly, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Michael Klebanov, Israel

Greg Scott (Australia):
Topographic Mapping in Australia: The Future State (4003)
[paper] [handouts]

Igor Vilus (Croatia):
The Official Topographic and Mapping System of the Republic of Croatia (4395)
[paper] [handouts]

Walter Henninger (Germany):
Public Private Partnership between the State of Bavaria and the German Alpine Association to Publish Topographic Maps of the Bavarian Alps in the Scale of 1:25,000 (3808)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
13 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
Plenary Session 2 - Spatially Enabled Society
Commission: All
Chair: Prof. Ian Williamson, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, Chair of FIG Commission 3, Greece

Abbas Rajabifard (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society (4644)
[paper] [handouts]

Santiago Borrero (Colombia):
Spatially Enabled Society (4645)
[abstract] [handouts]

Warwick Watkins (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society (4646)
[paper] [handouts]

Signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between FIG and the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI) and between FIG and the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH)

13 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
13 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
After Lunch Talk 1 - The Fourth Wave of Property Reform
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark

John McLaughlin (Canada):
The Fourth Wave of Property Reform (4654)

13 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 3A - Land Governance for Sustainable Development
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Frank Tierolff, the Netherlands

Tony Burns (Australia), Klaus Deininger (Germany), Harris Selod (France) and Kate Dalrymple (Australia):
Implementing the Land Governance Assessment Framework (4640)
[paper] [handouts]

Ian Williamson (Australia), Stig Enemark (Denmark), Jude Wallace and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia):
Land Administration for Sustainable Development (4103)
[paper] [handouts]

Launch of the book “Land Administration for Sustainable Development”

13 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 3B - Spatial Information Management and Spatial Data Infrastructures
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Damir Pahić, Croatia
Rapporteur: Ms. Sally Ekagbo, Nigeria

Robin McLaren (United Kingdom):
Can the Innovative Use of Mobile Phones Support More Effective Land Administration Services? (4447)
[paper] [handouts]

Conrad Tang and Lesly Lam (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Evolutionary Process of the Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in Hong Kong Part I: Top Directive and Policy Support (4175)
[abstract] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 3C - GNSS CORS Networks - Positioning Infrastructure, Analysis and Applications I
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. Graeme Blick, New Zealand

Neil D. Weston, Richard Snay, Charles Schwartz and Gerald L. Mader (USA):
A Near Real-time GPS Interference Detection System in the United States Using the National CORS Network (4085)
[paper] [handouts]

Cecep Subarya, Hasanuddin Abidin, Wedyanto Kuncoro and Joni Efendi (Indonesia):
GPS Analysis Strategies to Minimize the Error Contribution to Geodetic GPS Determination (4319)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

James Millner, Martin Hale, Jacqueline LeLievre, Hayden Asmussen and John Gallagher (Australia):
Positioning Infrastructure Used for a Sustainable Future: Case Study from Victoria Australia (4554)
[abstract] [handouts]

Andreas Knoepfler (Germany), Frederic Masson (France), Michael Mayer (Germany), Patrice Ulrich (France) and Bernhard Heck (Germany):
GURN (GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network) – Status and First Results (4380)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 3D - Model Building and Data Analysis
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Prof. Hansjoerg Kutterer, Germany

Hansjoerg Kutterer, Hamza Alkhatib, Harald Vennegeerts and Jens-Andre Paffenholz (Germany):
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Profile Scans from Kinematic TLS (3795)
[paper] [handouts]

Jens-André Paffenholz, Hamza Alkhatib and Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany):
Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter for Geo-Referencing of a TLS-based Multi-Sensor-System (4052)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Karl Zippelt and Rebekka Czerny (Germany):
Collection and Interpretation of Point Clouds of Terrestrial Laserscanning as a Basis for Hydraulic Flow Modelling (4374)
[paper] [handouts]

Alexander Reiterer, Peter Rautek and Eduard Groeller (Austria):
A Novel Method for the Visualization of Deformation Data (3829)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

13 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 3E - Neigbourhood and Society
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 8, Kenya
Rapporteur: Mr. John Brock, Australia

Lani Roux and Michael Barry (Canada):
A Historical Post-formalisation Comparison of Two Settlements in South Africa (4288)
[paper] [handouts]

Dirk Loehr (Germany):
Land Conversion Out of Control - How to Achieve Better Governance (4666)
[paper] [handouts]

Frank Friesecke (Germany):
Urban Development Grants in Germany – A Critical Success Factor to Strengthen Cities under Changing General Conditions (3823)
[paper] [handouts]

Grant Gleeson (Australia):
Whose Neighbourhood Is It Anyway? The Blight of Zoning - What Happens When "Topical" Development Meets Fast Approval Processes or Is This Just Wrong-headed Thinking? (4368)
[paper] [handouts]

Enrico Rispoli (Italy):
Railway Connections and High Speed Transport: the Social and Environmental Impact (4344)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 3F - Compulsory Purchase and Compensation I
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Trevor Knowles, New Zealand

Kauko Viitanen and Heidi Falkenbach (Finland):
FIG Recommendations for Good Practices in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation (4193)
[abstract] [handouts]

Winrich Voss (Germany):
Compulsory Purchase in Poland, Norway and Germany - Part Germany (4220)

Hĺvard Steinsholt (Norway):
Some Aspects of Norwegian Expropriation Input to Comparative Study of Chosen Expropriation Issues: Germany, Norway and Poland (4307)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Sabina Źróbek and Marek Walacik (Poland):
Compulsory Purchase Compensation in Polish Legislation on a Background Solutions Adopted in Other Countries (4028)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Varnavas Pashoulis (Cyprus):
Law and Valuation of the Compulsory Purchase in the Republic of Cyprus and Recommendations for Improvement (4601)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 3G - Surveying Education Curricula I
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, USA
Rapporteur: Prof. Miljenko Lapaine, Croatia

Gary Hunter (Australia) and Chris Hoogsteden (New Zealand):
A New Initiative for Land Administration and Management Education in the Philippines (4016)
[paper] [handouts]

Ernest Chan (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Changes of the Academic Structure of Hong Kong Universities in 2012 – Opportunities and Challenges for Undergraduate Surveying Teaching (4199)
[paper] [handouts]

Joshua Greenfeld (Israel):
Developing a Surveying Body of Knowledge (4372)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Nadezda Kamynina and Vasiliy Malinnikov (Russia):
Land Information Systems and Administration - TEMPUS Project in Russia (4222)
[paper] [handouts]

Robert Webb (Australia):
A New Undergraduate Model for Broadly Based Spatial Science Curriculum at Queensland University of Technology: Diversity in Surveying Curriculum (4161)
[paper] [handouts]

Michael Mayer, Bernhard Heck (Germany) and Claudia Pereira Krueger (Brazil):
Higher Education in Satellite Geodesy - A Research-related Intercultural Approach (4381)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

13 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 3H - Remote Sensing and Imagery I
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Ralf Schroth, Germany

Cankut Ormeci, Ugur Alganci and Elif Sertel (Turkey):
Identification of Crop Areas Using SPOT-5 Data (4581)
[paper] [handouts]

Ganiy I. Agbaje (Nigeria):
Nigeria in Space – an Impetus for Rapid Mapping of the Country for Sustainable Development Planning (4621)
[paper] [handouts]

Hang Jin and Yanming Feng (Australia):
Towards an Automatic Road Marking Extraction Based on ISODATA Classification and Shadow Detection from Large-scale Aerial Images (4403)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 3I - Positioning Techniques for Hydrography
Commission: 4 and 5
Chair: Prof. Volker Böder, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom

Mahmut Olcay Korkmaz, Caner Güney, Özgür Avcı, Mete Ercan Pakdil and Rahmi Nurhan Çelik (Turkey):
Web-Based Integrated Precise Positioning System Design and Testing for Moving Platforms in Offshore Surveying (4323)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gabriele Giorgi (Netherlands), Tim Gourlay, Peter Teunissen, Kim Klaka and Lennard Huisman (Australia):
Carrier Phase Ambiguity Resolution for Ship Attitude Determination and Dynamic Draught (4059)
[paper] [handouts]

Maurice Perwick (New Zealand):
Profiling Lake Roxburgh Using the NZ Quasigeoid 2005 (4596)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 3J - Francophone Session 1 - Cadastre and Land Administration
Commission: FIG and FGF
Chair: Mr. Aziz Hilali, Vice President of FGF, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of FIG Commission 1, Lebanon

Francis Gäbele and Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
Continuité dans l'Approche Méthodologique d'Evaluation de Valeurs par les Experts du Cadastre Belge Continuity in the Methodologic Approach of the Evaluation of Values by the Appraisers of the Belgian Cadastre (4628)
[paper] [handouts]

Pierre Bibollet (France):
Le portail e-foncier, levier de modernisation de la délégation de service public du géomčtre-expert (3880)
[paper] [handouts]

Jean-Paul Miserez (Switzerland):
Réaliser la Déclaration 1 de Cadastre 2014: un exemple suisse (4652)
[paper] [handouts]
This paper has been presented at the congress by Dr. Daniel Steudler .

François Mazuyer (France):
Professional Ethics and Deontology (3874)
[paper] [handouts]

Samuel Nguema Ondo Obiang (Gabon):
La problématique foncičre au Gabon et la nécessité d'une réforme et de son ouverture vers l'extérieur (4677)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

13 April
Bayside 108, SCEC
TS 3M - Project and Organisation Management II
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Andrew Morley, Chair of FIG Commission 10, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sinkner, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 10, Czech Republic

Andrew Daniel Finegan (Australia):
Making Sense of Wicked Projects (4014)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Chigozie Dimgba and Ubong Ikpe (Nigeria):
A Perspective on Project and Programme Management (Best Practises) (4260)
[paper] [handouts]

Abdelrazik Kandeil and Mohamed K. Hassan (Egypt):
Hand-Over Process Improvement in Large Construction Projects (4301)
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper has been presented by Richard Hucker, United Kingdom.

13 April
Bayside 107, SCEC
Joint Board of Spatial Information Societies
Commission: Board of JB-GIS
Chair: Mr. Mark Cygan, Chair of JB-GIS
  • For JB-GIS Members
  • By invitation only
13 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
Director General Forum
Commission: Director General Forum
Chair: Mr. Warwick Watkins, Surveyor General, NSW, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr.Iain Greenway , FIG Vice President, United Kingdom
  • The Director General Forum brings together senior managers of national mapping, cadastral and land organisations from around the world to discuss topics of mutual interest and importance. This event is the 3rd in a series which FIG has hosted. About 40-50 countries are expected to be represented. The Forum in Sydney will consider in particular: organisational mergers and government restructuring; delivering in challenging financial times; and building strong relationships with the private and academic sectors. The Forum will agree key issues in a communiqué from national organisations to FIG to be presented at the closing ceremony of the congress.
  • By invitation only
13 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
13 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 4A - Open-Source Software Solutions in Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Ms. Piroska Zalaba, Hungary

Daniel Steudler (Switzerland) and Mika Törhönen (Italy):
The Potential of Open-Source Software in Cadastre and Land Registration – A General View (4167)
[paper] [handouts]

Geoffrey C. Hay and G. Brent Hall (New Zealand):
A Semantic Web Approach to Application Configuration in the Land Administration Domain (4519)
[paper] [handouts]

Gertrude Pieper (Netherlands):
Existing Open Source Tools and Possibilities for Cadastre Systems (4577)
[paper] [handouts]

Markus Seifert (Germany):
Open Source Software in Daily Bavarian Cadastral Work – Practical Experience (4604)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 4B - Organisational, Strategic and Fiscal Aspects in SIM
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Turkey
Rapporteur: Dr. Rahmi Nurhan Çelik, Turkey

Oscar Custers and Gijsbert Noordam (Netherlands):
Leveraging Geospatial Information Across the Enterprise: Bentley’s Flexible Geospatial Approach (4702)
[paper] [handouts]

Jens Riecken (Germany):
Spatial Information Management in the Context of Organizational Development – the Approach in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany (3805)
[paper] [handouts]

Anders Lundquist, Ewa Rannestig and Ulf Sandgren (Sweden):
The Swedish National Geodata Strategy and Its Implementation (3796)
[paper] [handouts]

Sarah James and John Richardson (United Kingdom):
Managing Data Licensing Need Not Be a Problem! (4746)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 4C - GNSS CORS Networks - Positioning Infrastructure, Analysis and Applications II
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Craig Roberts, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Neil Ashcroft, Singapore

Volker Janssen, Thomas Grinter, Craig Roberts and Michael Troth (Australia):
Improving Cadastral Infrastructure with RTK GPS in Australia (3825)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Jeremy Palmer (New Zealand) and Michael Moore (Australia):
PositioNZ-PP - A GPS Post-Processing Service New Zealand (4102)
[paper] [handouts]

Lars Jämtnäs, Ragne Emardson and Bo Jonsson (Sweden):
Quality Assessment of Network-RTK in the SWEPOS™ Network of Permanent GNSS Stations (4247)
[paper] [handouts]
This paper has been presented by Mr. Johan Sunna.

Simon C. W. Kwok (Hong Kong SAR, China):
What Makes the Positioning Infrastructure Work – The Experience of the Hong Kong Satellite Positioning Reference Station Network (4526)

13 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 4D - TLS Application I
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Faheem Khan, Singapore
Rapporteur: Prof. Alessandro Capra, Italy

Ivo Milev (Germany):
Leeds the Automation Degree in the Processing of Laser Scan Data to Better Final Products? (4409)
[paper] [handouts]

Thomas Werner and David Morris (Australia):
3D Laser Scanning for Masonry Arch Bridges (4436)
[paper] [handouts]

Timothy Nuttens, Alain De Wulf, Lander Bral, Bart De Wit and Leen Carlier (Belgium):
High Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Tunnel Deformation Measurements (4497)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ela Vela, Luka Babić, Almin Đapo, Branko Kordić and Boško Pribičević (Croatia):
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Digital Preservation of a Croatian Historical Village “Dobranje” (4492)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Alessandro Capra, Eleonora Bertacchini, Emanuele Boni, Cristina Castagnetti and Marco Dubbini (Italy):
Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Surveying and Monitoring Middle Age Towers (4445)
[paper] [handouts]

Peter Rieger, Nikolaus Studnicka, Martin Pfennigbauer and Andreas Ullrich (Austria):
Advances in Mobile Laser Scanning Data Acquisition (4575)
[abstract] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 4E - Coasts and Natural Resources
Commission: 8 and 4
Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana
Rapporteur: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 4, Canada

Isaac Boateng (United Kingdom):
The Best Practice for Coastal Adaption Planning: A Surveyor's Perspectice (4756)
[paper] [handouts]

Flavio Boscatto and Francisco Henrique Oliveira (Brazil):
The Cadastre System of Mollusk Culture at Santa Catarina Island - Brazil (4277)
[paper] [handouts]

Narsimha Garlapati, Mustak Shaikh and Mick Dwyer (Australia):
Building the Capacity to Access Spatial Information about the Extent of Riparian Vegetation in New South Wales,Australia (4070)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Jesper Rye Rasmussen (Denmark):
Climate Change and Mapping of the Future Nature (4033)
[abstract] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 4F - Compulsory Purchase and Compensation II
Commission: 9
Chair: Ms. Heidi Falkenbach, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Vince Mangioni, Australia

Craig Harris and Trevor Knowles (New Zealand):
Public Works Act Land Acquisition in New Zealand... Clarifying for Owners the Crowns Differing Roles and Managing Owners/consultants Expectations on Reimbursement of Fees (4429)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 4G - Surveying Education Curricula II
Commission: 2
Chair: Mr. Gert Steinkellner, Austria
Rapporteur: Mr. Ernest Chan, Hong Kong SAR, China

Hans Mattsson and Marina Vaskovich (Sweden):
Capacity Building in Land Management (3925)
[paper] [handouts]

Miljenko Lapaine and Stanislav Franges (Croatia):
Education in Geodesy and Geoinformatics at the University of Zagreb and the Bologna Process (4267)
[paper] [handouts]

Damir Medak, Bosko Pribicevic, Stanislav Franges (Croatia), Adrijana Car (Austria) and Jacek Kozak (Poland):
Impact of TEMPUS CARDS Project GIST-CroHE on the New MSc in Geoinformatics Curriculum and on the Implementation of Bologna Process at the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Croatia (4246)
[abstract] [handouts]

Branko Bozic (Serbia), Olga Petrakovska (Ukraine) and Violeta Vasilic (Serbia):
Similarities and Differences between Surveyor's Education in Kiev and Belgrade at University Level (4002)
[paper] [handouts]

Bruce Harvey (Australia):
Teaching Surveying: What Is Important? (3968)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Gheorghe M.T. Radulescu, Adrian T.G. Radulescu, Gabriel Badescu, Carmen Nutiu and Virgil.M.G. Radulescu (Romania):
The Role of Surveying Within the University Curricula for Training Terrestrial Measurement and Cadastre Engineers (3944)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

13 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 4H - Remote Sensing and Imagery II
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Ralf Schroth, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia

Senol Kuscu, M.Sait Ayik, Eray Can and Ayhan Mesci (Turkey):
Project for the Producing of 1/1000 Scale Based Plans from Colourful Images with Taken Digital Camera in Bursa Metropole Area in Turkey (4512)
[paper] [handouts]

Gabriel Scarmana (Australia):
Mapping City Environments Using a Single Hand-Held Camera (4430)
[paper] [handouts]

Jung Hum Yu (Republic of Korea) and Linlin Ge (Australia):
Digital Elevation Model Generation Using Ascending and Descending Multi-baseline ALOS/PALSAR Radar Images (4086)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

13 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 4I - Hydrographic Capacity Building
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Andrew Leyzack, Chair of FIG Commission 4, Canada

Adam Greenland (New Zealand):
IHO Capacity Building in the South West Pacific Region - NZ Perspective (3981)
[abstract] [handouts]

Volker Böder (Germany):
The DHyG-Accredited Hydrographer - First Steps and Evaluations (3960)
[abstract] [handouts]

Roderick Nairn and Jasbir Randhawa (Australia):
Competency Certification for Hydrographic Surveyors - The Australasian Experience (3861)
[paper] [handouts]

Scott Preskett (New Zealand):
The Continuing Development of the IHO Category A Hydrographic Surveying Program at the University of Otago (4100)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 4J - Francophone Session 2 - Institutional and Professional Development
Commission: 7 and FGF
Chair: Prof. Francis Gäbele, Belgium
Rapporteur: Mr. Marc Vanderschuren, Belgium

Francis Gäbele and Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
La Sécurité Juridique des Biens Immobiliers en Belgique The Legal Certainty of Immovable Property in Belgium (4627)
[paper] [handouts]

Claire Galpin (France), René Claude Niyonkuru and Jean Marie Habwintahe (Burundi):
Faire face aux défis de demain au Burundi: Gestion foncičre décentralisée (4664)
[abstract] [handouts]

Annick Jaton and Stéphane Roche (Canada):
Renforcer les compétences par la formation ŕ distance: exemple de l'Université Laval au Québec (4682)
[abstract] [handouts]

Moha El-Ayachi and Mohamed Stifa (Morocco):
Étude des potentialités du DGPS en Temps Réel avec solution OMNISTAR pour des fins de géo-localisation (4678)

13 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
TS 4K - Land Administration Domain Model
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Libor Tomandl, Czech Republic
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands), Claude Eisenhut (Switzerland) and Harry Uitermark (Netherlands):
Rights, Restrictions and Responsibilities in the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) (4221)
[paper] [handouts]

Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Solomon Haile (Kenya):
Institutional Aspects of Implementing Inclusive Land Information Systems like STDM (4254)
[paper] [handouts]

Christiaan Lemmen, Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands), Rod Thompson (Australia), Joăo Hespanha (Portugal) and Harry Uitermark (Netherlands):
The Geometry of Spatial Units in the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) (4214)
[paper] [handouts]

Tarun Ghawana (India), Joăo Paulo Hespanha (Portugal), Jaap Zevenbergen and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
Groundwater Management in Land Administration: A Spatio-temporal Perspective (4298)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

13 April
Bayside 108, SCEC
TS 4M - Buildings, Construction and Sustainable Development
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Richard Hucker, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sinkner, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 10, Czech Republic

Paula Judson, Usha Iyer-Raniga, Ralph Horne and James Wong (Australia):
Integrating Built Heritage and Sustainable Development (3977)
[paper] [handouts]

Sara Wilkinson, Kimberley James and Richard Reed (Australia):
Building Adaptation in the Melbourne CBD: The Relationship between Adaptation and Building Characteristics (3779)
[paper] [handouts]

Kenny Chan (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Building the Capacity and Improvement Factors in Real Estate Management and Maintenance (4564)

Clive Warren (Australia) and Graham Mathews (New Zealand):
Building Resilience - Built Environment Professions in Pre and Post Disaster Management (4190)
[paper] [handouts]

13 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
Director General Forum - Reception
Commission: Director General Forum
  • By invitation only
13 April
Government House, Macquarie Street, Sydney
Reception at the Government House
  • Reception hosted by the Governer of NSW, Prof. Marie Bashir AC CVO
  • For Presidents of FIG members associations
  • Buses will depart from SCEC 17:40
  • By invitation only
Wednesday, 14 April
14 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
14 April
FIG Meeting Room, Bayside 108, SCEC
FIG Foundation - Meeting of the Board of Directors
Chair: Mr. John Hohol, President of FIG Foundation, USA
  • By invitation only
14 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
SIDS 1 - Small Islands Development Seminar - Building Professional Capacity
Chair: Dr. Mele Rakai, Fiji
Discussant: Ms. Jude Wallace, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Spike Boydell , Australia
  • The FIG Congress includes a special seminar looking at the issues confronting so-called “Small Island Developing States”. These island nations face special challenges as they struggle with Land Governance issues associated with achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The opening session aims at setting the scene for professional capacity building in the region by identifying the specific gaps in capacity in the region, and discussing ways in which land practitioners could contribute towards closing the gaps and thus assist with the achievement of the MDGs in the region.
14 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 5A - Development of 3D Cadastre
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Peter van Oosterom, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dr. Jaap Zevenbergen, The Netherlands

Tor Valstad (Norway):
At Last! After 10 Years in Waiting Norway Has a New Cadastral Law that also Includes 3D Objects (4473)
[abstract] [handouts]

Göran Eriksson and Lars Jansson (Sweden):
Strata Titles Are Introduced in Sweden (3909)
[paper] [handouts]

Ingegerd Hedmark and Karolina Rönnberg (Sweden):
The City Line in Stockholm, the Longest Three Dimensional Property Unit in Sweden (4255)
[paper] [handouts]

Sudarshan Karki, Kevin McDougall and Rod Thompson (Australia):
An Overview of 3D Cadastre from a Physical Land Parcel and a Legal Property Object Perspective (4432)
[paper] [handouts]

Muhammad Imzan Hassan and Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia):
Malaysian Integrated 3D Cadastre Registration System (4212)
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

Tan Liat Choon, Khadijah Binti Hussin and Ernest Khoo Hock Oon (Malaysia):
3D Property Situation in Malaysia - Initiatives towards 3D Cadastre (3929)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

14 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 5B - Information Management Software
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 3, Israel
Rapporteur: Dr. Charalobos Ioannidis, Greece

Michael Dixon (Australia):
The Evolution of Data Automation and Its Importance to the Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure (4093)
[paper] [handouts]

Geoffrey Y. K. Shea and Jiannong Cao (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Use of Open Source Programs to Create a Foundation for Developing Serious GIS Application on Mobile Device (3984)
[paper] [handouts]

Cameron Shorter (Australia):
Overview of Geospatial Open Source Software Which Is Robust, Feature Rich and Standards Compliant (4207)

Mario Miler, Drazen Odobasic and Damir Medak (Croatia):
Efficient Web-GIS Solution based on Open Source Technologies: Case-Study of Urban Planning and Management of the City of Zagreb, Croatia (4291)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Hamed Olfat, Abbas Rajabifard and Mohsen Kalantari (Australia):
Automatic Spatial Metadata Update: A New Approach (4079)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

14 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 5C - The Quality of Measurements
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Graeme Blick, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom

Jorma Jokela, Pasi Häkli (Finland), Rupert Kugler, Helmut Skorpil and Michael Matus (Austria):
Calibration of the BEV Geodetic Baseline (3873)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

David Martin (France):
Instrument Calibration at the ESRF (3910)
[paper] [handouts]

Simon Fuller, Eldar Rubinov, Phil Collier and Seager James (Australia):
Integrated Quality Indicators and Stochastic Modelling for Real-Time Positioning: Overview and Implementation (4145)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Eldar Rubinov, Simon Fuller, Phil Collier and James Seager (Australia):
Implementation of Real-Time Quality Control Procedures for Network RTK GNSS Positioning (4151)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Philipp Zeimetz and Heiner Kuhlmann (Germany):
Validation of the Laboratory Calibration of Geodetic Antennas based on GPS Measurements (4308)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

14 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 5D - Landslide and Subsidence Monitoring I
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Joel van Cranenbroeck, Belgium
Rapporteur: Prof. Andreas Eichhorn, Germany

Andreas Eichhorn (Germany) and Thilo Schmalz (Austria):
Calibration of a Numerical Slope Model by Means of Adaptive Kalman-filtering (4024)
[paper] [handouts]

Susan Shield, Peter Sergeant and Mark Harrower (Australia):
Subsidence Analysis for Underground Coal Mining Operations: The Use of Airborne Laser Scanning Data (4225)
[paper] [handouts]

Turgut Uzel, Kamil Eren and Ahmet Anil Dindar (Turkey):
Monitoring Plate Tectonics and Subsidence in Turkey by CORS-TR and InSAR (4570)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 5E - Planning Heritage: Back to the Future
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Tim Goodhead, United Kingdom

Malvern Tipping (United Kingdom):
Identifying Clay-construction Buildings in a Norfolk Market Town (4522)
[paper] [handouts]

S. Hendriatiningsih, Yan Shofian Syarief, Alfita Puspa Handayani, Andri Hernandi and Rizqi Abdulharis (Indonesia):
Cultural Landscape Mapping: The Basis for Managing a Sustainable Future? (4488)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 5F - History of Surveying
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia
Rapporteur: Ms. Kerima-Gae Topp, Australia

Adrian Cummins (Australia):
John McDouall Stuarts Explorations 1858-1862 (4160)
[paper] [handouts]

Craig Roberts and Matthew Cooper (Australia):
The Scale of the Solar System: Re-enacting the Transit of Venus Observations 5-6 June 2012 (3851)
[paper] [handouts]

Geoffrey Sandford (Australia):
Larry Wells and the Lost Tribe (4524)
[paper] [handouts]

Case Bosloper (Australia):
William Dawes’ Gravity Measurement in Sydney Cove, 1788 (4534)
[paper] [handouts]

Graham Tweedie (Australia):
A Tribute to the Surveyors/Explorers of the 19th Century Australia (4084)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 5G - Education Pedagogy in Surveying
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Damir Medak, Croatia
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Webb, Australia

Michael Mayer (Germany):
An Engineering Science Experience Report on Using Competence-based Techniques to Support Students Individually und Sustainably (4382)
[paper] [handouts]

Simon Mclean (United Kingdom):
Pedagogy of Using Industrial Simulation in Surveying Education: A Study of Two Models Run at Sheffield Hallam University, 2008/9 (3769)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Martin Smith, Andrew Burton and Nikolaos Kokkas (United Kingdom):
Teaching and Learning Strategies for 3D Urban and Landscape Modelling (4061)

Steve Yau Wah Lam (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Work-Integrated Geomatics Higher Education in Hong Kong (4359)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Arve Leiknes (Norway):
Cadastral Practice – a Success for the Education in Land Surveying and Land Management at Bergen University College (4478)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 5H - Gender Issues in Surveying
Commission: 1 and 7
Chair: Ms. Gertrude Pieper, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 1, Australia

John Parker (Australia):
Why Aren't Women Getting the Jobs They Deserve to? (4367)

Benedicta Ugwulebo (Nigeria):
How Women in Surveying can Change the Society (4257)

Fabian Thiel (Cambodia):
Gender Equality and Land Law in Cambodia (4668)
[paper] [handouts]

Bayram Uzun and Ebru H. Colak (Turkey):
The Issues of Women’s Property Acquisition in Turkey (4237)

14 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 5I - Building Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Leiv Barte Mjos, Norway

Wilhelm Zeddies (Germany):
Official Surveying and Mapping in Germany - Cooperation between the Public and the Private Sector (3802)
[paper] [handouts]

Jouni Johannes Anttonen (Finland):
Successful Capacity Building of the Cambodian Land Administration: Finnish Technical Assistance Combined with the Local Khmer Expertise, Traditions and Culture (4602)
[paper] [handouts]

Andrus Nnaemeka Ukaejiofo (Nigeria):
Identifying Appropriate Tools for Effective Land Governance in Nigeria (4612)
[paper] [handouts]

Ewa Swensson (Sweden):
Quality Improvement of the Cadastral Information in Sweden (4031)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 5J - Spatial Information for Climate Change Monitoring and Other Natural Disasters Management
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Turkey
Rapporteur: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana

David Mitchell (Australia):
Reducing Vulnerability to Natural Disasters in the Asia Pacific through Enhanced Tenure Security (4127)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

14 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
TS 5K - Cadastral Projects
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 7, Canada
Rapporteur: Ms. Monica Lengoiboni, the Netherlands

Haim Srebro (Israel):
On the Way to a Coordinate Based Cadastre (CBC) in Israel (3837)
[paper] [handouts]

Hyunjin Kim (Republic of Korea):
The Study and Example of Application for the Establishment of Cadastral Methodology in Morocco (4150)
[paper] [handouts]

Moha El-ayachi, Elhassan Semlali, Mohamed Ettarid and Driss Tahiri (Morocco):
An Object Model of a Multipurpose Cadastral Information System with the Object Oriented Approach - A Case Study (3953)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Elisabetta Genovese and Francis Roy (Canada):
From Parcel to Global Cadastre: Challenges and Issues of the Post-reform Quebec Cadastre (4499)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Commission Room 1, SCEC, Exhibition Hall
Roundtable on Good Practice in Compulsory Purchase and Compensation
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Kauko Viitanen, Chair of FIG Commission 9, Finland
  • This roundtable is organised by Commission 9 WG 9.1 and open for all interested participants
14 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
14 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
Plenary Session 3 - The Big Challenges
Commission: All
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark

Daniel Fitzpatrick (Australia):
Climate Change, Disaster Management and Land Governance (4647)

Paul Munro-Faure (Italy):
Good Land Governance (4648)

Mohamed El-Sioufi (Kenya):
Climate Change and Sustainable Cities (4658)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
14 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
After Lunch Talk 2 - ESRI: Visions for the Future
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Robin McLaren, United Kingdom

Brent Jones (USA):
The Geospatial Response to Haiti (4657)

14 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
SIDS 2 - Small Islands Development Seminar - Climate Change and Natural Disasters
Chair: Mr. Johnny Edmonds, New Zealand
Discussant: Dr. Daniel Fitzpatrick , Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. David Mitchell, Australia
  • This session on climate change and disaster mitigation develops the relationship between climate change, community resilience and land tenure. The tsunami that hit Samoa and other Pacific Island Countries in September 2009 was graphic evidence of the vulnerability of coastal communities. The objective of this session is to articulate the input and contribution of land professionals in the preparedness, mitigation, emergency response, recovery and rehabilitation stages of Disaster Risk Management.
14 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
INV 3 - Spatially Enabled Society
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Helge Onsrud, Norway

Ian Williamson, Abbas Rajabifard and Peter Holland (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society (4134)
[paper] [handouts]

Daniel Steudler (Switzerland) and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society – Role of the Cadastre (4164)
[paper] [handouts]

Greg Scott (Australia):
Spatially Enabled Society – Developments in Asia-Pacific Region (4757)

14 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
SIDS 3 - Small Islands Development Seminar - Access to Land, Coastal and Marine Resources
Chair: Mr. Russell Nari, Vanuatu
Rapporteur: Mr. Bill Robertson, New Zealand
  • The challenge of access to land and marine resources due to a lack of clearly defined real property rights is often cited as a major cause of dispute and resultant instability for SIDS. In this session we explore institutional impediments to land and resource access in SIDS. We investigate the issues of gender and intergenerational equity, and the application of land trusts, with a view to proposing workable leasehold solutions that do not risk creating long-term perpetual lease structures.
14 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 6A - Land Administration and Climate Change
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Soren Fauerholm Christensen, Denmark
Rapporteur: Mr. Soren Fauerholm Christensen, Denmark

Grenville Barnes and Cheryl Quail (USA):
Facing the Cadastral Challenges of Managing Carbon Property Rights to Mitigate Climate Change (4239)
[paper] [handouts]

Michael Stapleton (Australia):
Climate Change and the Cadastral Surveyor (3934)
[paper] [handouts]

Krishna Nadimpalli, Mark Dunford, Lauren Power, Mark Edwards and Robert P Cechet (Australia):
National Exposure Profile for Evidence Based Climate Change Adaptation (3897)
[abstract] [handouts]

Eddie Cichocki (Australia):
Surveying Response to the Victorian Bushfires of February 2009 (4104)
[paper] [handouts]

Jelena Unger (Croatia):
Cadastre Involvement in Sustainable Development as an Essential Component (3820)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 6B - Spatial Data Infrastructures
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Kari Strande, Norway
Rapporteur: Mr. Lefteris Lykouropoulos, Greece

Bas Kok (Netherlands):
Convergences between Geo Spatial Communities: A Key Condition for Decision Making (4041)
[paper] [handouts]

Robert Woodcock (Australia):
Auscope: Australian Earth Science Research Spatial Information Infrastructure (4000)
[paper] [handouts]

Wilhelm Zeddies (Germany):
Geospatial Reference Data as Public Sector Information - Involvement of the Surveying and Mapping Authorities – The German Way (3804)
[paper] [handouts]

Guler Yalcin, Bilal Erkek and Sedat Bakici (Turkey):
Spatial Data Infrastructure in Turkey and Projects (3870)

Ljerka Rašić and Željko Bačić (Croatia):
The Role of National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies in Establishment of NSDI: Croatian Example (4032)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 6C - Global Geodetic Observing System and APREF I
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Rudolf Staiger, Chair of FIG Commission 5, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sarib, Australia

Markus Rothacher (Germany):
Global Geodetic Observing System and GGOS (invited) (4698)

Ruth E. Neilan (USA), John M. Dow (Germany), Chris Rizos (Australia) and Markus Rothacher (Switzerland):
The Global Geodetic Observing System and the International GNSS Service (IGS) (4697)
[abstract] [handouts]

John Dawson and Guorong Hu (Australia):
Improving the Geodetic Infrastructure of the Asia-Pacific Region (4109)
[abstract] [handouts]

Gary Johnston and Linda Morgan (Australia):
The Status of the National Geospatial Reference System and Its Contribution to Global Geodetic Initiatives (4116)
[paper] [handouts]

Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Cecep Subarya, Buldan Muslim (Indonesia), Rahma Hanifa (Japan) and Wenny Rusmawar (Indonesia):
The Applications of GPS CORS in Indonesia: Status, Prospect and Limitation (3924)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 6D - Quality Management and Standards
Commission: 6 and 5
Chair: Dr. Ivo Milev, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Don Abbey, Australia

Steve Yau Wah Lam (Hong Kong SAR, China):
TQM of Engineering Survey Operations under ISO 9001 in Hong Kong (3998)
[paper] [handouts]

Jim Ollis (Australia):
A National Survey Standard for Road and Bridge Construction in Australia and New Zealand (4001)
[paper] [handouts]

Mourad Bouziani, Khalid Yousfi, Kamal Charafi and El Maati Zidane (Morocco):
Quality Standards of Road Surveying in Morocco (4217)
[paper] [handouts]

Nic Donnelly and Matt Amos (New Zealand):
Implementation of a New Survey Control Standard for New Zealand (4126)
[paper] [handouts]

Don Abbey and Linda Morgan (Australia):
SP1 - A New Standard for Control Surveys in Australia (3903)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 6E - Planning: Addressing Issues of Urban Growth
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 8, Kenya

Sophie Schetke, Dagmar Haase and Theo Kötter (Germany):
Towards Sustainable Urban Land Use – A Methodological Design for Implementing Socio-ecological Targets into the Strategic Planning of Cities in Germany (4626)
[paper] [handouts]

Olga Petrakovska (Ukraine):
Restrictions of Land Use in Ukraine (4491)
[paper] [handouts]

Madan Mohan (India):
Geospatial Information for Urban Sprawl Planning and Policies Implementation in Developing Country's NCR Region: A Study of NOIDA City, India (4050)
[paper] [handouts]

David Oluwamotemi (Nigeria):
Land Acquisition, Compensation and Resettlement in Developing Economies - Nigeria as a Case Study (3616)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 6F - Real Estate Market and Valuation
Commission: 9
Chair: Dr. Winrich Voss, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. Dirk Loehr, Germany

Steven Nystrom (USA):
Diagnostic Tools and Perspective Practices for the Valuation Profession (4455)
[abstract] [handouts]

Dennis Webb (USA):
Short- and Long-Term (Sustainable) Property Values (4281)
[paper] [handouts]

Wilfred Anim-Odame (Ghana), Tony Key and Simon Stevenson (United Kingdom):
The Nascent Real Estate Investment Market in Ghana (3830)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Markku Airaksinen and Simo Hannelius (Finland):
The Income Approach and Comparison Approach Combined with Market Prices in Forest Valuation (4141)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 6G - e-Learning I
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Esben Munk Sorensen, Denmark
Rapporteur: Ms. Kate Fairlie, Australia

Liza Groenendijk, Christiaan Lemmen and Paul van der Molen (Netherlands):
E-learning: the Future for Land Administration Studies? (3935)
[paper] [handouts]

Bela Markus (Hungary):
Worldwide Learning Infrastructure (4035)
[paper] [handouts]

Arnaud Deshogues, Pierre-Yves Gillieron and Bertrand Merminod (Switzerland):
Enhancement of Geomatics Education by Using Internet Based Techniques (4157)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Moha El-ayachi (Morocco):
Toward a Virtual Academic Consortium to Promote Land Information Sciences in Africa (4232)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

14 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 6H - Engineering Surveys I
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia

Guenter Schmitt (Germany):
Geodetic Contributions to IWRM-Projects in Middle Java, Indonesia (3751)
[paper] [handouts]

Théo Engel (Switzerland), Bodo Lahr (Germany) and Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland):
Building Up on Railway Coordinates (4477)
[paper] [handouts]

David Martin (France):
Review of Accelerator Alignment (3911)
[paper] [handouts]

Edi Meier, Philippe Limpach, Hilmar Ingensand, Alain Geiger and Andreas Steiger (Switzerland):
Hydrostatic Leveling Systems: Measuring at the System Limits (4474)
[paper] [handouts]

Jesus Velasco, Juan Prieto, Tomas Herrero and Jose Fabrega (Spain):
Drilling a 25 km Tunnel for High Speed Railway in Spain (4542)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Steve Yau Wah Lam (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Recent Advances of Engineering Survey Operations for Tunnel Construction in Hong Kong (3995)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 6I - Technology in Land Administration
Commission: 7 and 5
Chair: Dr. Conrad Tang, Hong-Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Ian Harper (Australia):
The New Technology of a Survey Data Model and Cadastral Fabric as the Foundation for a Future Land Administration System (4038)
[paper] [handouts]

Thaer Shunnar and Michael Barry (Canada):
Knowledge Discovery from Land Record Systems (4282)
[paper] [handouts]

Michael Dixon (Australia) and Duncan Guthrie (United Kingdom):
Administrative Boundaries: Automating the Data Processing Cycle for a Critical National Dataset (4091)
[paper] [handouts]

Mariane Alves Dal Santo, Carlos Loch and Francisco Henrique Oliveira (Brazil):
Digital Cartographic Generalization for Database of Cadastral Maps (4276)
[paper] [handouts]

Ji Yeon Jeong (Republic of Korea):
Use of Network RTK Using VRS for a Cadastral Survey in Islands (4013)
[paper] [handouts]

Reddy Jai Ram (Australia):
The Integration of CORS Networks and the Cadastre and Its Application in NSW, Australia (3798)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 6J - Professional Qualifications and Mutual Recognition
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Teo Chee Hai, FIG Vice President, Malaysia
Rapporteur: Mr, Yaacoub Saade, Chair of FIG Commission 1, Lebanon

Brian Coutts (New Zealand):
Disciplinary Principles for Cadastral Surveyors in Australia and New Zealand (3980)
[paper] [handouts]

John Fryer (Australia):
Surveyors Crossing International Boundaries – The Australian and New Zealand Bureau for Assessment of Overseas Qualifications (3806)
[paper] [handouts]

Patrick McNamara (Australia):
Surveyors Intellectual Property in The High Court of Australia (4743)
[paper] [handouts]

Glenn Campbell and Jim Liddle (Australia):
The Implementation of a Competency Based Assessment System for Applicants for a Restrictive Licence for Cadastral Surveying (4469)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

John Worldon (Australia):
Private Sector Industry Association Involvement in the Registration Process (3964)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
14 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
SIDS 4 - Small Islands Development Seminar - Good Governance in Land Tenure and Administration
Chair: Mr. Tony Burns, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Kate Dalrymple, Australia
  • The land sector is particularly susceptible to corruption and rent seeking. The small island states in the Pacific, typically grouped into three regions: Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, cover a very wide expanse of the world’s surface. The prevalence and importance of customary tenure in the Pacific adds a level of complexity to any consideration of land governance but nonetheless, land governance is an important topic for the Pacific region. This session will explore the topic of land governance as it applies to small island states.
14 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 7A - Land Administration - Responses to Crises and Innovations
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. András Osskó, Chair of FIG Commission 7, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Wilhelm Zeddies, Germany

Godfried Barnasconi and Paul van der Molen (Netherlands):
Cadastral Innovations and Financial Crisis (4228)
[paper] [handouts]

David Cowen and Donald Buhler (USA):
The United States Mortage Crisis and Cadastral Data (4022)
[paper] [handouts]

Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Tony Burns (Australia):
Land Administration in Post-Conflict Areas; A Key Land and Conflict Issue (4011)
[paper] [handouts]

Daniel Roberge and Michel Paradis (Canada):
Reconstruction in Haiti: A Land Rights Infrastructure to Support Its Sustainable Development (4751)
[abstract] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 7B - Regional and National Spatial Data Infrastructures
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Robin McLaren, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Ali Fahri Özten, Turkey

Zeljko Bacic (Croatia) and Zeljko Obradovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina):
South-East Europe Regional SDI Cooperation - SEE Inspiration (4044)
[paper] [handouts]

Nick Littlewood, Sarah MacDonald and Gerry Stanley (Australia):
The Benefits of the PSMA Australia Data Network (4087)
[paper] [handouts]

Dan Paull and Dave Lovell (Australia):
Closer Than You Think: The Pioneering Relationship between PSMA Australia and EuroGeographics (4090)
[paper] [handouts]

Szabolcs Mihály and Pál Lévai (Hungary):
Provision of Interoperable Datasets to Open GI to EU Communities An European example of SIM (4203)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 7C - Global Geodetic Observing System and APREF II
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 5, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Gary Johnston, Australia

Dru Smith, Kendall Fancher, Steve Breidenbach, Jeff Olsen and Nagendra Paudel (USA):
Recent IERS Site Survey of Multiple Co-located Geodetic Techniques by NGS (4187)
[paper] [handouts]

Guorong Hu and John Dawson (Australia):
The Asia Pacific Regional Geodetic Project (APRGP) GPS Solution (1997–2008) (4113)
[abstract] [handouts]

Graeme Blick (New Zealand) and Robert Sarib (Australia):
The Geodetic Infrastructure in Australia and New Zealand: Differences and Similarities (4065)
[paper] [handouts]

Richard Stanaway and Craig Roberts (Australia):
CORS Network and Datum Harmonisation in the Asia-Pacific Region (3773)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 7D - LIDAR and InSAR Usage in Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Hansjoerg Kutterer, Germany

Lei Zhang, Xiaoli Ding (Hong Kong SAR, China) and Zhong Lu (USA):
Monitoring of Bridge Deformation with InSAR: An Experimental Study (3737)
[abstract] [handouts]

Mahmoud Gomah and John Trinder (Australia):
Support Vector Machines Based Filtering of Lidar Data (4063)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Hyunil Yoo (Republic of Korea):
LIDAR Application for Cultural Heritage 3D Modeling and Reconstruction (4015)
[paper] [handouts]

Gil Goncalves and Luisa Gomes Pereira (Portugal):
Case Study: Accuracy of a DTM Derived from Full-waveform LiDAR Data under an Unstructured Eucalyptus Forest (4219)
[paper] [handouts]

Cristodoulos Psaltis and Charalabos Ioannidis (Greece):
Supervised Change Detection on Simulated Data Employing Support Vector Machines (4236)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

14 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 7E - SDI and Planning
Commission: 8 and 3
Chair: Dr. Dalal S. Alnaggar, FIG Vice President, Egypt
Rapporteur: Mr. Michael Doran, Northern Ireland

Joerg Blankenbach and Markus Schaffert (Germany):
A GIS-based Approach to Supporting e-Participation in Municipal Administration and Planning Strategies in the Context of Web 2.0 (3997)
[paper] [handouts]

Jason Clark and Ben Somerville (Australia):
Making Infrastructure Development Location Intelligent (4551)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 7F - Real Estate Market and Valuation Methods
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA
Rapporteur: Ms. Faanimo Reti-Warren, Samoa

Rene Gudat (Germany):
Collections of the Property Market Data for the Valuation Process – An German Approach in an International Context (4029)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Virgo Eresta Jaya (Indonesia):
Land Value Indexation in Indonesia (4364)
[paper] [handouts]

Anna Baranska (Romania):
Influence of Models Form in Two-stage Valuation Procedure on Prediction of Real Estates Market Value (4240)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

14 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 7G - e-Learning II
Commission: 2
Chair: Ms. Liza Groenendijk, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Prof. Olga Petrakovska, Ukraine

Gethin Roberts and Joshua Grey (United Kingdom):
NEST – A New Web Based Teaching Tool for Engineering Surveying (4451)
[paper] [handouts]

Kefei Zhang, Erjiang Fu, Gang-Jun Liu, Stuart Whitman and Ming Zhu (Australia):
Action Research for a New e-Learning GPS/Surveying Platform (4154)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Esben Munk Sorensen (Denmark):
Videoconferencing in Surveying Education Programmes Needs New Institutional Capacity - From One-campus Activities to Multi-campus Functions (4241)
[paper] [handouts]

Vladimir Golubev, Aleksander Chibunichev and Irina Fartukova (Russia):
Innovative Technologies for Learning in Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) (4210)
[paper] [handouts]

Pedro José Mayoral Valdivia, Alejandro Silvestre Tello Moreno and José Manuel González Freire (Mexico):
YouTube Based Learning (4098)

14 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 7H - Young Surveyors Network - Attracting New Generations
Commission: 1 and 2
Chair: Ms. Cecilia Lindén, Chair of FIG Young Surveyors Network, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of FIG Commission 1, Lebanon

Cecilia Lindén (Sweden):
Building a Young Surveyors Network – A Way to Rejuvenate the Surveying Profession? (3745)
[paper] [handouts]

Tim Goodhead (United Kingdom):
Opportunities for Linking Young Surveyors Across Professional Surveying Member Organizations and FIG (3919)
[paper] [handouts]

Chris McAlister, Kate Fairlie (Australia) and Cemal Ozgur Kivilcim (Turkey):
Identify Crisis: Challenges and Capacity Building for Next Generation Surveyors (4435)
[paper] [handouts]

Gary Jeffress and Grenville Barnes (USA):
Facing the Challenge of the Shrinking, Aging Surveying Profession (3860)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 7I - Geographical Names
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr.William Watt, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Ken Hall, United Kingdom

Rudolph Matindas (Indonesia) and Bill Watt (Australia):
United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Structure, Directions and Achievements (4560)
[paper] [handouts]

Bill Watt and Greg Windsor (Australia):
Place Names in the Spatial Environment (4559)
[paper] [handouts]

Lorraine Bayliss and Bill Watt (Australia):
CGNA Education Package (4558)
[paper] [handouts]

Donald Grant and Wendy Shaw (New Zealand):
Place Naming Legislation in New Zealand (4557)
[paper] [handouts]

Anselm Haanen (New Zealand) and Brian Goodchild (Australia):
A Street Addressing Standard for Australia and New Zealand (4097)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 7J - Social Aspects in Land Administration and Land Reform
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Jouni Anttonen, Finland

Stephnie Nicolene De Villiers (Namibia) and Arbind Man Tuladhar (Netherlands):
Transparency in the Resettlement Process of Namibia (4189)
[paper] [handouts]

Sar Sovann (Cambodia):
Status of Land Reform in Cambodia (4633)
[paper] [handouts]

Suon Sopha, Lor Davuth and Meach Sam Ell (Cambodia):
Concept and Implementation of Public Awareness, Community Participation and Land Management Activities for Stablishing Cadastral Index Map and Land Register through Systematic Land Registration in Cambodia (4701)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
TS 7K - Legal and Institutional Aspects in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Ian Williamson, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Gary Hunter, Australia

Jürg Kaufmann (Switzerland):
The New Swiss Law on Geoinformation and the Ordinance on the Cadastre on Public Law Restrictions (4064)
[paper] [handouts]

Orhan Ercan (Turkey), Jamal Ali Gledan and Mahmoud Ejweli (Libya):
Capacity Building at Surveying Department of Libya (4424)
[paper] [handouts]

14 April
Commission Room 1, SCEC, Exhibition Hall
Standards Network Meeting
Commission: Standards Network
Chair: Mr. David Martin, Chair of Standards Network, France
  • By invitation only
14 April
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15 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
15 April
Bayside Gallery B, SCEC
SIDS 5 - Small Islands Development Seminar - Building Professional Capacity
Chair: Dr. Mele Rakai, Fiji
Discussant: Dr. Ian Williamson, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Spike Boydell, Australia
  • This closing session aims at developing strategies and activities for building the professional capacity of land administration practitioners and professionals in the region; and identifying the roles that land administration practitioners can play towards achieving the MDGs in the region.
15 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 8A - Land Management
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Soren F. Christensen, Denmark
Rapporteur: Prof. Ryszard Źróbek, Poland

Bruce Manners, Don Grant and James Dempsey (New Zealand):
Towards Tomorrow's Cadastral Survey Industry (4099)
[paper] [handouts]

Arvo Kalevi Kokkonen (Finland):
Finnish Cooperation with Neighbouring Areas for Developing Land Management in Russia (4370)
[paper] [handouts]

Alina Zrobek-Rozanska and Ryszard Zrobek (Poland):
Issues of Efficiency in Public Real Estate Resources Management (3654)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Alessandro Dalmasso (Italy):
Land Maintenance Management in the Chisone and Germanasca Valleys (4348)
[paper] [handouts]

Chuka Oboli and Anne Akpoyoware (Nigeria):
Reform in Cadastre and Land Administration in Nigeria-Coping with Challenges in Development (3914)
[paper] [handouts]

Shewakena Aytenfisu Abab and Melkamu Belachew Moges (Ethiopia):
Facing the Challenges in Building Sustainable Land Managment Capacity in Ethiopia (4051)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 8B - Spatial Information Modelling I
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 3, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Angel Yanakiev, Bulgaria

Iain Greenway (United Kingdom):
Transforming Land and Property Services - Northern Ireland Learns from and Builds on the Australian Experience (3949)
[paper] [handouts]

Benoit Fredericque and Alain Lapierre (Canada):
3D City GIS – A Major Step towards Sustainable Infrastructure (4703)
[paper] [handouts]

Kevin McDougall (Australia):
From Silos to Networks – Will Users Drive Spatial Data Infrastructures in the Future? (4137)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Chan Tai, Stephen Farrell and Glenn Frankish (Australia):
The National Data Grid: a Development Model for Grid Cell Data Infrastructure (4464)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Michiel Jellema (Netherlands):
Strategic Position Model Geo-ICT Function: Facing the Challenge of Organizational Alignment (3907)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 8C - New GNSS Applications and Developments
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 5, Sweden

Simon D. Hennig, Wolfgang Koppe, Nadine Kiefl, Juergen Janoth and Ralf Duering (Germany):
Digital Elevation Modeling using TerraSAR-X Radargrammetry (4672)
[abstract] [handouts]

Detlev Kosmann, Birgit Wessel and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Global Digital Elevation Model from the TanDEM-X and the Calibration/Validation with Worldwide Kinematic GPS-Tracks (4030)
[paper] [handouts]

Juergen Schweitzer, Bimin Zheng, Volker Schwieger and Detlev Kosmann (Germany):
Evaluation of the TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model by PPP GPS - Analysis and Intermediate Results (4045)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

R. M. S. Fernandes, Jorge M. F. Santos (Portugal) and Detlev Kosmann (Germany):
Merging GNSS Kinematic Tracks – Using the TanDEM-X Mission in Africa (4338)
[abstract] [handouts]

Chee Yin Lee, David Silcock, Lucas Holden and Sue Lynn Choy (Australia):
GPS Surveys within Falls Creek: Implementation and Processing for Aerial Photography (4434)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 8D - Photogrammetry, RMS and Image Data Processing
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Renee Bartolo, Australia
Rapporter: Dr. Linlin Ge, Australia

Werner Mayr (Germany) and Ralf Schroth (Romania):
Autonomous Aerial Sensing – Fast Response and Personalized (3993)
[paper] [handouts]

Robert Paquet and Harvey Mitchell (Australia):
Seeking Historical Ground Deformations from Archival Aerial Photography (3986)
[paper] [handouts]

Ida Jazayeri, Simon Cronk and Clive Fraser (Australia):
Automated Object Reconstruction and Modelling via Multi-Image Close-Range Photogrammetry (4393)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Jan Hardos, Martin Hudec and Martin Paulovic (Slovakia):
3d Basic Maps of Highways in Slovakia - Virtual Reality (4670)

15 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 8E - Law and Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 8, Kenya
Rapporteur: Mr. El Mekki Abou Elala, Morocco

Alexander Kohli (Switzerland):
Land Management and Cadastre – a Symbiotic Interaction? (4580)
[paper] [handouts]

Rattanak Nguon and Jean-Christophe Diepart (Cambodia):
Scaling the Landscapes: a Methodology to Support Integrated Spatial Planning in Cambodia (4639)
[paper] [handouts]

Sandy Rendel (Australia):
Recent Developments in the Law of Easements in NSW, Following the High Court of Australia Decision in Westfield v Perpetual Trustee and also Including Conflicts with Planning Consents (4371)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 8F - GNSS CORS Networks - Positioning Infrastructure, Analysis and Applications III
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof , Rudolf Staiger, Chair of FIG Commission 5, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sarib, Australia

Volker Janssen, Adrian White and Thomas Yan (Australia):
CORSnet-NSW: Towards State-wide CORS Infrastructure for New South Wales, Australia (3959)
[paper] [handouts]

Bashir Al Arabi and Jamal Ali Gledan (Libya):
Establishment of CORS Libya (4539)
[paper] [handouts]

Gavin Docherty and Craig Roberts (Australia):
GNSS CORS Networks – The Impact of Solar Cycle 24 on Network RTK in Australia (4108)
[abstract] [handouts]

Dave Collett (New Zealand):
Developing a National Real-time CORS Network in New Zealand (3869)
[paper] [handouts]

Jamil Hasan, Mohamed Azhari and Leng Hua Chang (Malaysia):
The Malaysia Real-Time Kinematic GNSS Network (MyRTKnet) in 2010 and Beyond (4742)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 8G - Educational Needs
Commission: 2
Chair: Mr. Christian Paresi, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Dr. Martin Smith, United Kingdom

Garfield Young, Roger Murphy and Martin Smith (United Kingdom):
Investigating How Education Is Shaping the Modern Surveyor/Geomatics Engineer (4062)
[paper] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie (Australia), Robert Mahoney (United Kingdom), Reinfried Mansberger and Gert Steinkellner (Austria):
Navigating the Future of Surveying Education - Outcomes and Conclusions of the FIG Commission 2 Workshop 2009 in Vienna (3920)
[paper] [handouts]

David Wolrige (Australia):
The New Era for Surveying Firms (4139)
[paper] [handouts]

Wing Yiu and Anthony Lai (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Assessing Training Needs for Building Surveying Practitioners (4521)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Cengizhan Ipbuker (Turkey):
The Reason of Changing the Name to “Geomatics” (4229)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 8H - Cadastre and Land Administration Worldwide
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Szabolcs Mihaly, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary

Michael Klebanov and Joseph Forrai (Israel):
Implementation of Coordinate Based Cadastre in Israel: Experience and Perspectives (3794)
[paper] [handouts]

Leiv Bjarte Mjřs (Norway):
Cadastral Practice in Norway (4465)
[paper] [handouts]

Kholoud Saad (Egypt), Salem A. Sola and Ali Said El-Baden (Libya):
Transformation of the Land Registration Services for Libyan Registry Authority (4406)
[paper] [handouts]

Mehmet Çete (Turkey):
The Reforms in Turkish Cadastre (4365)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 8I - Economic Benefits of Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 4, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. Rod Nairn, Australia

Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom):
The Economic Benefits of Hydrography (4615)
[paper] [handouts]

Brian Connon (USA) and Rod Nairn (Australia):
Economic Impact of Hydrographic Surveys (4588)
[paper] [handouts]

Olumide Omotoso (Nigeria):
Capacity Building and the Economic Benefits of Hydrography (4486)
[abstract] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 8J - SIM Services and Applications
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Bo Lauri, Sweden

Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
Geo-data Management Issues for Urban Land Administration in Turkey (4314)
[paper] [handouts]

Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago):
Challenges to Effective Land Governance in Trinidad and Tobago (4504)
[paper] [handouts]

George Mourafetis and Lefteris Lykouropoulos (Greece):
Massive Collection of Cadastral Data in Greece Using Web-enabled GIS Technologies (4410)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
TS 8K - Developing Cadastre from Cadastre 2014
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Jürg Kaufmann, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland

Rohan Bennett, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohsen Kalantari, Jude Wallace and Ian Williamson (Australia):
Cadastral Futures: Building a New Vision for the Nature and Role of Cadastres (4096)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Anna Krelle and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia):
Cadastre 2014: New Challenges and Direction (4027)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Bill Hirst (Australia):
Cadastre 2014 - Australia and New Zealand: Now and the Future (3824)

Vuttinan Utesnan (Thailand):
Reporting Thailand Cadastral System in Cadastre 2014 Trend (3966)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Exhibition Hall, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
15 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
Plenary Session 4 - Technological Futures
Commission: All
Chair: Dr. Dalal S. Alnaggar, FIG Vice President, Egypt

Mary O’Kane (Australia):
Technological Futures (4649)

Ed Parsons (United Kingdom):
Technological Futures (4650)

Matt Higgins (Australia):
Technological Futures (4653)

15 April
Free, on your own
Lunch Break
15 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
After Lunch Talk 3 - Leica Geomatics: Surveying in the Year 2020
Chair: Mr. Matt Higgins, FIG Vice President, Australia

Johannes Schwarz (Switzerland):
Surveying in the Year 2020 - Potential impacts of emerging technologies on surveying applications and instrumentation - A manufacturer’s perspective (4655)

15 April
Bayside 107, SCEC
FIG Corporate Members Meeting
Commission: FIG Corporate Members
  • By invitation only
15 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
INV 4 - Land Policies in Africa
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie,Chair of FIG Africa Task Force, United Kingdom

Mwenda Makathimo and Joycelyn Makena Kaaria-Ogeto (Kenya):
The Role of Surveyors in Land Policy Formulation: Best Practices from the Kenyan Experience (4663)
[paper] [handouts]

Olusola Atilola (Nigeria):
Land Reform in Nigeria (4758)
[paper] [handouts]

Anthony Arko-Adjei (Ghana), Arbind Tuladhar, Jitske De Jong and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
Customary Tenure Institutions and Good Governance (4279)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 9A - Development of Land Tenure Systems - Developing Countries
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Teo CheeHai, FIG Vice President, Malaysia
Rapporteur: Mr. Willian Kalande, Kenya

Monica Lengoiboni, Paul van der Molen, Jaap Zevenbergen, Christiaan Lemmen and Arnold Bregt (Netherlands):
Pastoralism within Land Administration: Accommodating Pastoralists' Spatiotemporal Land Rights in Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) (3946)
[paper] [handouts]

Michael McDermott, Spike Boydell and Jason Prior (Australia):
Complexity Epistemology and Real Property Rights (4194)
[paper] [handouts]

Belachew Yirsaw Alemu (Ethiopia):
Urban Land Lease Policy of Ethiopia - Case Study on Addis Ababa and Lease Towns of the Amhara National Regional State (4006)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

Habtemicael Weldegiorgis (Eritrea):
The Challenges of Developing Cadastreal System in Eritrea (3774)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 9B - SIM Best Practice Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Jens Riecken, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, USA

Olaf Hedberg and Elizabeth Thomas (Australia):
The Role of an Institutional Environment in Building Creative and Innovative Spatial Capacity (3807)
[paper] [handouts]

Ebru H. Colak, Bayram Uzun and Halilibrahim INAN (Turkey):
A Parcel-Based Health Information System in Turkey (4233)
[paper] [handouts]

Alexandra Lyle and Samsung Lim (Australia):
Tracing Tramways - the Application of Geographic Information Systems in Transport Archaeology (3967)
[paper] [handouts]

Brian Marwick and Peter Richards (Australia):
A New G-NAF Processing Environment (4089)
[paper] [handouts]

Joseph Abhayaratna (Australia):
LYNX and the Commonwealth Spatial Data Initiative (4094)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 9C - Standards
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sarib, Australia

Darren Burns and Robert Sarib (Australia):
Standards and Practices for GNSS CORS Infrastructure, Networks, Techniques and Applications (4438)
[paper] [handouts]

William Henning (USA):
Real Time Network Guidelines from NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (3772)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Robert Odolinski (Sweden):
Swedish User Guidelines for Network-RTK (4226)
[paper] [handouts]

Kwang-Ho Jung, Su-Hyeon Ryu, Young-Jin Lee, Hung-Kyu Lee and Sang-Heon Cha (Republic of Korea):
Nationwide Geodetic Adjustment of Integrated GPS Networks in Korea (4227)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 9D - Machine Guidance and Integrated Measurement Systems
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Jim Ollis, Australia

Ryan Keenan (Sweden):
RTK Networks for Competitive Advantage in Machine Control and Site Positioning (4292)
[paper] [handouts]

Peter Kyrinovic and Alojz Kopacik (Slovakia):
System for Automatic Crane Measurement (4266)
[paper] [handouts]

Alexander Reiterer (Austria), Taher Hassan and Naser El-Sheimy (Canada):
Automated Traffic Sign Detection for Modern Driver Assistance Systems (3828)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Rob Huber and Claude Laflamme (Canada):
Leveraging Mobile Mapping Systems (4253)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 9E - Sustainable Planning and Urban Renewal
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Michael Doran, Northern Ireland
Rapporteur: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Lebanon

Hervé Grélard (France):
Land Surveyors and Sustainable Development - The Agenda 21 of the French Order of Licensed Surveyors (3827)
[abstract] [handouts]

Ibrahim Usman Jibril (Nigeria):
The Return of the Greens in Abuja, Nigeria's New Capital City (4638)
[paper] [handouts]

Narelle Underwood (Australia):
The Surveyor's Role in Developing a Sustainable Society (4324)
[paper] [handouts]

Tina Koehler (Germany):
A Contribution to a Sustainable Development of Rural Areas by Implementation of New Planning Instruments and Local Government Reorganisation (4054)
[paper] [handouts]

Chijioke Eze (Nigeria):
Integration of Geographic Information System in Planning and Management of Industrial Developments in Nigeria (3749)
This is a peer reviewed paper.
This paper has not been presented at the congress .

15 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 9F - Real Estate Management
Commission: 9, 7 and 8
Chair: Mr. David Smejkal, Czech Republic
Rapporteur: Mr. Tuomo Heinonen, Finland

Silja Lockemann (Germany):
Influences of the Demographic Change on the Property Market (3948)
[paper] [handouts]

Tuuli Luoma, Jessica Niemi, Peggie Rothe and Anna-Liisa Lindholm (Finland):
Office Occupiers’ Real Estate Attributes – Identifying Occupiers’ Preferences (4018)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Man Wah Conny Wang (Hong Kong SAR, China):
The Future of Real Estate Management: Privatization of Public Housing Management (3757)
[paper] [handouts]

Andrea Massaro (Italy):
Planning Permission by Curative Statute (4349)
[paper] [handouts]

Catherine Kariuki and Nicky Nzioki (Kenya):
The Management of Corporate Real Estate Assets in Kenya (4629)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 9G - Quality in Surveying Education
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. Gary Hunter, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Reinfried Mansberger, Austria

Sara Wilkinson and Richard Reed (Australia):
Student Perceptions of Surveying and Built Environment Professional Bodies: An International Comparison (3797)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Robert Taylor, David Phillips, Jonathan Leaver, Fed Kirman and Randall McMullan (New Zealand):
Perspectives on the Challenges of Delivering a Sustainable Survey - Technician Training Programme in New Zealand (4752)

15 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 9H - Land Consolidation I
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Mats Backman, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Tommy Österberg, Sweden

Louisa J. M. Jansen (Netherlands), Mustafa Karatas, Gürsel Küsek (Turkey), Christiaan Lemmen and Rik Wouters (Netherlands):
The Computerised Land Re-allotment Process in Turkey and the Netherlands in Multi-purpose Land Consolidation Projects (4574)
[paper] [handouts]

Alfred Bollinger (Switzerland):
From Land-consolidation to Rural Development Projects in Switzerland (3844)
[paper] [handouts]

P. P. Oli (Nepal):
Land Pooling / Readjustment Programmes in Nepal (4553)
[paper] [handouts]

Seija Kotilainen and Heikki Seppänen (Finland):
A Study on the Experiences of Arable Land Owners on Land Rearrangement - Project-related Land Consolidation with a Public Road Project at Pajuneva in Finland (3990)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 9I - Nautical Charting - Marine Cartography
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Adam Greenland, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago

Gareth Hodkinson (New Zealand):
Introducing the Revolution in New Zealand Paper Chart Production (3982)
[paper] [handouts]

Kristian Jones (New Zealand):
Implementation of a Hydrographic Product Database Solution for Land Information New Zealand Hydrographic Services: Challenges and Efficiency Gains (4115)
[paper] [handouts]

Marina Christofidis and Thobias Leoncio Rotta Furlanetti (Brazil):
Evaluating the Intelligibility of Cartographic Representation Techniques Used for Water Quality Monitoring Framework in Brazil (4490)
[paper] [handouts]

Roderick Nairn (Australia):
The Challenge of Surveying and Charting the Antarctic (4531)
[paper] [handouts]

Kazeem Akorede Shitta (Nigeria):
Lithostratigraphy of Nigeria - An Overview (4418)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 9J - Land Administration Projects
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Arvo Kokkonen, Finland
Rapporteur: Mr. Lars Palm, Sweden

Oksana Sukhova (Ukraine):
Is It Real to Have Effective Land Administration When There is Power Disproportion? (3856)
[paper] [handouts]

Sergey Volkov and Alexander Sagaydak (Russia):
Land Administration in the Russian Federation (4579)
[paper] [handouts]

Leslie C. Fehlhaber and Jemma A. Picco (Australia):
Surveying Challenges to Deliver Tenure for the Eastern Kuku Yalanji People’s Native Title Determination in the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland (4112)
[paper] [handouts]

Aune Rummukainen (Finland):
Indigenous Peoples Rights to Land - as an Example Sámi People in Finland and Veddha People in Sri Lanka (3867)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
L1 Bayside Convention Centre, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
15 April
Bayside Auditorium A, SCEC
TS 10A - New Development in Cadastre - Developed Countries
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Godfried Barnasconi, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. András Osskó, Chair of FIG Commission 7, Hungary

Tarja Myllymäki and Tarja Pykälä (Finland):
Challenge to Implement International Cadastral Models - Case Finland (3876)
[paper] [handouts]

Mick Strack (New Zealand):
Property Rights for a New World: Adapting to an Ethic of Sustainability (4149)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Daniel Roberge (Canada):
Re-thinking and Re-engineering Cadastral and Land Administration Activities in Québec to Better Face the Challenges (4101)
[abstract] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
TS 10B - Spatial Information Infrastructures to Address Social Aspects
Commission: 3, 7 and 8
Chair: Dr. Vladimir Tikhonov, Russian Federation
Rapporteur: Ms. Piroska Zalaba, Hungary

Michael Barry, Andrew Hunter (Canada), Richard Molero (Venezuela) and Tha'er Shunnar (Palestinian Authority):
Flaxible Database Structures for Land Records (4426)
[paper] [handouts]

Kevin McDougall and Dev Raj Paudyal (Australia):
Spatial Data Infrastructure for Pro-poor Land Management (4171)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Bruce Douglas (Australia):
Hammers and Nails - Some Pragmatic Views of the Spatial Information Industry in Australia and New Zealand (4618)
[paper] [handouts]

Mabel Alvarez (Argentina), Tatiana Delgado Fernández and Rafael Cruz Iglesias (Cuba):
Social SDI's a Challenge for Land Surveyors (4356)
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
TS 10C - GNSS Modernisation and Trends
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Dave Doyle, USA
Rapporteur: Ms. Christina Kempe, Sweden

Katrin Huber, Florian Heuberger, Ana Karabatic, Robert Weber, Philipp Berglez and Christoph Abart (Austria):
PPP: Precise Point Positioning – Constraints and Opportunities (4040)
[paper] [handouts]

Lennard Huisman and Peter Teunissen (Australia):
On the Robustness of Next Generation GNSS Phase-Only Real-Time Kinematic Positioning (4095)
[paper] [handouts]

Chris Rizos (Australia):
Impact of Next Generation GNSS on Australasian Geodetic Infrastructure (4148)
[paper] [handouts]

Larry Hothem (USA):
GPS Modernization Program Update and GNSS International Cooperation (4366)
[abstract] [handouts]

Yanming Feng (Australia) and Bofeng Li (China, PR):
4D Real Time Kinematic Positioning (4392)
[abstract] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
TS 10D - Building Measurement and Modelling
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Alojz Kopacik, Chair of FIG Commission 6, Slovakia
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger, Germany

Wolfgang Niemeier (Germany):
Towards a Geometry-Oriented Construction Process in Structural Engineering (4754)
[abstract] [handouts]

Volker Schwieger, Li Zhang and Matthias Wengert (Germany):
A Quality Model for Residential Houses Construction Processes (3881)
[paper] [handouts]

Christian Manthe and Christian Clemen (Germany):
Room-Element-Aggregation to Enhance the Quality of Observed 3D Building Information (4172)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
TS 10E - Disaster Management: Preparedness and Resilience
Commission: 8, 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, the Netherlands
Rapporteur: Ms. Sophie Schetke, Germany

Raphael Legouge (France), Rangsima Sunila, Kirsi Virrantaus and Hannes Seppänen (Finland):
Risk and Vulnerability Analysis in the Gulf of Finland (4195)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Darren Mottolini, Ian Hyde and Bandarian (Australia):
Implementing a Spatial Vision for Western Australia: Engaging Citizens through a Coordinated and Collaborative Approach to Spatial Information Management (3836)
[paper] [handouts]

Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu and Elif Demir (Turkey):
Designing Provincial Level Emergency and Disaster Management System for Turkey (4310)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
TS 10F - Land Taxation and Fiscal Cadastre
Commission: 9 and 7
Chair: Dr. Frances Plimmer, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 9, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Winrich Voss, Germany

Christine Grover (United Kingdom):
The Origins of the British Fiscal Cadastre (3915)
[paper] [handouts]

Francis Gäbele and Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
The Immovable Valuation Missions of the General Administration of the Patrimonial Documentation of Belgium (3890)
[paper] [handouts]

Jukka Nieminen and Tuomo Heinonen (Finland):
Zanzibar Land Administration and Revenue Generation System (LARGE) (4620)
[paper] [handouts]

Yuliana Susilowati, Bambang-Edhi Leksono and Denisanto (Indonesia):
The Influence of Urban Accessibility in Determining Average Indicated Land Values for the Region (4317)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
TS 10G - Knowledge Sharing
Commission: 2 and 1
Chair: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 1, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Bela Markus, Chair of FIG Commission 2, Hungary

Lesly Lam and Canon Tong (Hong Kong SAR, China):
Causal Ambiguity and Knowledge Transfer between Public and Private Sectors Organisations in Private Finance Initiatives Projects (4169)
[paper] [handouts]

Karolina Larsson (Sweden) and Endri Diyanto (Indonesia):
Exchange of Experiences and Knowledge in Land Administration and Cadastral Services between Sweden and Indonesia (4204)
[paper] [handouts]

Paul Kenny (Australia):
Training the Other Surveyor (3722)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
TS 10H - Land Consolidation II
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Rik Wouters, the Netherlands

Mats Backman (Sweden):
Cost-benefit Analysis of Land Consolidation in Sweden from the Viewpoint of Society and a Land Owner (3811)
[paper] [handouts]

Juhana Hiironen (Finland):
Renewing the Evaluation of Land Consolidation Effects (4025)
[paper] [handouts]

Visa Korhonen (Finland):
Forest Land Consolidations and Jointly Owned Forests - The Way towards Better Competitiveness of Forestry (4485)
[paper] [handouts]

Tayfun Cay and Fatih Iscan (Turkey):
Application of Fuzzy Logic in Land Consolidation Activities (4351)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Suvi Panschin and Arvo Vitikainen (Finland):
Land Consolidation and Agricultural Traffic – Instrument for Calculating the Traffic Volume (4179)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
TS 10I - Vertical Reference Frame
Commission: 4 and 5
Chair: Mr. Darren Burns, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom

William Mitchell and James Chittleborough (Australia):
Monitoring Sea Level Trends in the South West Pacific (4402)
[abstract] [handouts]

Nicholas Dando and Bill Mitchell (Australia):
Tidal Planes and MSL Errors (4119)
[abstract] [handouts]

David Dodd (Canada), Jerry Mills (USA), Dean Battilana (Australia) and Michael Gourley (Canada):
Hydrographic Surveying Using the Ellipsoid as the Vertical Reference Surface (4197)
[paper] [handouts]

John Hannah (New Zealand):
The Problems and Challenges in Using Tide Gauges to Monitor Long-term sea Level Change (3786)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Matt Amos (New Zealand):
New Zealand Vertical Datum 2009 - A Geoid Based Height System for the Unification of Disparate Local Vertical Datums (3884)
[paper] [handouts]

Renee Shields (USA):
Height Modernization in the United States: Plans for a New Vertical Datum (4494)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
TS 10J - Spatial Information Modelling II
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Haim Srebro, Israel
Rapporteur: Mr. Sedat Bakici, Turkey

Volkan Yildirim and Recep Nisanci (Turkey):
Developing a Geospatial Model for Power Transmission Line Routing in Turkey (4270)

Tahsin Yomralioglu and Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
State-of-Play towards Building Turkey GII (4330)
[paper] [handouts]

Xu Aigong and Askey Harinda Lakmal (China, PR):
Logical Process Modeling of Spatio – Temporal Application (3872)
This is a peer reviewed paper.

15 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
TS 10K - Cadastral Boundary Issues
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Gyula Iván, Hungary
Rapporteur: Mr. Libor Tomandl, Czech Republic

Grahame Wallis (Australia):
Boundary Determinations by Government - Have They Been Successful? (3987)
[paper] [handouts]

Robert W. Foster (USA):
Boundary Disputes - The U.S. Surveyor's Role (4352)
[paper] [handouts]

Jennifer Whittal (South Africa) and Susan Jones (New Zealand):
Locating the Positions of the Original Cape Farms of the 1660’s – a Demonstration of Cadastral Reconstruction Using Regular Techniques and GIS Cadastral Fabrics (4026)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Conrad Tang (Hong Kong SAR, China) and Linda Guan (China, PR):
Correlation of Paddy Field for Land Boundary Record (4140)
[paper] [handouts]

Bruno Razza (Italy):
The Public's Understanding of a Real Estate Cadastral Status and the Surveyor's Measurements Probative Role (4345)
[abstract] [handouts]

Shane Simmons (Australia):
Part-parcel Adverse Possession as a Means to Resolving Survey Areas (4400)
[paper] [handouts]

Joseph Owusu and Jonathan Quaye Ballard (Ghana):
Satellite Positioning (GPS) in Customary Land Boundary Demarcation in Peri-urban Ghana - Case Study: Ejisu Paramount Stool Land (3848)
[paper] [handouts]

15 April
Dockside, Cockle Bay
Gala Dinner
  • The congress dinner will take place at the Dockside restaurant positioned above the busy Darling Harbour waterfront.
  • Cost: 165 AUD
  • Sponsored by Leica Geosystems
Friday, 16 April
16 April
Parkside Promenade, SCEC
16 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
Presidents' Meeting
Chair: Prof. Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark
  • For Presidents of FIG Member Associations
  • By invitation only
16 April
L1, Parkside Foyer, Parkside Convention Centre, SCEC
Coffee/Tea Break
16 April
Parkside  Ballroom, SCEC
FIG General Assembly - Session II
  • For FIG Members
  • Open for observers
16 April
L1, Parkside Foyer, Parkside Convention Centre, SCEC
Coffee/ Tea Break
16 April
Parkside Ballroom, SCEC
Closing Ceremony
Commission: All
Chair: Mr. Paul Harcombe, Congress Director, Australia

Michael Giudici, SSSI President (Australia):
Closing Address (4740)

Stig Enemark, FIG President (Denmark):
Closing Address and Congress Resolutions (4739)

16 April
L1, Parkside Foyer, Parkside Convention Centre, SCEC
Farewell Reception

Flash Sessions

Flash session are created to replace traditional posters. Flash presentations allow to present his paper or project orally in a short format to an audience that is interested in the subject of this session. The presentation are shorter than in normal technical session and presented with 3-4 slides. The author and interested participants can continue the discussion after the session. If the author wants a full paper and handouts of the presentation will be published in the congress proceedings.
Monday, 12 April
12 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
FS 1B - Spatial Information Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Tarja Myllymäki, Finland
Rapporteur: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 3, Israel

Jaemyeong Kim, Changwan Seo and Yun-Soo Choi (Republic of Korea):
3D Geospatial Database Implementation and Quality Management in Korea (4176)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Andrus Nnaemeka Ukaejiofo (Nigeria):
Application of GIS in Land Administration in Nigeria - The Example of Federal Land Information System (FELIS) (4533)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Silja Lockemann (Germany):
Geoinformation as a Planning Instrument for Location Analysis for Semicentralized Supply and Disposal Units in Hanoi (3956)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ali Reza Telgerdi and Mostafa Telgerdi (Iran):
Migration from CMMS to GIS Improves OCE Factor for Company (4341)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
FS 1C - Geoid and Gravity - Modelling, Measurements and Applications
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Bill Kearsley, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand

Yam Khoon Tor (Singapore):
Accuracy of Geometric Geoid Model of Singapore using RTK Heighting (3974)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Pavel Novak (Czech Republic):
On Determination of a Regional Vertical Datum by Combination of EGM, Local Gravity and GPS/leveling Data (4048)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Simon Holmes and Dan Roman (USA):
The Application of High-Degree Gravitational Models to Processing Airborne Gravity Collected under the NGS GRAV-D Project (4057)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Janis Kaminskis (Latvia):
Geoid Model for Surveying in Latvia (4066)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Saad Mogren (Saudi Arabia):
A Preliminary Attempt of a Quasi-geoid for Saudi Arabia (4623)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

12 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
FS 1D - Deformation Measurement of Engineering Structures
Commission: 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Russell Tiesler, Australia

Russell Tiesler (Australia):
Roseires Dam Heightening Construction Surveys (4223)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Lukasz Bonenberg, Gethin Roberts, Craig Hancock and Lee Jae Kang (United Kingdom):
Engineering Applications of Integrated Wireless Band Pseudolite and GNSS System (4250)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Esra Tekdal Emniyeti, Rahmi Nurhan Celik and Tevfik Ayan (Turkey):
Determination of Structural Deformations Caused by Earthquakes Using Geodetic Techniques (4184)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Yunus Kalkan, Reha M. Alkan and Serdar Bilgi (Turkey):
Deformation Monitoring Studied at Ataturk Dam (4466)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Mazher Choudhury, Bruce Harvey and Chris Rizos (Australia):
Mathematical Models and a Case Study of the Locata Deformation Monitoring System (LDMS) (3926)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Adrian T. G. Radulescu, Gheorghe M.T. Radulescu and Mihai V.G. Radulescu (Romania):
Geometric Structural Monitoring in Cinematic Regime - Dynamic Surveying as Means to Assure a Structure Safety (3945)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
FS 1F - Cadastre: Developments and Case Studies
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Canada
Rapporteur: Mr. John Brock, Australia

David Cowen, Nancy von Meyer, Robert Ader and David Stage (USA):
The Current Status of Land Parcel Data in the United States (3882)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Les Gardner and Marc Strong (Australia):
Metrics Manager for Digital Cadastral Data Base Management (3979)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Jong-Hyun Yoon and Young-ho Lee (Republic of Korea):
Cadastral Surveying for Effective Caves Management in Korea (4019)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ross Hansen and Jason Grech (Australia):
A Step towards a Single Point of Truth for Cadastral Records in Parramatta City Council (4502)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Muhammad Adeel (Pakistan):
Evaluating the Role of Cadastral Maps in Pakistan from a GIS Perspective (4747)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

Dek Kie Tcha, Young Jin Lee and Hyung Moo Kim (Republic of Korea):
New Cadastral Surveying Process Based on Wibro Communication (3983)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
FS 1G - Cadastre and Land Administration - Technical Development
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Markus Seifert, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. Steven Frank, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 2, USA

Nevil Cumerford (Australia):
The ICSM ePlan Protocol, Its Development, Evolution and Implementation (3886)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ken Lyons and David Hebblethwaite (Australia):
Using Microworlds to Improve Success and Sustainability in Land Development Assistance Endeavours (3765)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ali Darvishsefat and Farokh Pourshakouri (Iran):
Forest Boundary Mapping Using Multitemporal Satellite Images in Forested Areas of North Iran (4339)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Saeed Gharachelo and Seyed Kazem Alavipanah (Iran):
The Study of Geomorphologic Units Using Landscape and Photomorphic Unit (4599)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

12 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
FS 1H - GNSS CORS Networks - Positioning Infrastructure, Analysis and Applications I
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Robert Sarib, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 5, Sweden

Slawomir Cellmer (Poland):
GNSS Carrier Phase Processing Using Some Properties of Ambiguity Function Method (3913)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Kostov Gintcho (Bulgaria):
Some Studies on the Quality of GNSS Determinations under Specific Conditions (3999)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Joel Haasdyk, Craig Roberts and Volker Janssen (Australia):
Automated Monitoring of CORSnet-NSW using the Bernese Software (4133)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Young-Jin Lee, Kwang-Ho Jung, Jun-Ho Song, Ki-Duk Ahn and Hung-Kyu Lee (Republic of Korea):
CORS Management Reform in Korea (4216)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Tuesday, 13 April
13 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
FS 2B - SIM Best Practice Applications
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Lefteris Lykouropoulos, Greece
Rapporteur: Ms. Piroska Zalaba, Hungary

Sanja Zekusic (Croatia):
Official Spatial Data as a Base for Management in Agriculture (4448)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Huseyin Can Unen, Himmet Karaman, Muhammed Sahin (Turkey) and Amr Elnashai (USA):
Seismic Performance Analysis of Utility Lifeline Networks in Istanbul, Turkey (4234)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Dursun Zafer Seker, Mehmet Alkan, Hakan Kutoglu, Hakan Akcin and Yegan Kahya (Turkey):
Development of a GIS Based Information and Management System for Cultural Heritage Site: Case Study of Safranbolu (4328)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Himmet Karaman and Muhammed Sahin (Turkey):
Effects of the Datum and Projection of the Data for the Earthquake Loss Assessment (4329)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has been presented by Huseyn Can Unen.

Robert Young (USA):
Using GI and Survey Grade Data for Urban Natural Gas Operations (3744)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

13 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
FS 2C - Positioning Measurement Techniques and Applications I
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Neil D. Weston, USA
Rapporteur: Dr. Volker Schwieger; Germany

Lucinda Coombe (USA):
Delivering Survey Results Faster in the Digital World (3778)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ricardo Freire and José Vasconcellos (Brazil):
Geodetic or Rhumb Line Polygon Area Calculation over the WGS-84 Datum Ellipsoid (3868)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Oluropo Ogundipe, Julie Greensmith and Gethin Roberts (United Kingdom):
Multipath Detection Using the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (4673)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Kazimierz Becek and Khairunnisa Ibrahim (Brunei Darussalam):
Introducing the Global Elevation Data Testing Facility (4687)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

13 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
FS 2D - Usage of Image Techniques in Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Xiaoli Ding, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Mahmoud Gomah, Australia

Wioleta Błaszczak - Bąk, Waldemar Kamiński, Artur Janowski and Jacek Rapiński (Poland):
Review of Mathematical Algorithms of LiDAR Data Processing and Their Application in Geodesy and Surveying (3992)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Robert Pâquet (Australia):
Estimation of Interpolation Error in DEMs Using Statistical Methods (3985)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Bryan Williams (USA):
Raising Expectations on Surveying Deliverables via Imaging Technology in Optical Instruments (4334)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Seyyed Emad Musavi, Amir Abuhamze and Musa Saie (Iran):
A Study for Choosing the Best Pixel Surveying Method by Using Pixel Decisioning Structures in Satellite Images (4617)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

13 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
FS 2F - Future Trends in Land Administration and Management
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. John Brock, Australia

Ingrid Öhlund (Sweden):
Sustainable Co-operation between Real Properties Can Give Conditions to a Better Atmosphere and Environment (4071)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Michael Christopher Whelan (Australia):
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a Means of Addressing Disputes (4636)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

13 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
FS 2G - Round Table on Knowledge Transfer and Attracting Young People to Surveying - Jointly Organised with ASIERA
Commission: 2 and ASIERA
Chair: Prof. Chris Rizos, Chair of ASIERA, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Cemal Ozgur Kivilcim, Turkey
13 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
FS 2H - GNSS CORS Networks - Positioning Infrastructure, Analysis and Applications II
Commission: 5
Chair: Ms. Christina Kempe, Sweden
Rapporteur: Mr. Darren Burns, Australia

Barde Jatau (Nigeria), R.M.S. Fernandes (Portugal), Adeyemi Adebomehin (Nigeria) and Nuno Gonçalves (Portugal):
NIGNET – The New Permanent GNSS Network of Nigeria (4549)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Dennis Odijk and Peter J. G. Teunissen (Australia):
Speeding up CORS Network RTK Ambiguity Resolution (4313)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

13 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
FS 2I - Coastal Zone Issues
Commission: 4 and 8
Chair: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago
Rapporteur: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom
Wednesday, 14 April
14 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
FS 3B - Technical Aspects of SIM
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Varnavas Pashoulis, Cyprus
Rapporteur: Mr. Ionuţ Cristian Săvoiu, Romania

Antonio Juliano Fazan and Aluir Porfírio Dal Poz (Brazil):
Building Roof Contours Extraction from Aerial Imagery based on Snakes and Dynamic Programming (4265)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Mariane Alves Dal Santo and Carline Führ (Brazil):
Polygonal Line Simplifying Methods Applied to GIS (4399)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Neil Corby, Nariman Habili, Robert P Cechet and Krishna Nadimpalli (Australia):
Rapid Inventory Collection System (RICS) (3899)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
FS 3C - Positioning and Measurement Techniques and Applications II
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ms. Christina Kempe, Sweden

Ling Zhu and Ruoming Shi (China, PR):
Rectification for Linear Pushbroom Image of UAV (4205)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Joel Van Cranenbroeck (Belgium):
The Sundial Cities (4078)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Wolfgang Koppe and Ralf Duering (Germany):
Assessment of TerraSAR-X Orthorectified Imagery Based on Commonly Used DEMs as well as on TerraSAR-X Stereo DEM (4675)
This is a flash presentation.

Daniel Robert Helmricks (USA):
Motor Vehicle Accident Forensic Survey (4669)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
FS 3D - TLS Application II
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Faheem Khan, Singapore
Rapporteur: Dr. Ivo Milev, Germany

Paul Natsikas and Kevin Ide (Australia):
Laser Scanning Pavement Auditing Survey, Northern Diversion Sewer Project, Melbourne (4440)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Mike Pinkerton (New Zealand):
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Mainstream Land Surveying (3814)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Tosa Ninkov, Vladimir Bulatovic, Zoran Susic and Dejan Vasic (Serbia):
Application of Laser Scanning Technology for Civil Engineering Projects in Serbia (3864)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Tomáš Křemen, Václav Smítka and Jiří Pospíšil (Czech Republic):
Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Fire Test on Experimental Building in Mokrsko (4690)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Andrzej Dumalski and Karolina Hejbudzka (Poland):
An Attempt at Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Detecting Minimal Ddisplacement and Objects' Deformation (4017)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Artur Adamek, Piotr Glowacki, Jacek Jania, Jacek Krawiec and Zdzislaw Kurczynski (Poland):
Usefulness of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Survey of Dynamics of Frontal Zone of Hansbreen - Svalbard Tidewater Glacier (4295)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
FS 3E - Land Use Classification and Soils
Commission: 8, 3 and 6
Chair: Dr. Reinfried Mansberger, Austria

Rudiney Soares Pereira, Renata Ferrari and Mariane Alves Dal Santo (Brazil):
Dynamic Modeling of Land Use and Coverage at Quarte Colônia, RS (4315)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Emi Sukiyah, R. Febri Hirnawan and Dicky Muslim (Indonesia):
The Erosion Model Based on Grainsize Distribution Ratios of Weathering Product of Quaternary Volcanic Deposits (4218)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Rod Eckels (Australia) and Nicholas Bugosh (USA):
A Natural Approach to Mined Land Rehabilitation (3958)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Gabriel Badescu, Stefan Ovidiu, Vasile Hotea, Nicolae Afrim Vancila and Ioan Bud (Romania):
Using Satellite Measurements by Means of Rompos within a Geographic Information System (4538)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

14 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
FS 3F - Land Management Projects
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Moha El-aychi, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Rohan Bennett, Australia

Joseph Salukvadze (Georgia):
Improvements in Land Governance and Land Administration in Transitional Countries of the Post-Soviet Region: Comparative Analysis (4289)
This is a flash presentation.

Greg Foster, Paul Robinson, Dwayne Schulz and Andrew Bell (Australia):
Surety by Sharing - Parrallel Leasing in New South Wales (3885)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Zahir Ali and Abdul Nasir (Pakistan):
Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception (3901)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

14 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
FS 3G - Land Administration and Development
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. William Kalande, Kenya

Sudarsono Osman and Hui Urg Kueh (Malaysia):
Land Administration, Management and Spatial Information (4572)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
FS 3H - Remote Sensing and Optical Techniques I
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Prof. Heiner Kuhlmann, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. John Trinder, Australia

Christian Hirt (Australia), Beat Bürki, Sébastien Guillaume (Switzerland) and Will Featherstone (Australia):
Digital Zenith Cameras – State-of-the-art Astrogeodetic Technology for Australian Geodesy (3831)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Jacky Chow, Axel Ebeling and William Teskey (Canada):
Low Cost Artificial Planar Target Measurement Techniques For Terrestrial Laser Scanning (4394)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Timothy Nuttens, Alain De Wulf, Rudi Goossens (Belgium), Christiane Tytgat (Greece) and Daniël Van Damme (Belgium):
Digital Photogrammetry Used for the 3D Reconstruction of the Walls around the Acropolis of Titani (Greece) (4483)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

14 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
FS 3J - Institutional and Cultural Contributions
Commission: 1
Chair: Mr. Yaacoub Saade, Chair of FIG Commission 1, Lebanon
Rapporteur: Mr.. Khalid Yousfi, Morocco

Jouni Johannes Anttonen (Finland):
Parental Advisory: Kids, Don’t Try This at Home! Surveying in Donald Duck Comics Published in Finland (4603)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Seyed Kazem Alavipanah, Kolsoum Ghazanfari and Bahere Khakbaz (Iran):
Literature Contexts of Remote Sensing as Reflected by the Iranian Poems (4589)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Thursday, 15 April
15 April
Bayside 103, SCEC
FS 4B - Spatial Data Infrastructures in Support of Disaster Management Need
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Mohamed Essadiki, Morocco
Rapporteur: Mr. Scott Jakes, Australia

Chris McAlister, Tammy Carter and Justin White (Australia):
A Time of Need - Coordinating Spatial Disaster Management in SEQ (4441)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Turan Erden and Mehmet Zeki Coskun (Turkey):
The Role of Geospatial Tools in Disaster Management Life Cycle (3917)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 104, SCEC
FS 4C - Adjustment Techniques and Reference Frames
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Neil D. Weston, USA

John Dawson and Alex Woods (Australia):
Coordinate Transformations between GDA94 and the ITRF (4105)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Nasr A. Al-Sahhaf (Saudi Arabia), R.M.S. Fernandes (Portugal) and Sami Alhamidi (Saudi Arabia):
The ArabRef Project – A New Geodetic Network for Arabia (4337)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Guorong Hu, John Dawson, Gary Johnston and Nicholas Brown (Australia):
Precision Analysis of GPS for Datum Modernisation in Australia (4110)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 102, SCEC
FS 4D - Landslide and Subsidence Monitoring II
Commission: 6
Chair: Prof. Andreas Eichhorn, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Milan Talich, Czech Republic

Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Heri Andreas, Irwan Gumilar (Indonesia), Yoichi Fukuda (Japan) and Dodid Murdohardono (Indonesia):
Studying Land Subsidence in Semarang (Indonesia) Using Geodetic Methods (3748)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Febri Hirnawan (Indonesia):
Slope Instability Zoning Mapping of Landslide Hazardous Area for the Stabilization System (3991)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Piotr Grzempowski and Stefan Cacoń (Poland):
Modelling of Ground Surface Deformations with Finite Element Method in Fault Zones for the Purpose of Designing Geodetic Observations (4283)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Steve Garlinge (Australia):
Continuous Monitoring of Longwall Undermining (4135)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Milan Talich (Czech Republic):
How to Create Strain Maps by On-line Tools (4264)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Febri Hirnanwan, Dicky Muslim and Emi Sukiyah (Indonesia):
A Measure of Intense Active Tectonism through Manifestation of River Basin Morphometry Development on Quaternary Volcanic Deposits (4235)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Haluk Ozener (Turkey):
The Importance of Tuzla Fault and a Study on Deformation Monitoring in the Aegean Region, Turkey (4422)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 105, SCEC
FS 4E - Critical Infrastructure Development
Commission: 8 and 3
Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana

Sian Elliott and Samsung Lim (Australia):
Visualisation of the Public Transport System of Sydney (4042)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Guilherme Clasen Wosny, Francisco Henrique Oliveira and Julia Cucco (Brazil):
Overview of Transmission Line Integrated with Land Cadastre in Brazil (4303)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Nikolay Naydenov (Bulgaria):
Parking Survey - Case Study (3932)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ibrahim Mahamid and Amund Bruland (Norway):
Preliminary Cost Estimating in Road Construction Projects (4592)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the congress.

15 April
Bayside 201, SCEC
FS 4F - Land Tenure and Land Management Projects in Developing Countries
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom

Nigel Edmead (USA):
Open Title: a Low Cost Tool for Inventorying Property Rights - Experiences from Ghana (4037)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Teshome Taffa Dadi (Ethiopia):
Nature of Property Units in Ethiopia: Case Study of Two Pilot Projects (4043)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 202, SCEC
FS 4G - Engineering Surveys II
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Paul Stivano, Australia

Nursu Tunalıoğlu and Taylan Ocalan (Turkey):
The Gridding Size Effects on Exposing Highway Profile (4275)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Bernhard Heck, Michael Mayer, Malte Westerhaus and Karl Zippelt (Germany):
Karlsruhe Integrated Displacement Analysis Approach - towards a Rigorous Combination of Different Geodetic Methods (4459)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Nicholas Zembillas (USA):
Subsurface Utility Engineering Offers an Accurate View of What’s Down Under (4659)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Paul Stivano (Australia):
Volumetric Surveys of Ash Storage Dams (4004)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Ding Ke-liang and Tie Li-Shan (China, PR):
Level Surveying Method and Accuracy Analysis on Passenger Dedicated Line CPIII Network Points (4053)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the Congress.

Jacob Odeh Ehiorobo (Nigeria):
Developing Sustainable Electrical Power for Nigeria from Natural Gas: Measurements and Documentation for Construction of Natural Gas Distribution Pipelines from Gathering Facilities to Power Plants (4258)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the Congress.

Hediye Erdoğan (Turkey):
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Dynamic Characteristics of the Bosporus Suspension Bridges (4541)
This is a flash presentation.
This paper has not been presented at the Congress.

15 April
Bayside 203, SCEC
FS 4H - Remote Sensing and Optical Techniques II
Commission: 5 and 6
Chair: Dr. Gethin W. Roberts, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 6, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Linlin Ge, Australia

Mika Salolahti (Finland):
Advanced Use of LiDAR Data - Automatic Building Vectorization and Contour Production (4689)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Roy Hill and Jake Jenkins (USA):
GeoSAR and PurVIEW: a New Solution for Efficient and Accurate Large-area Topographic Mapping (4571)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Federica Zampa (Italy), Dario Conforti and Daina Morgan (Canada):
Lynx Mobile Mapper: The New Survey Technology (4706)
[abstract] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Paola Ronzino (Italy):
Innovative Techniques for 3D Digital Survey of the Paphos Theatre (4350)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 106, SCEC
FS 4I - Measuring and Monitoring the Coastal Zone
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. David Neale, Trinidad and Tobago
Rapporteur: Dr. Michael Sutherland, Chair Elect of FIG Commission 4, Canada

Michael Sutherland (Canada), Dexter Davis and Sandesh Jaggan (Trinidad And Tobago):
Augmenting Tide Gauge Data with Satellite Altimetry in the Caribbean (4614)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Nathan Quadros (Australia):
Construction of a High Accuracy, Seamless, State-Wide Coastal DEM (4092)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside 101, SCEC
FS 4J - GIS Applications on Internet
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Ms. Kari Strande, Norway

Francisco Ortiz de Urbina (Australia):
Location Intelligence 2.0: Changing the Way Spatial Information Is Used (4131)
This is a flash presentation.

Usman Iqbal, David Bruce and Ed Garvin (Australia):
A Balancing Act: Fusing Spatial Privacy and Spatial Metadata for Responsible Participatory Geo-Governance (4597)
This is a flash presentation.

Leonie Dunbar (Australia):
Geographic Internet Addresses - Providing Online Homes for Australian Communities (3755)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

15 April
Bayside Gallery A, SCEC
FS 4K - Case Studies from Small Islands States
Commission: 8, 3 and 7
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom

Malcolm Archbold (New Zealand) and Sione Nailasikau Halatuituia (Tonga):
Development of the Kingdom of Tonga Cyclone Emergency Recovery and Management System using Geospatial Tools (4073)
[paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

FIG 2010 - SIDS Workshop

Small Island Developing States and The Millennium Development Goals

14 and 15 April 2010

The aim is to emphasise the important role of land governance in addressing the MDGs but also articulating the input of land professionals and their contribution that promotes engagement from all sectors of society. This will require a strong and deep commitment to establishing a healthy land professional’s network.

The participatory attendance for this workshop is on invitation only. Congress delegates will be able to witness the debate.

Workshop themes:

1. Building Professional Capacity

The opening session aims at setting the scene for professional capacity building in the region by identifying the specific gaps in capacity in the region, and discussing ways in which land practitioners could contribute towards closing the gaps and thus assist with the achievement of the MDGs in the region.

2. Climate change and natural disasters

This session on climate change and disaster mitigation develops the relationship between climate change, community resilience and land tenure. The tsunami that hit Samoa and other Pacific Island Countries in September 2009 was graphic evidence of the vulnerability of coastal communities The objective of this session is to articulate the input and contribution of land professionals in the preparedness, mitigation, emergency response, recovery and rehabilitation stages of Disaster Risk Management.

3. Access to land, coastal and marine resources

The challenge of access to land and marine resources due to a lack of clearly defined real property rights is often cited as a major cause of dispute and resultant instability for SIDS. In this session we explore institutional impediments to land and resource access in SIDS. We investigate the issues of gender and intergenerational equity, and the application of land trusts, with a view to proposing workable leasehold solutions.

4. Good governance in land tenure and administration

The land sector is particularly susceptible to corruption and rent seeking. The small island states in the Pacific, typically grouped into three regions: Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, cover a very wide expanse of the world’s surface. The prevalence and importance of customary tenure in the Pacific adds a level of complexity to any consideration of land governance but nonetheless, land governance is an important topic for the Pacific region. This session will explore the topic of land governance as it applies to small island states.

5. Building Professional Capacity

This closing session aims at developing strategies and activities for building the professional capacity of land administration practitioners and professionals in the region; and identifying the roles that land administration practitioners can play towards achieving the MDGs in the region.

A joint FIG/Sponsors publication will be prepared including some key reference material and a joint declaration to be adopted by the conference. This publication will be published in the FIG publication series. The full proceedings will be published on the FIG and Sponsor Websites and will be made available as a CDROM.

Wednesday, 14 April
14 April
Bayside Gallery B,
Session 1 - Building Professional Capacity
Chair: Mele Rakai (Fiji)
Discussant: Jude Wallace (Australia)
Rapporteur: Spike Boydell (Australia)

Diane Dumashie, SIDS Seminar Convenor, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom:
Opening Remarks and Setting the Timetable for the Day

Stig Enemark, FIG President, Denmark:
Welcome Address

Mele Rakai, PILPA President, Fiji:
Welcome Presentation

Comments & Questions

Antonio Wycliffe, ASPNG, Papua New Guinea:
Capacity Building needs and Role of Land Professionals in PNG

Jackson Vaikota, Surveyor-General, Solomon Islands:
Capacity Building needs and Role of Land Professionals in Solomon Islands

Fa’atasi Malologa, Surveyor-General, Tuvalu:
Capacity Building needs and Role of Land Professionals in Tuvalu

David Neale, Cane Associates Co Ltd, Trinidad:
Capacity Building experiences and insights in the Caribbean

Marnie Leybourne, Past SSSI President, Australia:
Building Professional networks – possible role of SSSI


Jude Wallace, Australia:
Discussant Summary and Close

14 April
Bayside Gallery B,
Session 2 - Climate Change and Natural Disasters
Chair: Johnny Edmonds (New Zealand)
Discussant: Daniel Fitzpatrick (Australia)
Rapporteur: David Mitchell (Australia)

Grenville Barnes, USA:
Overview of the major land issues associated with land tenure and natural disasters in SIDS, and the role of land professionals

Toelau Iulio, Samoa:
Case study of responding to land issues after the 2009 tsunami in Samoa, from a Department of Lands perspective

Eric Gorapava, Solomon Islands:
Case study of land tenure and climate change from a Department of Planning perspective

Masang Bagingdo, Papua New Guinea:
Case study of the Papua New Guinea experience with natural disasters from a land practitioners perspective


Daniel Fitzpatrick, Australia:
Discussant summary and close

14 April
Bayside Gallery B,
Session 3 - Access to Land and Resources
Chair: Russell Nari (Vanuatu)
Rapporteur: Bill Robertson (New Zealand)
Opening comments from the Chair

Max Kepp, Papua New Guinea:
Urbanisation Issues and Priorities in PNG and the Region including different forms of collective tenure

Faanimo Reti-Warren, Western Samoa:
Resource Access Issues and priorities in Samoa and the Region including land tenure issues

Charlie Terapii, Cook Islands:
Access to Land Resources in the Pacific

Kulene Sokotia, Tuvalu:
Land issues and Priorities for Small Pacific Island Countries including sea level rise

Azzan Rashid, Zanzibar:
Local and Regional Resource Access Issues and Priorities including land and marine resource issues

Questions and Discussion

Summary and listing of critical lines of enquiry and action for the next four yearly FIG term and close

14 April
Bayside Gallery B,
Session 4 - Land Governance in Land Tenure and Administration
Chair: Tony Burns (Australia)
Rapporteur: Kate Dalrymple (Australia)
Chair opening Remarks

Paul Munro-Faure, FAO:
FAO voluntary guidelines on land and natural resource governance, focusing on the consultative processes being used in developing the guidelines

Pepi Kimas, Papua New Guinea:
Land governance in the context of Papua New Guinea focusing on recent legislation to support incorporated land groups

Justice Albert Palmer / Ruth Liloqula, Solomon Islands:
Land governance in the context of the Solomon Islands focusing on land governance in a post-conflict situation


The following discussants will broaden the discussion to other regions in the Pacific and provide other experience in strengthening land governance in the region:

Summary and Close

14 April
Bayside Gallery B,
  • Hosted by Land Equity
Thursday, 15 April
15 April
Bayside Gallery B,
Session 5 - Building Professional Capacity
Chair: Mele Rakai (Fiji)
Discussant: Ian Williamson (Australia)
Rapporteur: Spike Boydell (Australia)

Chris Lunnay (Australia):
Capacity Building experiences and insights in Asia/Africa (4769)


Next Steps – Identifying capacity building strategies and activities for land practitioners in the region:

  • Ueligitone Seiuli, Samoa
  • Sevanaia Dakaica, Fiji
  • Richard Siataga, Niue
  • Marnie Leybourne, Australia

Next Steps – Contributions of land practitioners towards achieving MDGs in region:

  • Stanley Waleanisia, Solomon Islands
  • Martin Sokomanu, Vanuatu
  • Loia M. Tausi, Tuvalu
  • Tony Bevin, New Zealand

Ian Williamson, Australia:
Discussant Summary

Draft Declaration – Chairs or Rapporteurs for all Sessions
[agenda for action - draft 15 April 2010]

  • Session 1: Mele Rakai
  • Session 2: David Mitchell
  • Session 3: Bill Robertson
  • Session 4: Tony Burns
  • Session 5: Spike Boydell

Diane Dumashie, SIDS Seminar Convenor, Chair of FIG Commission 8, United Kingdom:
Conclusions and Close of Seminar

Pre-conference Workshop on the History of Surveying

  • Friday, 9 April
    9 April
    Old Government House, Parramatta
    History Workshop - Day 1 - Australia’s Greatest Surveyors-General - Session 1
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia

    John Brock (Australia):
    Welcome dignitaries and guests (4714)

    Tony Kelly, Minister for Lands (tbc) (Australia):
    Official Opening of History Workshop (4715)

    Warwick Watkins, Surveyor General of NSW (Australia):
    Australia’s Greatest Surveyor General Sir Thomas Mitchell (4716)

    John Tulloch, Surveyor General of Victoria (Australia):
    Victoria’s Best – First Surveyor-General Robert Hoddle (4717)

    Peter Murphy, Surveyor General of Tasmania (Australia):
    James Sprent and the Trigonometric Survey of Tasmania (4718)

    9 April
    Old Government House, Parramatta
    History Workshop - Day 1 - Australia’s Greatest Surveyors-General - Poster Session
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. John Brock, NSW, Australia
    • Australia’s 1st S-G & Governor: Alt & Phillip
    9 April
    Old Government House, Parramatta
    Morning Tea
    9 April
    , Old Government House, Parramatta
    History Workshop - Day 1 - Australia’s Greatest Surveyors-General - Session 2
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. Jan de Graeve, Chair of IIHS&M, Belgium

    John Porter, Former Surveyor General of South Australia (Australia):
    Introduced by Peter Kentish, the current Surveyor-General of South Australia South Australia’s Shining Light – First S-G William Light (4719)

    Kelly Henderson (Australia):
    Planning for the Greatest Good: A Case Study of William Light's 'Plan of the City and District of Adelaide, South Australia', and Potential World Heritage Values (4505)
    This is a peer reviewed paper.

    Mike Bradford, Surveyor General of Western Australia (Australia):
    First Surveyor-General of the West – John Septimus Roe (4720)

    9 April
    Old Government House, Parramatta
    Lunch and Views through Government House
    Commission: IIHS&M
    • Lunch followed by views through the Government House at 14:00.
    9 April
    Old Government House, Parramatta
    History Workshop - Day 1 - Australia’s Greatest Surveyors-General - Session 3
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Ms. Kerima-Gae Topp, Australia

    Bill Kitson (Australia):
    Introduced by Russell Priebbenow, the current Queensland Chief Surveyor North to Queensland – 1st S-G Augustus Gregory (4721)

    Garry West, Surveyor General Northern Territory (Australia):
    The Last Frontier: The Northern Territory – Goyder SA S-G (4722)

    Bill Hirst, ACT Chief Surveyor (Australia):
    Surveyor of the Capital: Charles Robert Scrivener (4723)

    9 April
    Walk to grave of Augustus Alt & Visit Parramatta Observatory site and 1828 Broad Arrow & Reception
    Commission: IIHS&M
    • 16:35 - Walk to grave of Augustus Alt at St. John’s Cemetery - Toast to Australia’s First Surveyor-General & all of his state and territory counterparts. Wine and soft drink provided.
    • 17:10 - Visit Parramatta Observatory site & 1828 Broad Arrow of S-G Mitchell’s NSW Triangulation
    • 17:30-19:30 - Reception - OGH finger food and drinks.
    • Buses return to Sydney.
    Saturday, 10 April
    10 April
    Dixson Room, Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    History Workshop - Day 2 - The World’s Greatest Surveyors - Session 1
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia

    John Brock, Full Day Chairman (Australia):
    Welcome to dignitaries and guests (4724)

    Jan de Graeve, Chair of IIHS&M (Belgium):
    Official Opening (4725)

    Richard Hucker, MBE (United Kingdom):
    Surveying for Roman Aqueducts (3921)

    Brian Blevins (USA):
    Leonardo da Vinci: Cartographer and Land Surveyor (4726)

    Jan de Graeve (Belgium):
    Gerardus Mercator – Surveyor and Mapmaker (4727)

    10 April
    Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    Morning Tea
    10 April
    Dixson Room, Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    History Workshop - Day 2 - The World’s Greatest Surveyors - Session 2
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. Brian Blevins, USA

    Gordon Andreassend (Hong Kong SAR, China):
    Land Surveyors of Colonial Hong Kong (4728)

    Donald Buhler (USA):
    USA's First President - Surveyor George Washington (4704)

    10 April
    Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    10 April
    Dixson Room, Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    History Workshop - Day 2 - The World’s Greatest Surveyors - Session 3
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. Jan de Graeve, Chair of IIHS&M, Belgium

    Brian Blevins (USA):
    Albert Einstein: Godfather of Modern Surveying Technology (4729)

    Bill Robertson (New Zealand):
    New Zealand Surveyed (4730)

    Dave Doyle (USA):
    History of US Geodetic Survey & Washington Boundary Stones (4731)

    10 April
    Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    Afternoon Tea
    10 April
    Dixson Room, Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    History Workshop - Day 2 - The World’s Greatest Surveyors - Session 4
    Commission: IIHS&M
    Chair: Mr. Richard Hucker, United Kingdom

    Ken Leighton and James Canning (Australia):
    Following the Camel and Compass Trail One Hundred Years on (4130)

    Olusola Atilola (Nigeria):
    Nigerian Surveying’s Best (4732)

    John Brock (Australia):
    Five Surveyors of the Gods: XVIII Dynasty of New Kingdom Egypt (c. 1400 BC) (4733)

    Jan de Graeve (Belgium) and John Brock (Australia):
    Summary and concluding remarks and thanks (4734)

    10 April
    Mitchell Library, Macquarie Street, Sydney
    Official Surveyors’ Art Exhibition Opening
    Commission: IIHS&M
    • 17:05-17:30 - Official Surveyors’ Art Exhibition Opening (tbc)
    • 17:30-19:30 - Drinks and snacks.
    • Buses return to Conference Centre
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